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Everything posted by Cramarossa

  1. He did get married, in April or May I think, then went on (what appears to be, based on instagram ) a pretty long honeymoon. I swear I heard him in an interview quoted as saying he would train in Van or stay in close contact with Canucks trainers, something along those lines, for the summer. I'm excited to see what he looks like out of camp.
  2. I get it. But I am going to be cautiously optimistic. I'll email my landlady if I have time.
  3. We'll see. Mine aren't actually so bad. If all else fails I'll let my landlord deal with it.
  4. Thanks, love I'm scared to go to bed. These things have been eating me alive, and now I've made proactive efforts to kill their families. I don't think they'll be too happy with me.
  5. Confirmed today that my apartment has bed bugs. This was pretty devastating to me since, although my home isn't immaculate, I'm also not a slob. I think they arrived with some of my mom's stuff from storage when she lived with me for a bit earlier this year. I'm kind of pissed about it to be honest. I've spent the whole day washing and drying, bug bombing and spraying rubbing alcohol around. Let's hope this takes care of it.
  6. If the Canucks bring up Tom Nilsson for a game we can ice an entirely Swedish starting line:


    1. chon derry
    2. Odd.


      Holy crap forgot he was part of the depth.

  7. Which Canuck should be on my next shirsey/jersey? Already have Hank and Bo sweaters.

  8. I'm definitely excited for Suttsy's return. I have a feeling he'll live up to the hype and more. Can't wait to see him for a full healthy season!
  9. Not drunk but definitely tipsy...lIke 5-6 drinks deep on a school/work night (I work at a school). No regrets; I'm feelin' myself (not literally).
  10. Your wife's so pretty! *thumbs up emoji*
  11. What are your favorite non-Canuck jerseys? I'm pretty fond of the MN Wild alternates:7333820.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. chon derry
    3. Pears


      Always liked Detroit and Montreal's. Love Minny's 3rds as well. 

    4. Roger Neilsons Towel

      Roger Neilsons Towel

      Since it's not a current Canucks jersey, I am going to cheat a bit and say the Canucks 94' skate jerseys are the best jerseys of all time....



  12. If you can acknowledge this and are honest/upfront then I don't see the problem.
  13. Is Granny any good as a winger? I keep seeing proposals with Gaunce as 4C and Granlund as 4LW. I don't personally remember seeing him on the wing on either the Canucks or the Flames, though I know he played it. He said he's more comfortable at center.
  14. It's supposed to hit highs of 101°F-108°F (38°C-42°C) here this week! :shock: Ugh. 

  15. I also think Miller is a riot. He's perfected the deadpan/monotone delivery with no facial expressions. Seems like he'd be fun to get a drink with.
  16. Yup. No wonder he's such a great goalie with all that extra padding up front!
  17. Yes. Now who's this guy? (Should be very easy, but good for a laugh).
  18. If the Canucks trade for E. Kane I'll be devastated.

    1. Show previous comments  37 more
    2. chon derry

      chon derry

      @ThrustyPrusty89 your a good sport tp89 

    3. SaintPatrick33


      @ThrustyPrusty89 seems like your status updates are among the most popular on CDC LOL 

    4. Cramarossa


      Aw :) For the most part I just ask questions to know other people's opinions. 

  19. Finally got a chance to break in my new sushi mats. Great success!

    1. ShakyWalton


      do you sit on them when you eat sushi?

    2. Cramarossa


      Maybe next time :)

  20. You should post a pic of the back of your hair so we can see the whole look. Is your hair longer in the back too or just on the sides?
  21. I'm a total homer but I don't care. I'm loving all the new signings, and I believe in GMJB, TL, and WD. I drank the Kool-Aid.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chon derry

      chon derry

      wait a second , didn't trev, just give you the heeby jeebys?,      so u guys got it sorted out?   i think u guys are drinking to much.

    3. Cramarossa


      He's still kinda creepy. But I do have faith in him as Prez.

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Jimbo's koolaid seems sweeter than Jim Jones' brand...

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