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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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World War Z - 4.5/10

Pains me to give it such a low mark. The zombie film genre has become so popular and well written since 28 Days Later came out, that we have become spoiled with good writing and good character development. Before 28 Days Later, there were good zombie films, but they were really B-Movies. Known more for gore than writing and acting.

World War Z is a film that does not cater to either of those areas. Since the film had such a massive budget, it was imperative that they showed no gore in order to keep it PG13. Since they showed no gore, you'd think that they would have focused more on character development and a well scripted film. This is not the case, which in turn really made the film really tough to watch.

There are definitely some incredible set pieces, but these are things you see in the trailer, just for slightly longer. It was shot well and the scale of it was absolutely impressive.

However, you do not care about any of the characters. You never feel for a second that Brad Pitt is in any real danger.

His family is safe, so you don't feel bad for him because they are in no danger. The only two people you actually care about are a young boy that Pitt saves and "adopts" because you see him lose his family, and a female soldier that tags along with Pitt because he had to chop off her hand to save her infection. These were characters that "lost" something and were actually affected by the outbreak.

It really is too bad because I wanted to like this film. But there was too much wrong and too much potential squandered.

Edited by Monty
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This Is The End- 9/10

Comedy of the year! Absolutely hilarious movie.

Danny McBride and Jonah Hill were awesome, a lot of funny guest appearances also.

Agreed. I laughed my ace off the whole movie. I love their sense of humour. And man, Danny McBride was hilarious! Can't stand Eastbound & Down and really dislike him in Pineapple Express but he was unreal in TITE.

Saw Mud last week, enjoyed it but it doesn't hold a candle to Take Shelter. I couldn't get past Matt McC's southrn accent (the same in every movie) or Reese's bleh performance. And the ending kinda licked bag too. I'd still give it a 7/10 though.

Anyways, yah. If you haven't seen Take Shelter, do yourself the favour. Got robbed at the Oscars IMO.

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World War Z 6.5/10

Meh, never read the book, but thought the movie was entertaining enough. I mean, it's worth to go watch if you got nothing better to do on a weekday, but i mean i wouldn't waste a weekend night to go and see it.. (trust me, it wasn't worth it lol)

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Monster University - 7 I enjoyed it but i was really hoping there would of been more college humor as I went with some friends going into first year uni.

World war z - 5 Not what i was expecting at all, I was hoping it was going to be an action movie, with a quarantined city fends of hordes of zombies but instead it was a I am Legend knock off .

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The Heat - 4/10

Boring, too long, occasionally funny. I have no idea what made them want to cast Sandra Bullock.

Much Ado About Nothing - 9/10

An actually funny movie, and I don't consider myself the Shakespeare type, either. I laughed more in the 10 minutes that Nathan Fillion is on-screen than I did in the entire 2 hours of The Heat.

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