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Everything posted by BabychStache

  1. I have not tried it. I gotta say though, the Kirkland 20 yr old speyside from Costco is an absolute gem for under $100
  2. I don’t see a way for the Canucks to work 3.5M into the current roster. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him go to Calgary.
  3. That’s all I hope for. The stars to get their confidence back and a well executed defensive structure. I don’t anticipate a miracle run to the playoffs or anything.
  4. Last night was painful. Watching the Canucks with zero structure try and exit their zone, just getting clogged up in the neutral zone. Talent is not the issue. Structure is. How is Green still employed?!?
  5. Ha! Sorry about Edmonton. We all have our shady relatives. Medicine Hat (Trevor Lindens home town) loves BC. Modest donation made.
  6. Thank you for sharing the stories and pictures. Is there a good place to donate where the funds are most needed locally? I’d like to send some support west from Alberta. We love our neighbors.
  7. The sports media in Vancouver is terrible. It’s ok to write as a fan, for fans of a game. Who cares if you’re labeled a homer. It’s not “hard hitting journalism.” It’s a game meant to entertain. Canuck Clay is the only one that’s honestly entertaining or fun.
  8. Gosh Quinn is incredible. Such a rare talent, if he was 20 lbs heavier and 3 inches taller he’d be a perennial Norris candidate. JT Miller was excellent as well.
  9. This contract will look like Mack’s in a few years. Jack is lethal.
  10. I’m warming up to the idea of Babcock. High risk, high reward. The team is a tire fire, so what’s the risk?! Babcock also got the best from teams that had multiple stars from varying nations and backgrounds. He’s an alpha dog, which JT and Bo could probably use.
  11. Whoever it is, just let Green go already. It’s really hard to watch this.
  12. This type of stuff stems from a lack of strong coaching. Green has to go and a strong personality needs to step in as coach. I could never see a coach like Brindamour putting up with teammates forming factions and pouting.
  13. How has something not happened yet? Are they negotiating with a replacement? It’s like watching a wounded animal suffer. Delaying the inevitable is cruel. Too bad Burke is in Pittsburgh, would be a great guy to come back as President. The organization needs identity and could use a bit if truculence.
  14. Keep all the players. Boeser QO is not a problem with Luongo coming off the books next year.
  15. Holy smokes. I watch 2 minutes and I’m completely turned off. This reffing is atrocious!!
  16. Bingo, me too. Ideally JB comes out of it, fires Green and then resigns himself. Put the Twins as Interim GM's and give the bench to Shaw or someone else that has a history of rehabilitating star players. This team has too many great pieces to be this bad.
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