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Status Updates posted by -DLC-

  1. Sportsnets Guys:   "Horvat and Boeser...as good as any in the NHL".  

    1. JM_


      the numbers back it up. If Bo can get better on the PK he'll be one of the top C's in the league by 25. 

    2. chon derry

      chon derry

      the lack of content coming out of sn, tsn  doesn't bother me  ,our team is only at the bottom of our upward curve , so eventually when we 'get there' the canucks will speak for themselves,for now the less they know the better off we are !

  2. My son's message to me:  We had Brocktober and now it's Flowvember.  Brock talk.

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      a chip off the old block, or is it brock?

    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      It's scorevember. Eat. Sleep. Score. Repeat :D

    3. Wilbur


      Can't wait to deck the halls in Boecember!

  3. Red Wings clobbered the Flames.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      Any time the flames get killed I'm all for it

    3. Stelar


      Not good when you are beat up by the Red Wings physically 

    4. D-Money


      Correction Red Wings clobbered Lack and Gillies.


      Too bad...always liked Lack the person, but Lack the goalie looks done.

  4. How did Deb injure herself at the gym last night?  

    1.  Bench pressing a hippo?  (like a boss)
    2.  Cardio set at level 500? (like a wildwoman)

    3.  Slammed her iPod into her face?  (like an idiot...still connected to her brainless head, she placed it on an upper shelf then tried to put on her coat, stepping back, launching it projectile style right between her eyes)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Green Building

      Green Building

      Be careful if you drop any crackers, they're injuries in waiting.

    3. Alflives


      Sorry Deb, but that’s kind of funny.  Anyone laugh?  After checking to see you were okay, of course.  :ph34r:

      Better yet.  Imagine the phone’s camera snapping a picture of your face (in complete shock) just prior to impact!  

      Dont feel too badly.  I was using canned dog food to do biceps curls. My dog knocked me over, and proceeded to use me like Cousin Eddie’s dog, Snot, used peoples’ legs in “Christmas Vacation. :lol:  Mrs. Alf had to rescue me!  I’m still traumatized.  :sadno:

    4. Green Building

      Green Building

      Alf, I'll buy the video of that story off of you.

  5. -DLC-

    I don't see that we can join your food group?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -DLC-


      OK, I'll check into it when I get more time.  I'm in for sure....

    3. -DLC-


      Ah, I see it now.  Start a new topic appears to be the way in....

    4. JM_


      oh good. I wasn't sure exactly how it worked but wanted it to be open to everyone so i just picked "public"

  6. “We’re not a powerhouse team. We know that. But I think we’re a TEAM, and that’s power.” - Guy Boucher

    1. JM_


      man is that ever a fit for Burr 

    2. Tre Mac

      Tre Mac

      Is he trying to become a spokesman for Velveeta?  Cheesy lol.  But good on them for beating the leafs.

  7. Been listening to In Violet Light all day.  Somehow hadn't given this one the attention it deserves in the past. 

  8. Aaron Rodgers broken collarbone.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GrizzlyAdams


      My Pack are getting shredded by injuries.. hopefully Aaron recovers quickly!

    3. Green Building

      Green Building

      Tony Romo announcement on Monday.

    4. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Kaep please.

  9. G'night everyone, you really do make this bearable and I'm thankful for each and every one of you scarves.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      When Deb gets sarcastic....that should put the organization on red alert. 

  10. GDT is coming....had food poisoning last night....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Angry Goose

      Angry Goose

      ack hope youre feeling better soon

    3. -DLC-


      Rough go.  HOPE it wasn't the Indian food because it was DELICIOUS...best ever.  The only thing possibly suspect was a samosa that seemed a bit cold at one end.  That or the cream at work that I put in my coffee that was dated the 9th. Brutal.  Heart is still fluttering, but I'm alive (even though the Lions are trying to kill me).   Thank God for Saturdays.   Thanks guys.

    4. MJDDawg


      Oh man, that's brutal. Get better soon.

  11. Friends are taking me here tonight and I'm pretty stoked about that.  We've passed it pretty much every day for the past year on our walks, watching in anticipation as it's been built.  



    1. Alflives


      That's awesome!  There's nothing better than sharing the best of times with family and friends.  (you changed your name!)


    2. MJDDawg


      Let us know how it is. I walked around Steveston all summer and never noticed this place.

    3. Kurt Nirvanagut

      Kurt Nirvanagut

      How many samosas did you eat? Cos the number should be higher. 

