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Tony Romo

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...and just a side thought, sports science did a video on playing with a deflated ball and turns out it is more negative than positive especially in the conditions the game was played in. Was played on TSN yesterday and funny enough sports science suddenly took the video down. Goodell and the league probably told them to take it down because it proved even though the Pats played with delated balls for the 1st half, it was more of a disadvantage than anything and they sill kicked ass.

Now cherry picking part of a video on top of your incessant need to get people to agree with you is just going to get you trolled. It's like reading the "I love and defend Zack" posts.

The video is still up on TSN, but here it is from Youtube anyways. They said what everybody has been saying all along, it's not flight speed but it's how well you can grip the ball. A normal person can only get a 1mm advantage but an NFL QB can get more.

The weight "disadvantage" that you want to cite is more than offset by the weight of the rain according to the end of the video, which in turn gives the loss velocity back to the ball on top of a little extra when you factor in the new weight and the better grip. All that video does is end up proving what people have been saying all along about the advantages.

Belichick's presser hurt more than it helped. He seemed like a petulant child who had to be shoo'd off the stage once reporters started asking questions that the Pats didn't want answered. People get bored very fast and will stop caring about it if everybody just keeps quiet. That's what the NFL is smartly doing. The Patriots brass needs to do the same. Let the story go, play the game and let the NFL do it's thing after the Super Bowl is over. If they keep feeding the media beast the NFL is going to end up doling out their punishments before the game instead of after.

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Maybe for Patriot fans like you who are eating up Hoodie's argument without using common sense.

NE footballs properly inflated inside before the game -> drop 2 PSI at half time

NE footballs properly inflated inside at half time -> no drop after the game

IND footballs properly inflated inside -> no drop at half time

The inside of the ball is nearly air tight. The ball isn't going to lose 20% pressure in 90 minutes even if you put it in Antarctica.

The most hilarious thing about the presser was they immediately shut it down after they didn't like the types of questions that started being asked.

Bolded = wrong/you've been mislead. Listen to the presser and you'll recieve all the correct answers and reasoning. And last part you said, what!? BB went out of his way in preparing for the SB to figure this out. You could tell he was annoyed by the situation and by the time he took questions, he said he'd only take a few off the get go. Idk about you but 20+ minutes infront of the media for any coach is more than enough time.

...and again, if you stopped talking out of hate and listened, you'd answer half the things you've said/asked yourself.

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Pete Carrol is going to have his team ready to take down the Pats next Sunday. Thomas and Sherman will be fine by then. This is no different than last year when people thought Denver was going to win. That started to crumble on the opening play and there was no chance for Manning.

The underdog Hawks will do it again in 7 days, although I do expect Brady to get more than a late 4th quarter TD in that game.

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^Pats are favoured by 2 points but I'm pretty sure everyone knows Hawks are the actual favourites. If you're betting and Hawks are underdogs, why not bet and get some money if they win lol.

Really wanted Pats to be underdogs b/c I'm sick of how the last 2 SB's turned out. Hawks should actually be favoured but they're not because it goes by the initial odds before the seasons. Broncos were first, Pats 2nd, Hawks 3rd so that's why Pats are "favoured" right now.

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^Pats are favoured by 2 points but I'm pretty sure everyone knows Hawks are the actual favourites. If you're betting and Hawks are underdogs, why not bet and get some money if they win lol.

Really wanted Pats to be underdogs b/c I'm sick of how the last 2 SB's turned out. Hawks should actually be favoured but they're not because it goes by the initial odds before the seasons. Broncos were first, Pats 2nd, Hawks 3rd so that's why Pats are "favoured" right now.

That's not how betting odds work. The Seahawks opened the week as 2 point favourites, then by virtue of the amount of bets that are placed, the odds shift. In days gone by, national odds were initially set by "experts" in Las Vegas. Now Sportsbooks all over the world use analytics to come up with the initial game favourite.

In all aspects, it's a numbers game, not a "where did we rank somebody over 4 months ago" game.

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LMFAO someone link the Bill Nye video I'm on my phone. Basically proved Belichick was full of bs with his explanation.

Regardless of what TheRussianRocket wants everybody to believe, Belichick shouldn't have done that second conference. It was an attempt at damage control from the one he did the day before.


