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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. I think the tough love with Hutton will have a good effect on him.  I believe the Canucks want him in their line up but he needs to put the work in.  A quicker and less fatigued Ben Hutton will be a great addition next season.  

    1. chon derry

      chon derry

      I've said before he needs to lose some baby fat and like all the grizzled vet dmen  have some front teeth knocked out   , nuthin gets your attention better than the latter............

    2. Gally


      Concerns of Hutton are a bit blown out of proportion IMO. He was one of our best D at the beginning of the year and his play dropped off as his ice time dropped off. I thought him and Tanev were a great pairing. Seems like the writing is on the wall for him though, I'd be surprised if he is a Canuck by the start of next year. 

  2. I don't think Patterson or Botchford understand what JB is saying. He believes Baertschi needs to become an impact player, not just "decent". He's at that point in his career now that to help the team do better he needs to take another step in his development as a player
  3. Playoff hockey is great but lets get to the freaking draft already :P

    1. goalie13


      At the very least, get the draft lottery over with a little sooner.

    2. Jaku


      I'm driving my wife nuts talking about the draft. 

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Time to fire up the whip and start cruising to forget the off season Goose :D

  4. What I'm really digging about Virt are the are the amount of takeaways he gets. As much as Marchand is a weasel hes good at stealing the puck and turning it the other way.
  5. High hopes kane and his little chi join VAN :emot-parrot:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. luckylager


      Solid points, dudes.


      I like Kane for his speed and aggression. We need more of both

    3. Coconuts


      Agreed, I'd rather try and get those things elsewhere though. The twins have maybe a year left and with their inevitable departure this team immediately gets much quicker. Virtanen is trending in the right direction this season and already brings the speed, grit could come. Hell, Gaudette has a legit shot at making the squad next season and that brings speed and sandpaper.


      I'd be hesitant to hand out big money to anyone but Boeser over the next couple seasons because that Luongo recapture is gonna hurt us if he decides to retire. I don't think he will, but it's something Benning and co gotta consider too.

    4. Fateless


      I think Kane would be a great addition to our team. The knock on Kane is his attitude and off-ice work ethic. To counter that, Jim has amassed a team full of character players that would be good mentors for someone like Kane. I honestly think that Vancouver gives Kane the best shot at becoming the best version of himself. And despite us being a rebuilding team, Kane loves Vancouver and has said he wants to play here. 

      I'd sign him to a 3ish year contract for the right price. If he wants longer, he'd have to take a pay cut. No NTC or NMC handed out.

  6. Fair enough. Funny how it’s easy to get different things out of movies. I honestly felt she was the one that really drove the movie forward and what made it so engaging for me
  7. Interesting. Hard to talk about until @riffraff sees it because I don’t want to spoil things for him. But I get what you’re saying (I think?). Now go see it RR so we can discuss it!
  8. She hit it out of the ballpark imo. Honestly I hope she gets an Oscar nomination
  9. Funny, I really enjoyed that part of the plot. The emotion and pain was very convincing for me as far as motivation goes. District 9 and Moon had IMO similar elements, and usually I find the sci fit genre a tough fit for personal type stuff
  10. Annihilation 9/10 Fantastic movie. I liked it a lot more than Ex Machina. I HIGHLY recommend sitting close to the front for this one.
  11. Perhaps you’re right. I’m mostly going with what I hear from TL JB about the type of culture and character traits they want. From my own personal exp that is what I’d prefer as well, but like you say it would be naive to think there aren’t winning franchises with a different sort of vibe. Winning has a tendency to smooth things over.
  12. Not sure if you plazas team sports but it does matter. Kane to his credit has stayed out of the spotlight and I’m sure his teammates in chi appreciate it. You thinkkane’s old teammates in wpg want him back if he hasn’t changed? The way you approach team building is hilarious. Probably a complete gong show with you at the helm
  13. It all comes down to his attitude IMO. Guys like Green Gudbranson and Edler will not put up with him if he’s as self absorbed as the media makes him out to be. This team has a great culture going as seen with how focused the young guys are on being good pros. as much as I like the on ice Kane they have to take great care in this respect
  14. Ferraro described him as a dart’r
  15. XCom war of the chosen is fantastic so far
  16. Nice I still haven’t played BB yet
  17. No what is obvious is that his sense for the game is quite good and all the criticism was just short sighted ignorance
  18. People don’t seem to rant about his low hockey IQ lately.
  19. So whose pullin a TDL all nighter?  I just got home from work

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Baer.


      Nothing happens til around noon anyways

    3. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Just gonna have TSN open on a tab at work.

    4. Angry Goose

      Angry Goose

      I fell asleep anyways lol!

  20. Been awhile since Ive heard this. The guitar in the chorus is so damn catchy
  21. makes Cambodia feel like Kansas

    1. Ghostsof1915


      "You're hit, you're bleeding man...."

      "I aint got time to bleed..."

  22. TG is the best thing to happen for JV. Getting him to really focus on being a 2 way player and difference maker is going to be exciting to watch. And he stuck with him for the most part in spite of fans calling for Utica.
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