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A Game Of Thrones: To the point of the TV show, no spoilers beyond that


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If people don't want things spoiled for them don't come into a thread about the topic.

Obviously if someones goes out of their way to spoil somethings it's different but if your so sensitive that off hand remarks get you going maybe you should police yourself.

Well the thread is to discuss things up to the point that they've happened in the show. I approve of the idea of the other thread for people who want to discuss the show without having to burden themselves with spoiler tags, so that people who really want to frame the events in a comparison to, with a future understanding of, the books, can do that. Whatever, as long as spoilers are harder to come across in this thread.

Is it reasonable to expect that no spoilers will ever be come across in this thread? No, obviously not. That comes with the territory of a thread like this. But when people can't restrain themselves, what exactly is wrong with deleting their posts and telling them that they need to stop. If someone tries to walk a tightrope for no reason with regards to what's acceptable, it should be hammered home what is and isn't okay, so people don't repeat that mistake.

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I had a scare with the other thread as I didn't realize it had been made so when I saw Game of Thrones as the last topic from the home page I just clicked on it not realizing it was the spoilers book version xD I was lucky though I saw no spoilers before I realized it was a different thread.

But otherwise I have no issue with it as it doesn't concern me.

PS - Praise be to R'hllor. My receiver broke itself down and I ordered a new one online and it wasn't scheduled to be here until the 16th but now it shall be here the 12th. This means I can enjoy Game of Thrones in quality 5.1 surround sound on time and not feel violently ill listening to it on a computer monitor.

Edited by Florence
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Nope, it's going fine actually. Don't think a lot of things discussed there would have been possible here because of the abuse of joke spoiler tags. Stop complaining

There's joke spoiler tags? How would one know the diff, and what's the point of that?

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Spoilers from Episode 2 Season 4

Holy shit I after rewatching tonights episode I realized it. Olenna or however her name is spelled poisoned Joffrey. I traced the drunk guy and he gives Sansa the necklace in episode 1 of season 4 and it has 7 gems on it but after Olenna speaks with Sansa it only has 6 and you see her pull on the necklace when she touches Sansas hair. Now Sansa has the evidence and Tyrion is her husband. This is a travesty of the highest caliber!

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Spoilers from Episode 2 Season 4

Holy crap I after rewatching tonights episode I realized it. Olenna or however her name is spelled poisoned Joffrey. I traced the drunk guy and he gives Sansa the necklace in episode 1 of season 4 and it has 7 gems on it but after Olenna speaks with Sansa it only has 6 and you see her pull on the necklace when she touches Sansas hair. Now Sansa has the evidence and Tyrion is her husband. This is a travesty of the highest caliber!

Had to go back and replay that. Makes Ser Dontos' quoting of the Terminator make that much more sense.

Also, my condolences on your loss. Though really, I had a massive smile on my face the second he began choking.

It's a good thing that I had no reason to anticipate something major happening at the end there, and was not simply waiting for the ball to drop the whole time.

Also, I'm not crazy enough to click on CB007's "preview" spoiler tag there, lol.

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what a fantastic episode. plenty of style, plenty of content to get your head around, lots of humour, and totally uncomfortable, immersive tension (that stake-burning scene was troubling)

...plus that ending

...plus a cute cameo from sigur ros

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Come on man

To be fair they pretty much said the same thing in that 14 minute season preview. Now we just know what the event was they were talking about, If the show previewed it it can't be a spoiler; can it?

I'm actually surprised at how much I liked Gleeson this episode. From the start I've thought he was quite over the top. For a character who should chew the scenery he always seemed to have a 4 course meal on the scenery but that seemed to serve him very well in last nights episode. It's the first time with that character where I've thought the part was written for Gleeson.

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Assuming I don't need to use spoiler tags for aired episodes

I am actually quite confused now.

So I thought Joffrey's death was meant to be a frame job. Dontos gives the necklace to Sansa and pities her into wearing it. Olenna then discretely pulls off one of the poison gems and poisons Joffrey. Tyrion was just handling Joffrey's cup and it was kicked under the table where Sansa goes down to pick it up before handing it back to Tyrion shortly before Joffrey is poisoned. So in theory it looks like Sansa goes under the table and pulls off the poison and gives the cup/poison to Tyrion and they catch her (the daughter of the traitor who Joffrey killed) with the poison still.

But I forgot that in the chaos Dontos grabs Sansa and appears to whisk her away. So what was the point of giving Sansa the necklace? Unless Dontos wasn't supposed to help Sansa and he just did it because she helped him once.