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^Pats are favoured by 2 points but I'm pretty sure everyone knows Hawks are the actual favourites. If you're betting and Hawks are underdogs, why not bet and get some money if they win lol.

Really wanted Pats to be underdogs b/c I'm sick of how the last 2 SB's turned out. Hawks should actually be favoured but they're not because it goes by the initial odds before the seasons. Broncos were first, Pats 2nd, Hawks 3rd so that's why Pats are "favoured" right now.

Gambling runs in my blood so I try not to ever do it. Maybe just a little one.

Sick because last year was a blowout last year? Or because you wanted the Hawks to lose overall? There are teams I really don't like in the NFL and for some reason the Ravens are one of them. I was entertained by a dominating performance. A literal crushing shutdown of the most potent offense last season. It was a thing of beauty. As a Pats fan wouldn't you be sick at how the last 3 Superbowls turned out?

What you've said next makes no sense. Odds are dynamic. The chances these teams would win the Superbowl have changed since the start of the season since we're down to 2 teams now.

Having said that, all the websites I've been looking at have the game set pretty tight. Not surprised I guess as these are 2 great teams. This game is going to be huge.

Edited by Green Building
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^Pats are favoured by 2 points but I'm pretty sure everyone knows Hawks are the actual favourites. If you're betting and Hawks are underdogs, why not bet and get some money if they win lol.

Really wanted Pats to be underdogs b/c I'm sick of how the last 2 SB's turned out. Hawks should actually be favoured but they're not because it goes by the initial odds before the seasons. Broncos were first, Pats 2nd, Hawks 3rd so that's why Pats are "favoured" right now.

Damn. If the line would move to Pats -3.5 that would be free money.

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6 types of people you will meet at any Super Bowl party:

  • Designated Heckler

    Just because this guy's team was eliminated by Halloween is no reason for him to say why these two teams are terrible. You know, the two teams playing in the Super Bowl. Get ready for three hours of why his team will be playing in the game next year. Just nod your head and say, "Yeah, it sure does sound like next year is going to be the year for the Dallas Cowboys. Romo is awesome."

  • Fantasy guy

    Every time Russell Wilson does something great, this guy will be quick to tell you that he had Wilson on all of his fantasy teams. Oh wait, that's going to be me. But what's worse is the proliferation of daily fantasy sports. So instead of hearing about past glory, you're going to have one guy going ape (expletive) hoping Brandon LaFell gets into the end zone. Again, will probably be me.

  • I'm just here for the commercials

    At least one party guest will take great pride in the fact that he doesn't watch football and revel in his ignorance. And why he's at a Super Bowl party, I have no idea. He's also the (expletive) who becomes annoyed if you talk during the commercials (it's the best part!) and can't understand why you went outside during the halftime show. He's guaranteed to root for the team you don't want to win and be super smug about it.

  • The misguided know it all

    You can't miss this guy because he's going to talk louder than the TV, no matter how many times you continue to increase the volume. Best of all, most of his statements will be wrong. Some dude got into an argument with my wife, Rosie McGee, during the playoffs and said Tom Brady went to Cal. Like he wouldn't budge from this statement. Even when she Googled that (expletive) and showed him, he was all, "I'm pretty sure he started at Cal and then transferred to Michigan." Now, Rosie will just look at that guy and say, "I have no explanation."

  • Mr. Bandwagon

    Look who just got a brand new T-shirt from NFL Shop! And it's a conference championship T-shirt. No fan wears that before a championship. That would be like Stormtroopers wearing a "Battle of Hoth" championship T. Avoid this person, too. Mostly because they are probably a fan of the Yankees, Celtics and John Cena. You really shouldn't invite Cena fans to your party. Unless they are children.

  • The Diehard

    This person loves the team, or at least that's the conclusion we can draw from the back tattoo. So why and the hell are they here? Hardcore fans are no fun because if their team loses, we all lose. Most just want to sit around, drink some beers and crack a few jokes. You can't do that with a hardcore fan in the midst. He'll make the room miserable. I almost had to root for the Broncos during their playoff game because we have a few Donks fans with us. Miserable. I felt bad when I cheered for the Colts because it just doesn't seem cool.

    So hey, diehard, go ahead and stay home. We'll smooth things out with your husband/wife (who is likely making you go to this party). We'll cover for you. You just sit home and enjoy the game.

