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Status Replies posted by NewbieCanuckFan

  1. Team USA ahead of Team Canada 2-1 after one period.


    It's on TSN and NHL.com in case anyone else is interested.



  2. Petition to change Pettersson's nickname to Sweety Petey.

  3. Bettman in HHOF? Great, let's invite the Devil to mass, as well.


    SNet blabbing about the schmoe's childhood? Don't freeken care if the guy were raised in forest by wolves.


    Helped ruin the game in Canada, afaic.

  4. Bettman in HHOF? Great, let's invite the Devil to mass, as well.


    SNet blabbing about the schmoe's childhood? Don't freeken care if the guy were raised in forest by wolves.


    Helped ruin the game in Canada, afaic.

  5. I will never be the man my mom was. Happy birthday mom :P 

  6. Maybe Travis Green is a 'generational' coach :bigblush:


    But seriously he has been doing a great job this year. 

  7. My major project is done for my gdt! #hype #19days. I'm pretty pumped :D

  8. Why does it seem everyone in the hockey world is surprised at how much Mike Smith is struggling? His best years are behind him and were wasted in Arizona :(

  9. My major project is done for my gdt! #hype #19days. I'm pretty pumped :D

  10. Happy Birthday to me. Do I get free tickets or something? :unsure:

  11. yo anyone here willing to give me a job


    i'm interested in earning enough money to fund some extravagant purchases and then quitting abruptly when i have everything i want

  12. yo anyone here willing to give me a job


    i'm interested in earning enough money to fund some extravagant purchases and then quitting abruptly when i have everything i want

  13. Major roid rage from Lucic tonight.

  14. Jet Woo with a great shot leading to a goal for Team WHL... Only to follow it up with an awful read leading to a goal against, 20sec later.


    Oh well, that's hockey eh! 


    Exciting game so far. Let's go Team Dub!

  15. So apparently I had strep throat all last week. Wasn't that bad tbh. The worst part is that I have to take Penecillin for 10 days and I HATE taking pills

  16. Is it just me or does EP sound just like Naslund?


    Both with a very calming and soft tone... and both extremely respectful...

  17. It's interesting to me that Flames fans seem to be pretty classy when it comes to the Pettersson hype, while Oiler and Leaf fans seem to be the one raging. Methinks it's bothering them that, much like Calgary, we didn't have to win the suckage lottery to land our franchise players.

  18. It's interesting to me that Flames fans seem to be pretty classy when it comes to the Pettersson hype, while Oiler and Leaf fans seem to be the one raging. Methinks it's bothering them that, much like Calgary, we didn't have to win the suckage lottery to land our franchise players.

  19. It's interesting to me that Flames fans seem to be pretty classy when it comes to the Pettersson hype, while Oiler and Leaf fans seem to be the one raging. Methinks it's bothering them that, much like Calgary, we didn't have to win the suckage lottery to land our franchise players.

  20. domi leads montreal in scoring, 6 g, 6 a. 12 p in 12 games. 

    i still say montreal won that trade. gally injured and has 4 p in 4 games. 

  21. What is something you currently feel happy/fortunate/grateful for? Let's spread some positivity.

  22. i lost no nut november. ive brought shame among my people

  23. first snowfall in smithers. dang you mother nature. i don't like her sense of humour. 

  24. I ain't afraid of no ghost.

  25. "That's a goal on any goalie in the universe."

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