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Status Updates posted by -DLC-

  1. Well, after months of agonizing and interviewing and one failure of a placement, I start my new job Monday. Hell yeah.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      lion's cheerleader?...i can picture that but they may frown on the cowbell in the middle of a twirl...even if you do it with style....

    3. thejazz97
    4. Cerridwen


      Congratulations, Deb!! It's been a long haul, I know so you deserve a huge HELL YEAH!! :D

  2. So Corroded and Nutcase have been found guilty on two counts each.

  3. Can hardly wait for the Lions' season to get underway!

  4. 10,000 Days

  5. Two hockey games on at the same time...decisions, decisions....

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      back and forth....canada first...anaheim second.

  6. The Gordie Howe Bridge...cool.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      Symbolic, crossing Canada to the US.

    2. Warhippy


      I think it's awesome really. And I am SOOooo Happy harper is gving the USA a $250 MILLION dollar visitors center and paying for basically the entire project. Makes me a proud canadian to know we can support our neighbours while our people suffer

  7. Tom Brady's been suspended 4 games for deflategate.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Magician

      The Magician

      Can you cuddle with us Pats fans Deb :''''(

    3. Neymar


      eww magician.

    4. The Magician

      The Magician

      y u delete comment :(

  8. Entires = entries. Was a rough week lol.

  9. Have seen NOTHING of the entires, but my picks are Carpe Diem and Bolo. Subject to change after I see them.

    1. -DLC-


      8 and 13 look good too.

    2. -DLC-


      The favourite. 8 lead the pace and came 3rd...good run.

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i missed the derby.

  10. Wow, quite a finish to this game.

  11. Tax time, deck renos...so much going on, need a break.

    1. stexx


      what kind of system did you go with for your deck? i need to redo mine as well :<

    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      hasting's park

    3. -DLC-


      I don't know a whole lot (other than I'm paying for it). :) It's a strata complex and we're tearing the old ones off completely, to replace with sub floor, vinyl decking floor, aluminum rails and a mottled glass siding. We're using Deckcraft...I'll let you know how the experience goes (should be completed the project in 6 weeks or so...multiple units to do).

  12. End of season address is on...Burr.

    1. -DLC-
    2. nux4lyfe


      I'm surprised Edler hasn't fallen asleep yet..

    3. -DLC-
  13. Hastings Horse Racing opened this weekend...just in time to save my sorry life from boredom and hold me over until football.

    1. nux4lyfe


      I'm going to have to get in to horse racing..wish we still had a NBA team or even a baseball team so I could cheer for something for my city...nope, not a soccer fan.

    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      please don't take your cowbell to the track...bet on the grey horse for me.

  14. 6.1 earthquake off the coast this morning.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Need more cowbell?

    3. Phil_314



      Cowbell to call Cowtown home? You bet. Go home, Calgary.

    4. Qwags


      Did you feel it?

  15. It sure makes for a better playoffs when they just let them play a tough game. So good.

    1. nux4lyfe


      It's not allowed in Vancouver, Nucks have to be penalized and penalized often....it's in the rule book., Apparently.

  16. We gotta get out of this place, if it's the last thing we ever do... (or at least I do. For now. Out of the dark cave and into the sun. Later folks)

  17. Losses hitting me harder than usual but I still think we can do this. So, next.

    1. TheRussianRocket.


      It's okay Deb. We'll get em..



      ...next year :D

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      I feel ya Deb. A power ride will clear the head :)

  18. Jay Janower says Canucks player Alex Burrows is being tended to inside dressing room in Calgary. He will be taken from building on a stretcher. Unsure what is wrong with him at this time. We will keep you posted. OMG

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -DLC-
    3. NucksPatsFan


      All good- just a hockey injury - stretcher was precautionary protocol

    4. -DLC-


      whew...I don't think I breathed for 30 minutes there

  19. Jay Janower says Canucks player Alex Burrows is being tended to inside dressing room in Calgary. He will be taken from building on a stretcher. Unsure what is wrong with him at this time. We will keep you posted. OMG


  21. To those not getting the joke(s)....please feel free to find a topic that you do find suitable, as there are plenty. We all have our ways to vent...some cry, whine, yell, kick a chair. Some have fun with it. We are all Canucks and, if not, you have two choices...deal with it or find someplace that fits your mood of superiority. We are passionate and emotional about our team (even mods). If you don't take trash talking with a grain of salt, you should.

  22. It's a sad day when my real hope is that we beat the crap out of them. I don't even care about winning in this two bit league anymore, I just want them take no prisoners. It's all about the fight back and the end of the game restored my faith. It's come to that.

    1. AppleJack


      Our boys are fighting back, I really was happy about how they aren't taking crap. I want them to win though mainly because I am sick of this crap and sick of pathetic bully teams like the lames being made into heroes. If they want to make us the villains then let's be real villains. Let's destroy them! Go canucks Go!

  23. You know you've gone over the GD edge when you work out on the deck to...The Team 1040

    1. -DLC-


      Love hearing that Bieksa skated by the bench saying "I'm gonna get one of you". Didn't tell who...we'll leave them wondering. ♥

    2. Ghostsof1915


      Please be Ferland.

  24. Crushed. One game, but don't want them to get confident.

    1. Trebreh


      the fLAMEs have horse shoes up their asses. That luck will end when the Sedins and Vrbata make an appearance!

    2. nux4lyfe


      So chocked!, 30 secs away...man oh man..

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