Take out the commercials one, and this could also be titled 5 types of posters you find in CDC's NFL thread.

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Just want to put it out Bill Nye is a huge Seattle fan so there's his bias. Also in the video, he doesn't prove anything. It's more of a chance for him to be relevant again. He says "I think" and has no facts, just opinions. Clearly he's talking out of his ass if he thinks there's no way psi can change other than a needle because the Pats and BB just did a study and found out.

If you want to take it a bit further, here's some pretty common sense math which can prove psi can drop naturally:

Science teacher here. Given the conditions of the game, a ball which meets specifications in the locker room could easily lose enough pressure to be considered under-inflated. Some math:

> Guy-Lussac's Law describes the relationship between the pressure of a confined ideal gas and its temperature. For the sake of argument, we will assume that the football is a rigid enough container (unless a ball is massively deflated, it's volume won't change). The relationship is (P1/T1) = (P2/T2), where P is the pressure and T is the temperature in Kelvins.

> The balls are inflated to between 12.5 and 13.5 psi at a temperature of 70 degrees Farenheit (294.1 K). Let's assume an average ball has a gauge pressure of 13 psi. This makes the absolute pressure of the ball 27.7 psi (gauge + atmosphere). Since these are initial values, we will call them P1 and T1.

> The game time temperature was 49 degrees F (278 K). We are attempting to solve for the new pressure at this temperature, P2. We plug everything into the equation and get (27.7/294.1) = (P2/278). At the game time temperature, the balls would have an absolute pressure of 26.2 psi and a gauge pressure of 11.5, below league specifications.

*Furthermore, given that it was raining all day, the air in the stadium was saturated with water vapor. At 70 degrees, water has a vapor pressure of 0.38 psi. The total pressure of the ball is equal to the pressure of the air inside the ball and the vaporized water in the ball. At 49 degrees, the vapor pressure of water is 0.13 psi. Up to 0.25 additional psi can be lost if the balls were inflated by either the team or the refs prior to the game. Granted, it's unlikely that anyone would inflate balls from 0, but it easily could cost another couple hundredths of a psi in pressure.

> For a ball that barely meets specifications (12.5 psi gauge), it's pressure would drop to 11.1 psi during the game... enough to be considered massively underinflated.

One not-so-minor point here: the 13 psi figure is the gauge pressure; temperature is proportional to absolute pressure.

In other words, the total pressure in the ball is 13 psi + atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi = ~27.7 psi, so you only need about a 2% difference in absolute temperature to pull a ball at 13 psi out of the normal range.

I'm an engineering student and have already studied Guy Lussac's Law and can tell you this is 100% absolutely real. So yea, Bill Nye and your Seattle bias can frack off. Idk how/why a guy as smart as him would disregard obvious Laws like Lussac's that actually prove what Belichick was saying. Smh.

And SB1, this was crucial for Belichick to do. If he never, it would be a huge grey cloud with the initial presser he and Tom did, it in no way helped their case to sound innocent. BB personally doing all this in the midst of preparing for the Hawks showed how serious he was. I'm pretty sure you've seen a number of Bill's pressers since we're in the same division and I can ensure you he's never ever come out like this.


Edited by TheRussianRocket™
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Just got an update on my phone that according to ESPN Josh Gordon has failed another drug test and is now subject to a one year ban.

Sucks that one of, if not the most dynamic receiver in the NFL (my opinion) can't get away from weed. Not that it's the worst thing imaginable to use, but it's still a suspendable offense in the NFL and I want to see him play a full year.

Edited by canuckfan_21
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Canucks really need to update their app. Can't even go back 1 page, automatically takes you to the 1st page of the thread. At a buddy's place, 4 of them are Seahawks "fans" (only 1 legitimately is). Laid down a bet. Patriots win - they each give me $100. Seahawks win - I give them each $100. Gave our money to another friend here who couldn't care less about the NFL, or any sport besides basketball. A lot of dough, but a free Xbox One to add to my PS4 would be nice.

Works fine for me...

Only 11 of 12 balls were deflated because the last Wilson will be deflated next Sunday.

Ba-dum Tssh

Okay I'm done.

The balls were deflated because the Pats thought their egos would inflate them.

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