  12. Does anyone know what song they play(ed) at the game.  Lyrics are simple:  "come on, come on, come on....".    It's a speedy tempo song and I love it.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      No emooccc..no emoc..paulisdead..no emoc


      Just tried playing it backwards

    3. chon derry
    4. Rubik




      Are you sure? :D The music in the last video is something else, it's not the Hives.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      The Canucks need to find a job for Mitchell, a player development coach to work with Manny and Green or something. 

    3. JM_


      :lol: my first reaction was "poor Hansen!" until i saw the story link 

    4. chon derry

      chon derry

      3 meters , huge I've seen 2,  both were only 4 ft.

  13. Watching my favBURRite player help cream the Laffs.  6-1 now.  Woo.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Put all them Maple Fleas on Robidas Isle..Lord of the Flies - Whoo Hoo!

    3. -DLC-


      Still down 5 goals and all they're talking about is how awesome their PP and PK were LAST YEAR.    "Have to REALLY BE HAPPY with their play"??!!   How about some Sens love??

    4. Beary Sweet

      Beary Sweet

      Yeah that sucks! They should be encouraging the Sens more since they had a far better season last year than the Leafs and deeper playoff run. Leafs are promising and on the rise but cmon... Sens were that close to making it to the Finals

  14. Saw Long Time Running tonight.  Need a hug now.

  15. Don't like to judge, but (this left me NO choice in the matter).  Dude at the gym.  Yo.  Hat on backwards,  (nothing wrong with that, except when paired with...).  Super short shorts + low hanging wife beater.  Strutting around like a proud peacock, but not in a friendly way.  Thug like.  Plunks himself on the ab machine, immediately pulls out his phone, strikes a blue steel pose, then starts playing his pecs.  You know the move...contract one, then the other, rapidly, in succession.  Rinse, repeat.  Too much, bro.  I have to leave now, you're awesomeness is killing me...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      loool reminds me of



    3. Rob_Zepp


      Insecurity can be expressed in really odd ways - this dude has his.

    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      meh, could be worse - what if he did this at the gym:




  16. Shapping this morning....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Let's talk about the 3 R's...



    3. Beary Sweet

      Beary Sweet

      Tough loss but I'm pulling for him next tourney. He has a bright future ahead and I'm looking forward to what he does to build off this amazing run!

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Who/what's shapping? Thought you meant shopping(Eastern accent!)

  17. I may or may not have accidentally intentionally run through that children's water park on my lunch hour.  

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      photo's, or it didn't happen. we all need, second and third childhoods from time to time. i'm still waiting for mind to happen. 

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      Deb, does your company allow bikinis for summer business uniform?..Shocking!

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      follow the yellow brick stairs. 

  18. Go, go, go lately.   Lions' game.  BBQ's and birthdays.  Dinner tomorrow with friends from out of town...I need time to cram some horse racing into the schedule!  Also...Joey on Broadway.   Any feedback?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Beary Sweet

      Beary Sweet

      Wow looks like mayhem to me Deb;) nevertheless have fun and hope you're having a fun and cool summer! 

    3. diesel_3


      Swing by for a beer.

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      you should run through a child's water park, it will make you feel young again. cool you down and give you a new lease on life. kind of like jumping off a bridge into the river with your friends. okay, i know, you'ld never do that, would you? 

  19. Yard sale Barbie.  Perfect.  Love Tina Fey....

    1. SabreFan1


      I wonder how sick she felt after eating all of that cake.  Not to mention the grilled cheese sandwich dipped in the cake. :lol:

  20. Is FB down?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Xbox


      no problem, hope yours works soon!

    3. -DLC-


      Back up again, thanks!

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Forever, I'd hope...

  21. Gatlin, Coleman then Bolt.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. JM_


      I was rooting for Bolt right up to when he whined about DeGrasse. 

    3. numb3r 16

      numb3r 16

      @S'all Good Man I thought they were friendly, what did bolt say?

    4. JM_


      @numb3r 16 he was mad that Andre "disrespected" him at the Olympics by pushing him a bit to run faster in a heat leading up to the 100m final. Pretty petty imo of Bolt to take offence, and then to carry it this long. 

  22. Thoughts are with those affected by the fires.  Loon Lake and Clinton now....near and dear to my heart places...

  23. Just did an interval workout on my deck....Hip.  Because after hockey stuff, seemed like the right thing to do....   Time for a beer? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Beary Sweet

      Beary Sweet

      Great to hear Deb! Maybe you could use a Slurpee looks like after working out. Happy Canada Day also!

    3. -DLC-


      Nux I do a hard/harder/kill me deal ... sort of wing it freestyle.  A mix of all the old workouts I used to do....

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Go to the NYT's health/wellness page & search the 30/20/10 article(workout section?). First read about 2 yrs back, I think?


      It's pretty interesting science..great bang for the buck

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