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Status Replies posted by NewbieCanuckFan

  1. I feel...one of my turns coming on....

  2. I feel...one of my turns coming on....

  3. in china, they're advertising venom as an ideal partner XD


    “Life’s most beautiful moment is the instant when I hold up an umbrella for you”. #Venom


  4. i'ld like rob zepp or someone who has made it to the nhl to write a blog on the sacrifices and effort it takes, for a player to make it to the nhl?

    for all the posters that call some players useless nhl'ers and plugs. 

  5. What to do with Loui Eriksson?

  6. Funniest or most inspiring commercials ever seen?? Comment below

  7. Funniest or most inspiring commercials ever seen?? Comment below

  8. how about we don't care about wins and losses this year and just enjoy the development piece? #playthekids 

  9. The longer I work as an accountant,  the more I realize how different the language of accounting is from common language. One of my biggest challenges has been translating common language into accounting terms. 

  10. Did everyone forget we were still in the middle of a REBUILD or something? The panic is...:blink:

  11. I think people will see how good the Sedins were for the Canucks especially how much they did last year for the team. 

  12. Did everyone forget we were still in the middle of a REBUILD or something? The panic is...:blink:

  13. Weezer covers Toto's Africa and killed it - video has Weird Al Yankovic in it - enjoy!


  14. i can't believe, i've made it to 80. all the stars must have aligned just right or wrong. 

  15. Ah, nothing like getting into an argument with your GF on a Sunday morning because our apartment's previous tenant got served a summons to small claims court. Dumb-ass me for calling the plaintiff listed on the papers instead of yelling at our building managers for letting the process server in, I guess. <_<

  16. Astronomers have discovered Vulcan! 




    NBCNews goes into a little more detail and explanation than the short article I posted here: https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/astronomers-just-discovered-spock-s-home-planet-vulcan-ncna911136


    Among the TV series Star Trek’s many charms are its rich universe of characters and planets. Now, the Dharma Planet Survey, in a new study led by University of Florida (UF) astronomer Jian Ge and team including Tennessee State University (TSU) astronomers Matthew Muterspaugh and Gregory Henry, has shown that science fiction may be a little less so; the Dharma project has discovered what may be Star Trek’s famed planet Vulcan.


    “The new planet is a ‘super-Earth’ orbiting the star HD 26965, which is only 16 light years from Earth, making it the closest super-Earth orbiting another Sun-like star,” says Ge. “The planet is roughly twice the size of Earth and orbits its star with a 42-day period just inside the star’s optimal habitable zone.”


    The discovery was made using the Dharma Endowment Foundation Telescope (DEFT), a 50-inch telescope located atop Mt. Lemmon in southern Arizona. The planet is the first “super-Earth” detected by the Dharma Survey.


    “The orange-tinted HD 26965 is only slightly cooler and slightly less massive than our Sun, is approximately the same age as our Sun, and has a 10.1-year magnetic cycle nearly identical to the Sun’s 11.6-year sunspot cycle,” explains Muterspaugh, who helped to commission the Dharma spectrograph on the TSU 2-meter automatic spectroscopic telescope. “Therefore,” he adds, “HD 26965 may be an ideal host star for an advanced civilization.”


    “Star Trek fans may know the star HD 26965 by its alternative moniker, 40 Eridani A,” says Henry, who collected precise brightness measurements of the star at TSU’s automated observatory needed to confirm the presence of the planet. “Vulcan was connected to 40 Eridani A in the publications “Star Trek 2” by James Blish (Bantam, 1968) and “Star Trek Maps” by Jeff Maynard (Bantam, 1980),” explains Henry. In a letter published in the periodical “Sky and Telescope” in July 1991, Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, along with Sallie Baliunas, Robert Donahue, and George Nassiopoulos of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics confirmed the identification of 40 Eridani A as Vulcan’s host star. The 40 Eridani star system is composed of three stars. Vulcan orbits the primary star, and the two companion stars “would gleam brilliantly in the Vulcan sky,” they wrote in their 1991 letter.


    “Vulcan is the home planet of Science Officer Mr. Spock in the original “Star Trek” Sci-Fi series,” says Henry. “Spock served on the starship Enterprise, whose mission was to seek out strange new worlds, a mission shared by the Dharma Planet Survey.”


    “This star can be seen with the naked eye, unlike the host stars of most of the known planets discovered to date. Now anyone can see 40 Eridani on a clear night and be proud to point out Spock’s home,” says Bo Ma, a UF postdoc on the team and the first author of the paper just published in “Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.”


    “This discovery demonstrates that fully dedicated telescopes conducting high-cadence, high-precision radial velocity observations in the near future will continue to play a key role in the discovery of more super-Earths and even Earth-like planets in the habitable zones around nearby stars,” says Ge.


    “I am very grateful to the donor of our Dharma Planet Survey, Mr. Mickey Singer, who recognized the importance of this project and has continuously provided support to make this and future discoveries possible.”


  17. Are Leaf's fans the worst for invading other teams' discussion boards?

  18. Captain Marvel trailer!!!




  19. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Give a man a fish every day and he becomes subservient to your fish state.

  20. Don't you hate it when someone's walking like right behind you , and you start to feel anxious and walk faster but you're still not walking fast enough and you can feel their frustration like "YOU HAVE ALL THIS SPACE AND YOUR SLOW AF AHHHHHH"

  21. Anyone ever catch hand-foot-mouth disease before?  Any tips for relief from the blister pain??

  22. anyone up for online cards against humanity xD some friends and i are having a few games~

  23. anyone up for online cards against humanity xD some friends and i are having a few games~

  24. Anybody know how to find hit stats for the AHL? I've done a very extensive Google search with no luck...

  25. Seriously TSN?  An alert because Tavares scored a goal at training camp?  Was that really necessary?

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