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Status Updates posted by Keslerific

  1. On my nhl 14 created team games the announcer says we're in germany tonight, even though I put the team in quebec city, quebec. Anyone else get a problem like that?

    1. Armada


      In my GTA V game I killed a lot of people.

    2. Keslerific


      that's always nice..

    3. Xbox


      We fantasy drafted NHL teams. Leafs vs BJ's "These teams cannot stand playing each other"

      Seems legit. Bet that 1 game a year was very anticipated.

  2. So the official count of people at that Panthers pre-season game was 12, dang!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mangoes


      If tickets were free there wouldve been way more ;)

    3. Apple Juice

      Apple Juice

      That was the afternoon game people.. Seriously, who would come at 2:30pm on a Monday afternoon to watch a hockey game? Especially in an American market. In Canada, sure maybe 1000 people will come because thats just who we are but places like Florida, Phoenix, Los Angeles, nobody will come out

    4. shinkaruk98


      Shouldn't have a darn team

  3. I'm not gonna goon it up for you

  4. I need a cheeseburger. I need a store-bought cheesburger!

  5. 1000th post thread is up, go now! beat the rush!

  6. Almost at post 1000, gonna make a big thread/party to celebrate

  7. What, do you own space? no, naysa does

  8. It's not just a b&b, you get breakfast too.

    1. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      we can skip the breakfast.

    2. Guest


      It's not good to skip breakfast

    3. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      TS just gets a protein shake in the morning.

  9. Hey if you guys see my posts feel free to give me rep as i'm trying to reach 200 rep before my 1000th post. That's Keslerific with a K =D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Keslerific


      You rock it's a process! =)

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      you could have a lot more reps if you just do the nipples gimmick

    4. Keslerific
  10. Fighting evil by moonlight

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Keslerific


      It's a classic intro for sure haha

    3. Magikal


      Reading this gave me aids.

    4. Keslerific


      That's payback, you got me hooked on 90s boyband music for like 5 days straight to the point where I watched the 2gether movie in it's entirety and found 3 of the members on facebook. Jerk.

  11. Did you hear about the goldfish that went bankrupt? now he's a bronzefish =)

    1. Newsflash



    2. Keslerific


      glad somebody enjoyed it haha

  12. Tonight is Shinkaruks night to shine

    1. Mangoes


      Horvats too we have high expectations for him this year

    2. Zoolander


      so much for shining....Ortzio was a wall tonight

  13. I agree with everyone, solid job by Peyton in the young stars classic. Bright future ahead of him

    1. Joel Heyman

      Joel Heyman

      He's our PPQB of the Future, such amazing playmaking skills and his size is magnificent

    1. Magikal


      that is just hideous

    2. stexx


      ummmmmm add that to the list of butt ugly jerseys released lately. must be too much weed being smoked by these design companies.

  14. Kesler on Luongos tweets - "He must have a pr department working for him, cause theres no way he's that funny" LOL

    1. Phil_314


      Or Lu put his time on the bench to good use, coming up with jokes in his spare time?

  15. German sausage jokes are the wurst

    1. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      your sausage is the wurst

    2. Warhippy


      I did natzi that coming

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      home of the frankfurter and the hamburger.

  16. sick and tired of hearin all these peopletalk about, whats the deal with this pop life and whens it gonna fade out

  17. new kids on the block had a bunch of hits, chinese food makes be sick. But i think it's fly when girls stop by for the summer, for the summer

  18. When i asked you out, you said no, but i found out. Darling that you'd been hurt. You thought that you'd never love agaaaiin

    1. Keslerific


      yeahh i'm just gonna post on mine to get you guys started..

  19. We should have a 90s music status night on here

    1. shiznak


      Closing time, last call for alcohol. So, finish your whiskey or beer.

    2. Magikal


      I post 90's music on a regular basis.

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