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Status Updates posted by Keslerific

  1. Wow according to capgeek CGY gave that Corban Knight guy bonuses almost identical in $ to Mackinnon lol

    1. Drouin


      feaster lmao

    2. Alchemy Time

      Alchemy Time

      Oh my goodness that's hilarious

    3. Baka


      Goodness gracious golly me!

  2. Thinking of naming my very first ball hockey team the Hungry Hungry Wellwoods

    1. kanucks25


      Boyes Laich Semin

    2. Grape


      i agree with kanucks25

    3. Keslerific
  3. Anybody else excited for the return of Who's Line is it Anyway tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Keslerific
    3. SpinDrive


      It won't be the same without Drew. I'll still check it out though.

    4. Keslerific


      I just watched it, it sucks without drew, new host is garbage and not funny

  4. Having coca-cola for the first time in years, pretty good!

    1. Drouin


      i prefer the other

  5. Is that nude Gretzky at 6:42?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Gally


      Oh god I should have read the comments

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      What has been seen cannot be unseen.

    4. Rounoush



  6. Everytime I google a hockey player it suggests their girlfriend lol

    1. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Scared to google Rome

  7. Supply & command

    1. Rypien37


      It's done through denial and error

    2. a Fool

      a Fool

      It's not rocket appliances

  8. How do you post a gif?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Watermelon


      I pride myself in that. Thank you

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      I find watermelon a little bland actually :P

    4. Durl Dixsun

      Durl Dixsun

      Watermelons r nasty

  9. Gaunce is totally the best at interviews

    1. a Fool

      a Fool

      It's like someone removed the stick from up Toews butt.

    2. Watermelon


      His voice is so deep and manly. It doesn't suit him

  10. All the ice cream this summer is ruining my physique, starting to resemble Kyle Wellwood lower gut

  11. shud i unstraight

    1. Twayne Boneraper

      Twayne Boneraper

      You mean should you go fruit?

  12. What are your 3 fav non Canuck teams? mine - Sens, Coyotes, Panthers. No cups yet for all 4 =P

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. LuonGO Canucks Go
    3. TheRussianRocket.


      Wings always my fav team. Canucks are up there tied with them. For 2 other teams Idk; I've always liked Montreal and Toronto so I'll just say them, even though I don't really have them as favourites :P

    4. rampage


      Flyers, Redwings, Habs

  13. NHL 13 online shootout was fun until I lost like 5 in a row =(

    1. Keslerific


      Had to beat a girl to get back into the groove. She used team Wickenheiser =P

    2. Hodgson!!


      Pretend your going to shoot it by dragging on your forhand then do a backhand forward backhand deke (=

      This worked 18 times in a row for me once lol.

    3. Keslerific


      Thanks for the tip!

  14. My Shea Wber/Brad Richards joke got retweeted by the Green Men, had like 4 people calling me dumb thinking I was serious lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keslerific


      Totally dude, lol it's sad.

    3. naslund.is.king


      Fill me in was on the job all day

    4. Keslerific


      Canucks signed Brad Richardson and Yannick Weber, I made a Brad Richards/Shea Weber joke, some people don't get humor

  15. Do you guys think Corrado could play on the left of Tanev?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stonecoldstevebernier


      not right of Garrison? I was thinking reunite HamJuice and put Edler with Tanev.

    3. Drouin


      thats probably what i'd do ^

    4. Newsflash





      Sorry, Tanev.

  16. Holy cow! we got Brad Richards AND Shea Weber!!! #stacked #GillisisGod

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Keslerific


      Woo Green Men retweeted me haha

    3. Drouin


      dont forget PK Subban

    4. Keslerific
  17. Haha got this on twitter, 'YOLO" -Full transcript of Dave Nonis' upcoming press conference

  18. Trailer Park Boys are gonna do an 8th season, DECENT!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JensenFan2011


      lol just pure awsome

    3. a Fool

      a Fool

      Hope they go back to basics. The later stuff is honestly too over the top. Will be watching though - love TPB.

    4. :D


      More hash driveway, less Swayze express and conky

  19. Shinkaruk and Kessel have the same voice =O

    1. RunningWild


      They look alike to. It's scary.

    2. Keslerific


      Yeah he looks like a skinny Kessel, weird

    3. Pears


      Same looks, voices sound the same = Same player?

  20. Green Men just tweeted this - http://i.minus.com/iblpIHAP514Pnd.gif LOL

    1. Watermelon



  21. Subban Bros are all on rival teams now, crazy!

    1. Plum


      Vancouver doesn't have rivalry with Montreal or Boston.

    2. Durl Dixsun
    3. a Fool

      a Fool

      Love dem Bruins

  22. This draft is not only deep in prospects, there is an abundance of milfs in that crowd

    1. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull

      I was thinking the same thing. hahaha

    2. Durl Dixsun
  23. Just saw some goalie fights on tsn, wouldn't mind seeing Luongo vs Rask or Thomas

  24. Does anyone else think Tanev looks like a cat?

    1. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      drugs are bad, mmkay

  25. What's your most prized Canuck possesion? mine is a super old Igor Larionov wooden Tackla stick

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RyanKeslord17


      My blackhawks jersey

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      ^ eat me...mine is a Bure Black with the classic skate jersey :D

    4. NikiShiz


      Naslund gave me a puck once! :D Still have it

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