Good eyes. A little preview in the spoiler tag here but not exactly spoiler:

The rest of the season will unfold the whole conspiracy, right from S1E1. And you'll see who the real boss of Westoros is.

Tywin appears to be the most powerful with his diplomacy and abundance of wealth so I assume this means it isn't him. Based on what you said I am inclined to think Cersei.

She has been around since episode 1 and was part of the reason Bran was pushed out the window setting off the series of events. Jon Arryn also died right after digging into the paternity of her children. She spoke to Joffrey about being a leader repeatedly and then after Robert slaps her around and she challenges his manhood he ends up dead in an off screen accident. She seemed like she genuinely liked Joffrey but her control on him was slipping and she was losing her spot as queen to a girl she hated. Plus on a few occasions she does speak ill of Joffrey and she was the one with poison earlier in the show. If I am not mistaken Tommen or however it's spelled becomes king now and Margaery loses her spot as queen. Maybe Cersei retains the role and gets much more pull over a young and more passive Tommen. Maybe Cersei sacrificed Joffrey to regain power, bury Tyrion and Sansa, get Margaery out of the picture, and of course Shae already seems doomed because of her tantrums.

So she would be my first guess. Though she seems like she may just be a mean hearted drunk and I can't place how she would be connected to Olenna or why she would even help her.

Varys may be another candidate. He has knowledge on his side and seems to do what he feels is best for the kingdom. He could have just as easily been involved in much of the previous if he felt it was to the benefit and he certainly had motives though I don't see why he would go against Tyrion or Sansa as he was just talking about how the realm needs Tyrion. Plus Little Finger seemed better at the role than he does. Little Finger seemed like he always knew what Varys was up to and after Varys told Ros he protects his clients and Little Finger quickly put an end to that.

Varys did also call Little Finger the most dangerous man to the realm at one point I believe. Though Finger seems most interest in his own gain so I am curious as to if he is entirely relevant to all of Westeros. Plus I he is no longer in Kings Landing and I feel the pull comes from there.

Unless it was R'hllor shaping everything with his Godly power.

But those are my theories for now.

In Bran's vision it also looks like he sees an image of a dragon flying over Kings Landing. Possibly a vision of the future. Or maybe the past as you can't see the dragon itself. It does look like current day though they even give you a nice overhead style view of Kings Landing right after that scene.

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But I forgot that in the chaos Dontos grabs Sansa and appears to whisk her away. So what was the point of giving Sansa the necklace? Unless Dontos wasn't supposed to help Sansa and he just did it because she helped him once.

That should be the assumption, I believe. When you explained the whole gem stone thing yesterday, his actions at the end made a lot more sense. Looks like he's trying to save her.

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The final 20 minutes was done very well, almost exactly how it was in the book.

The Bolton scenes were done quite well. The guy who plays Roose is doing a great job. It was scary to see how Ramsay has transformed Theon into his pet Reek.

I'm pissed about the Stannis scene though. Did he just seriously kill his brother in-law (one of the powerful man in the Florent house) because he was worshiping his old gods? That is ridiculous, I don't know why they're ruining his character and making him a villain.

In the book Alester was trying to make deals with the Lannisters behind Stannis' back and deserved to die. Killing him for worshiping his gods is not like Stannis at all.

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The final 20 minutes was done very well, almost exactly how it was in the book.

The Bolton scenes were done quite well. The guy who plays Roose is doing a great job. It was scary to see how Ramsay has transformed Theon into his pet Reek.

I'm pissed about the Stannis scene though. Did he just seriously kill his brother in-law (one of the powerful man in the Florent house) because he was worshiping his old gods? That is ridiculous, I don't know why they're ruining his character and making him a villain.

In the book Alester was trying to make deals with the Lannisters behind Stannis' back and deserved to die. Killing him for worshiping his gods is not like Stannis at all.

I think I can say this without spoiler tags, because even though the show doesn't mention it, it already has "happened" in regards to the timeline.

In the book, Alester Florent (although he's Selyse's uncle in the book) takes matters into his own hands and sends a letter to Kings Landing, suing for peace. He believes the war was lost on the Blackwater and feels that peace with the Lannisters is the prudent course. (He also hopes for the return of Brightwater Keep, which was stripped from him by the King because of his support of Stannis.)

Of course, Stannis sees this as treason and burning is as good a method of execution as any other, so...

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