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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. Given how important of a player he is to the future of this team, I think the organization will do everything to guide him in teh right direction. Honestly, if you see the majority of Canuck prospects, there is a good amount of tenacity in there, which rubs off on the entire team. I think they are banking on his high end skill, and coaching/developing him in to a well rounded player in other areas. excited to see this kid at prospects camp!
  2. Canucks said all along they are taking the BPA. Obviously they had him rated quite high. GLass may have been the popular mainstream pick, but youve got to be kidding if you think JB and co didnt heavily scout Peterrson. Plus having chemistry with Dahlin, that could be a fture top scoring line.
  3. but that's why he might be a lot like Makar. tons of skill and did really well in a men's league as a physically young kid. a great player to develop really
  4. everybody use tehir black magic now funny how DAL is quickly becoming another EDM for me
  5. If DAL keeps their pick, I curse the #3 pick BUST BUST BUST
  6. Its too bad WPG still doesnt have #143, assuming Glass is available at 5,i would have liked to have seen: To WPG: 5th overall (take hometown kid Glass) To VAN Morrissey 13th overall
  7. doggy isnt feeling well today so it looks like ill be lurking around the computer screen. not bad timing if i do say so myself
  8. Lmao did Jeff Patterson just say "dick around" live on air?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Stelar
    3. Angry Goose

      Angry Goose

      It just caught my sensitive ears by surprise that's all.  not something I expected to hear from PC Jeff Patterson considering his rant about JB's comments on NA players w/ heart & euro skill.  

    4. Ghostsof1915


      He's just describing what he does at the radio station all day....

  9. Broner Garcia (I think) is going to be one hell of a fight
  10. Pretty sweet that the draft is tomorrow and Ive got the day off.  Feeling spoiled

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      I remember as a kid being spoiled having time to watch most shows or sports event live.


      Gots to enjoy it when the opportunities become fewer as the years go on...

    3. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      Working July 1 though. Don't care because NHL free agency is almost as much of a buzzkill as deadline day.

    4. Ghostsof1915


      You , you, Dirty Goose you!

  11. Ok Pedan, with Sbsia gone and a new coach that knows you well, you've got an opportunity to get some games this season, and the team desperately needs that element you bring.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Angry Goose

      Angry Goose

      If he can play well in his own zone, PK and play tough he's got a definite shot of making the roster.  TIME TO MILLY ROCK

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      I've seen this league's MO enough. Early on, watch them call EVERY infraction, even ones they think he may have done.

    4. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      This is a great opportunity for Juolevi or Holm to grab a full time job this year.

  12. What NHL award are you most interested in?  I've always liked to see who wins the Selke

    1. Salmonberries


      It's usually the Hart for me. This year I'm more curious about the Vegas roster though.

    2. -AJ-


      I've enjoyed the Selke and Norris the most.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Ever since they created the Messier Award, I stopped caring. 

  13. nothing wrong with thinking he may have more potential. He's got the hustle, size and hopefully skill to be more of an offensive threat. defensively responsible, and the kid seems like a competitor. Given the limits of protection I get what youre saying, but unlike say Sbsia I think Guance may have much more upside to him.
  14. Status Update #2: TSN1040 poll has confidence in Canucks management at 31% vs 69% against.  WTF people?  FYI I voted yes :) 

    1. pluralsight


      Sh0dv3 dr@ft3d TkachuckzzzzZZZz!!!11one11!!! 

  15. I agree. Great 2 way player. Plays the game hard. One of the few F's that can actually shoot the puck. Get someone better than Megna with him so he doesnt have to carry the line on his own and he can definitely be a reliable 20 goal scorer.
  16. Heiskanen or Makar?  


    Imagine H and Juolevi as future Canucks *drools*

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Fateless


      @-AJ- - I think that the BPA between Makar and Heiskanen is up in the air. McKenzie has them as a near dead-lock tie, and McKenzie said that he spoke to a team who has Makar as the #1 OA pick in the draft as well. Pundits also agree that Makar likely has the highest ceiling of any player in the draft.


      That is the type of player our system needs. I acknowledge that Heiskanen is probably the safer pick, but our organization needs a true #1 D, and I Hesikanen projects with a ceiling of a #2 whereas Makar has a ceiling of an elite #1.

    3. RRypien37


      @Fateless LOL a player with playing in the AJHL has the highest ceiling in the draft? This has to be some kind of first for the NHL draft...

    4. Angry Goose

      Angry Goose

      @Screw I like meanstreaks :)  @RRypien37 I like Glass as well, but if he isn't available maybe adding to the blue line isnt such a bad idea @-AJ- I feel the same way.  Makar still has a lot to prove whereas Heiskanen seems to be proving he can play the pro game.  @Fateless Yeah, that's ultimately what it comes down to.  If we had a crystal ball we wouldnt have to worry so much.  I guess JB is as close to that as we can get :) 

  17. bored bored bored bored Bored Bored Bored Bored BORED



    1. Salmonberries


      I know you're a boxing fan @SILLY GOOSE thought you might enjoy this if you didn't already see it?



    2. Angry Goose
    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      what are you trying to say? when my son and grandson were young and said they were bored, i give them work to do. silly goose, go out and cut the grass.

  18. I hope he has a great season and shows the potential JB sees in him. He's a vital piece if he can play well.
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