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Status Updates posted by -DLC-

  1. Bieksa's in town.  I feel better just knowing that....

  2. Burr's back in town the day before my birthday....I know where I'll be.

    1. Nuxfanabroad


      The Burr is back in town?!


      ..Remember that chick that used to dance a lot?

      Ev'ry night she'd be on the floor, shakin' what she got

      Deb when I tell ya she was cool, she was red-hot!

      I mean she was Steamin!

  3. I really love my morning coffee.

    1. Roger Neilsons Towel

      Roger Neilsons Towel

      I agree. The best part of waking up.


      (Completes coffee commercial jingle in his head)

    2. Tre Mac

      Tre Mac

      Coffee and beer are two things I've never had(and I am proud of that).  I start my mourning with herbal green tea and ginger which is slowly becoming an addiction.

    3. -DLC-


      I never drank coffee until awhile ago, but really find it a pleasant part of my morning routine.  I have a cup or two, and that's it for the day.  


      I definitely like your option though...healthier for sure.  I convince myself that my coffee helps reduce stress, thus lowering my blood pressure.  I'm aware it likely does the opposite, but that's what I tell myself....

  4. Woohoo, my son got me a Baertschi shirt at the sale today.   Bittersweet, moving from my favourite Burr to my new favourite Baer. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. luckylager


      Which kinda brings me to a point


      Vegas, do we really need it?

    3. Ghostsof1915


      $500 million split 30 ways says the owners want it. 

    4. Beary Sweet

      Beary Sweet

      Nice Baer is one of the team' promising players. Still miss good ol Burr. Had he been healthy, he would've been able to help the Sens win vs the Pens and potentially the Cup. He deserves one

  5. I'm a ray of sunshine today...anyone wanna line up for a gravel sundae?  Punch in the throat?  All available today at Deb's lil black corner of chaos.  Work sucks, wanna go home and cough into my pillow now.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. -DLC-


      It just did......   :)   

    3. diesel_3


      How about just a hug, Deb?

    4. -DLC-


      I'll take it, d!

  6. Cheers, Bonzo....gone but never forgotten.  Happy 69th.

    1. Ghostsof1915
    2. Ghostsof1915
    3. Ghostsof1915


      ^^^ Drumsticks are for wusses. LOL.



  7. How you doin', Joe?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J.I.A.H.N


      From my experiences Joe, the love and good memories never go away.....my condolences Joe

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i know, i still live the memories of my wife and she has been gone for 12 years. thank you for your care.

    4. -DLC-


      I am so sorry, Joe.  My heart aches for you and your family.  Be strong....

  8. Sitting on the deck, reading Roger's World.  Enjoying it so far.  Can't get enough of the old hockey stuff....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -DLC-


      And thanks RNT....I think you'd enjoy this book.  If you haven't already read it.


    3. Roger Neilsons Towel
    4. Roger Neilsons Towel

      Roger Neilsons Towel

      I haven't read it. I do like reading about old time hockey though. 

  9. Oh NHL, smarten up. It's not about what the Penguins DIDN'T do, it's about what Ottawa DID do. Give credit where it's due!  Made it sound like the Pens were in the driver's seat when Ottawa completely took control of that game.  But make it all about Pittsburgh.


    Headline on their website:

    Penguins don't test Senators enough in Game 1....Pittsburgh not panicking

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -DLC-


      I just feel that the Sens are being short changed through this type of post game reporting.  They played fairly lights out against the reigning champs.  I think they should be the focal point here.

    3. luckylager


      And to top it off, the collective clown committee on CBC/SN, spewing their Pro-Penguins biased BS all game was infuriating.

      Friedman, Kyprios and Hrudey can all go suck some eggs. It's a freakin' Canadian TV channel, fire those wannabe 'muricans! At least Don Cherry was showing some pride with his Sens tie.

    4. JM_


      if Burr ended up being a stanley cup hero Ron MacLean would pucker so hard he might blink out of existence. 

  10. This song, alone, should help the Sens win.

    1. ItsMillerTime


      Ya just heard it, it was a good song selection.

  11. EMERGENCY AT HANFORD, Washington State: Employees told to "take cover" as a tunnel collapses at plutonium finishing plant.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Me too. Was reading about probs there a couple yrs back.



      ^I think these sites were warning about this issue. They don't make DUMPS like they used ta'...

    3. JM_




      doesn't sound like any immediate leaks we need to worry about. I wonder if this is some kind of election day omen?

    4. SabreFan1


      There was a road crew nearby and the vibrations from that crew is what caused the instability.  Don't forget that the site has a skeleton crew working to clean it up.  They started cleaning it up in the late 80's and won't be finished for another 30-35 years.

  12. Go Mario.

    1. -DLC-


      @smithers joe    Derby day!

    2. Ghostsof1915


      Super Mario and his amazing horse!


