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Anyone looking for some strong Hitchcock work would be well advised to check out Dial M for Murder. Not sure why it's not mentioned more often than it is when talking about his stuff.

I watched Angel Heart last night and can admit to being thoroughly disturbed. I guess that means it's good.

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I didn't know there was an alternate ending.

There's a "Michael Bay Extreme Explosion" ending, and a "Perfectly fine that doesn't ruin the entire movie" ending.

The alternate ending is how the actual story is supposed to go - unfortunately it didn't screen well and was changed to the one we are familiar with.

The problem with the theatrical release ending is that it ruins the entire point of the movie. In short, Will Smith's character realizes that HE is the actual monster and the "boogeyman" to all of the vampire-like former humans.

The title "I Am Legend" supplies the irony.

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Psycho -7.5/10

Has always been one of my least favourite Hitchcock films. It's still good, and an incredibly important film to the horror genre. But compare to Hitchcock's other films, it's definitely not near the top of my list.

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Guardians of the Galaxy 9.5/10

Pure awesome entertainment. I was already excited because of Rocket Racoon, but I was completely blown away by the movie. My friend both felt it even had a bit of a Star Wars feel to it. I thought Groot was going to be annoying, but I ended up loving him (it?). Also, Chris Pratt is freaking hilarious.

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Finally watched Take Shelter this weekend. 9.5/10.

Visceral, touching, uncomfortable, real and impeccably acted.

Watch it.

One of the few things I get excited about is when someone tells me they just watched "Take Shelter" for the first time.

I've never outright said to someone that "we can't be friends" because of something. But if someone said that they hated "Take Shelter", that would tell me all I needed to know about that person.

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One of the few things I get excited about is when someone tells me they just watched "Take Shelter" for the first time.

I've never outright said to someone that "we can't be friends" because of something. But if someone said that they hated "Take Shelter", that would tell me all I needed to know about that person.

Even reading from you guys how good the acting was didn't really prepare me for it. They literally lived those (lead) roles. Damn near could have been a hidden camera documentary on a real life (and loving) couple. Truly above and beyond acting and the story ain't half bad either ;)

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Even reading from you guys how good the acting was didn't really prepare me for it. They literally lived those (lead) roles. Damn near could have been a hidden camera documentary on a real life (and loving) couple. Truly above and beyond acting and the story ain't half bad either ;)

This movie more than any I love, I actually hate pointing out what I love the most, because that must mean there are parts I don't like. Not the case.

That said, the acting is the best I have ever seen. You nailed what I, and a lot of others felt about the acting of both Chastain and Shannon. I'm not saying that you have to be married or in a long term relationship to truly understand the love those two share, but it sure as hell helps.

I read an interview with Jeff Nichols after I watched it, and he said he borrowed heavily from discussions he and his wife had. She would then make corrections to his script in the interactions to make it more genuine.

Though all of the scenes between them are incredible, and I can't state that enough, the two that stand out the most are when he first tells Chastain about the dreams and why he is building the shelter (you can just see her heart break for him, and yet, completely understand him because of his mother); and the pivotal scene in the food/community gathering where Shannon is absolutely coming apart. And yet, even though it is Shannon doing all the vocal acting in that scene, the unflinching support and love that Chastain shows during that scene brought tears to me, my wife, and my mother's eyes, as we have all been in that position for each other, to an extent.

Again, to everyone here, this is a must watch film. I can't state that enough.

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Interesting to see all the Take Shelter discussion in here as that movie is a few years old now. CDC trend? I remember a movie he did a few years prior to that one in which he again cast Shannon as a bit of an unstable lead. That movie wasn't really about mental illness but definitely shared some themes in the power of family.

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To Catch a Thief - 8.5/10

Another Hitchcock film. This is one of those films where I know that it isn't as good as I think it is (I personally rated it higher than Psycho and Rear Window, for instance). However, I really like Cary Grant, which really pushes the rating up much, much higher. I also like the "cat burglar" premise.

The story isn't as strong as his other films, and it is a forgotten film in Hitchcock's library, for obvious reasons. But Cary Grant can make any film watchable.

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Interesting to see all the Take Shelter discussion in here as that movie is a few years old now. CDC trend? I remember a movie he did a few years prior to that one in which he again cast Shannon as a bit of an unstable lead. That movie wasn't really about mental illness but definitely shared some themes in the power of family.

Shotgun Stories. Good show with some interesting characters. The Shampoo guy was gold.

Not in the same league as Take Shelter or Mud though, IMO.

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RV- 2/10

After robin Williams died I figured I should watch one of his movies so I hop on netflix find RV and since I've never seen it I figured I'd give it a shot.

What a terrible movie to remember Williams. Nothing but sh!t jokes, a$$hole characters and this unfunny running joke of the RV that keeps rolling away cause the breaks are broke I guess. They pull that same joke like 10 times throughout the movie

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Ninja Turtles 8/10

don't watch it in 3d, so blurry...

otherwise, it was pretty awesome, lots of little things from the originals (you can see TGRI on a vial of ooze). After a while I barely noticed how different they looked. Definitely worth watching again in the theaters (on a tuesday, anyways)

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RV- 2/10

After robin Williams died I figured I should watch one of his movies so I hop on netflix find RV and since I've never seen it I figured I'd give it a shot.

What a terrible movie to remember Williams. Nothing but sh!t jokes, a$$hole characters and this unfunny running joke of the RV that keeps rolling away cause the breaks are broke I guess. They pull that same joke like 10 times throughout the movie

I can't stand Robin Williams. Not one bit. If I were to watch one of his films now to co-opt whatever sadness I had over his passing (which I don't), I would choose Insomnia. The film is great and he doesn't act like Robin Williams.

I watched The Adventures of Baron Munchausen about 2 months ago, Williams had a small role in that. Munchausen isn't all that good either though, so I'd pass on that.

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Marnie: 6.5/10 (1964)

Another Hitchcock film. Never watched Marnie before, so this was a brand new experience for me, and it is not the best film in his catalogue.

Tippi Hedren returns after starring in "The Birds" (still have to watch that yet) and does an "Ok" job. Her character has some serious issues and Hedren does the best she can with minimal acting experience to convey Marnie's troubles.

The film itself is not terrible. The concept is interesting and I think the casting was alright (Connery was fine). I'm just not quite sure if the issue was that Hedren wasn't experienced enough/the right choice for the title character, or if the writing for her was not good as it needed to be.

Perhaps because I knew of the troubled and strained relationship between Hedren and Hitchcock, I was looking for problems in the film. There were scenes where she just seemed lost and her character wasn't as strongly acted as in other scenes.

I still have a number of films to get through; Lifeboat, Dial M for Murder, The Birds, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Spellbound, and I Confess. "Marnie" is the latest film in his catalogue that I am seeing though. Will not watch Frenzy, Topaz, Family Plot, or Torn Curtain.

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