    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Good thing I found out you meant Gutierrez and not Bliznak.

  13. So sad to hear of Geroy's wife passing away.  Makes events like yesterday seem so trivial in a big picture way.  Heart felt condolences to the Simon family.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alflives


      Crappy for him and his/Her and their families.  Cooking Mrs. Alf a very special dinner tonight.  

    3. MJDDawg


      Wow. Did not hear about this. Just brutal.

    4. viking mama

      viking mama

      This is so very sad. The exact circumstances have not yet been revealed. Regardless, this is heart-breaking news & I will keep Geroy & the rest of their family members in my thoughts & prayers.

  14. I also had to do my taxes today.  Maybe I'll eat glass and end this day with consistency.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NewbieCanuckFan
    3. Beary Sweet

      Beary Sweet

      I tell you Deb. Can't get these people who do the lotto to win one for us. We are due one and we don't get one. So tough. At this point, I'd trade up to grab Hischier. He's the only sure thing in this draft

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i've crossed the first two players off my list. 3 to 10 will be a crap shoot, but we should get a good forward or defenseman.  milk has been spilt, once the crying is over, we have to move on. the only list that matters, is bennings. as trevor said, the lists from 10 different teams will be different. 

  15. What time are we losing the lottery at?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 48MPHSlapShot


      I think it'll be around 5.


      Let's all get our disappointment hats on!



    3. Salmonberries


      Coming up now Deb. It's time to tune in!

    4. -DLC-


      Predictable Trump league.

  16. I am pathetic.  Friends asked "want to come to the tattoo show with us tonight?".    Checks NHL schedule..."can't" (Ducks/Edmonton game at 7:30).

    Friend is trying to set up lunch in Steveston for Saturday.  Checks NHL schedule.  "3:00 ok?".  (Sens play at noon).


    I don't TELL them why I can't...they would drop me as a friend.  Revoke my lady pass.


    I should just learn to say no to everything until playoffs are over....

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. brilac


      I have done the same thing, and I thought I was the only one, and I even plan my vacations around Hockey!

    3. -DLC-


      SB, this is it.  Not really my thing anyhow....


    4. Toews


      My friends have known me for a very long time, they know all my excuses now. They show up at my door, walk right in and unplug the TV.

  17. Hating Boston all over again. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jaku


      I never stopped.

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      Don't even wanna talk about that game..BAHHHHH!

    4. DollarAndADream


      Eh, to me, what happened 6 years ago is in the past. Sure, they still have guys like Marchand, Bergeron, and Chara, but it's a very different team.


      Although, obviously I'm rooting for Burrows and the Sens.

  18. Gord Downie at the game.  ♥

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      deb, if you go to an erie game, you'll have to leave your cowbell at home. they have banned them because someone through one on the ice. i know you'ld never do that.

    2. -DLC-


      Depends on the circumstances...  ;)

    3. -DLC-
  19. Watching a program called Canadian Club...Brian Burke is on.  Haha, was asked about the stress involved with coaching and being a GM.  Said when you get paid $5M you deal with it.  Also said it's great in Canada when you're winning...everyone comes up to say how great your team is.  Said when you lose a few, not so much...that someone threw a bag of garbage at Ohlund once after a losing streak.

    1. Salmonberries


      Yeah, I think he was speaking at a businessmen's luncheon there or something. I saw a short clip of that myself.

  20. Just like old times...Boston getting away with all kinds of crap.  Any team could have success with the blind eye benefit they get.

  21. Kass is in beast mode, wow!  Haha, giving Hansen the gears.


    1. DollarAndADream


      Nice to see Kass finally doing well after some rough seasons trying to get his $&!# together.

  22. What a dumb thing to ask:  Did the Leafs send the Caps a message that game?  Yes, they sure did...."we lose, suckers".   Always putting a rainbows and sunshine spin on for Toronto. Who's going to the parade tomorrow?  I get that they tried hard, but it's not horseshoes or hand grendades.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      Cubs record 6-3

      Jays 1-8.


      Cubs in the afterglow of the World Series. Woot!


    3. Guest


      The focus of that interview was to talk about the game as a whole. It doesn't matter what question is asked because the answers have already been predetermined. 


      It's about the people watching so they can get an 'inside scoop' on the team.

    4. Alflives


      Even after the LOSER LAUGHS are eliminated, how much of the hockey coverage will still be about their great future instead of focussing on the teams still playing?  

  23. Am I a bad person for wanting Edmonton to fall flat on their faces and get destroyed?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Toews


      I don't know how anyone can like Montreal. As far as I am concerned they are the French version of the Leafs.

    3. Alflives


      Gotta agree with @Toews here.  Just feels right to hate them.  Habs lost tonight:)


    4. JM_


      Nah. I'm hoping SJS crushes them in 4. But for me Calgary is the most hateable team. It has something to do with a fake Texan singing our national anthem. 

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