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7 hours ago, Down by the River said:

May have been worse than Suicide Squad...

After thinking about it more, Suicide Squad was definitely worse. The whole film was just absolutely garbage.


Justice League was a confusing mess. I didn’t hate it. I just felt sorry for everyone involved. You know the filmmakers have no clue what they’re doing when several times in the movie, Batman, when surrounded by villains who can hear him (very beginning 5 minutes), loudly says “Alfred”, followed by same toned dialogue. Dude, Bruce Wayne has spent his entire career hiding his identity as Batman. And this movie threw that out the window several times. It was laughably bad. 


There were many things like this in the film. And it was so confusing, it left me laughing rather than angry.


Suicide Squad was just awful. It reeked of desperation.

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1 hour ago, Monty said:

After thinking about it more, Suicide Squad was definitely worse. The whole film was just absolutely garbage.


Justice League was a confusing mess. I didn’t hate it. I just felt sorry for everyone involved. You know the filmmakers have no clue what they’re doing when several times in the movie, Batman, when surrounded by villains who can hear him (very beginning 5 minutes), loudly says “Alfred”, followed by same toned dialogue. Dude, Bruce Wayne has spent his entire career hiding his identity as Batman. And this movie threw that out the window several times. It was laughably bad. 


There were many things like this in the film. And it was so confusing, it left me laughing rather than angry.


Suicide Squad was just awful. It reeked of desperation.

I'm going to agree with you here. Suicide Squad had the Jared Leto factor, which probably epitomized the desperation factor to which you referred (I want you to know that I rewrote the ending of this sentence out of respect for your love of Last Man on Earth and not ending sentences with prepositions). 

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I am giving it 10/10 based on how I connected with it.

My daughter and I had a bit of tumultuous relationship as she hit high school and I could identify with this movie.  We watched it together.  The car scene?   We had one of those, mind you (thank God), at a much slower speed.  

Thought the acting was superb and it was simplistic and believable.  Sometimes less is more and, for me, this movie was all about that.  Didn't hit me over the head or require a huge investment of focus and concentration which, at the moment, I am not up to.   It was easy and felt like home.  It won't be for everyone, but it was a movie I'll probably watch a few times over. 



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phantom thread: 9/10


amazing atmosphere, typical PT Anderson visuals (beautiful), great dialogue, great score (radiohead's johnny greenwood). and it's utterly weird. mark kermode calls it an "oedipal gothic romance" and that's a perfect way to describe it. it definitely won't be for everyone, but for those who can enjoy slow movies with atmosphere, then it's definitely worth a watch

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My Friend Dahmer - 8/10 (rented from Google)


Rock and Roll 70's High School hijinxs mixed with chilling early serial killer vibes.


Based on a graphic novel done by a classmate of Jeffrey Dahmer. Not sure if the Dahmer fanclub existed but has some laughs and was very creepy.


Lesson: Be extra nice to your nerdy teen classmates.

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Good Time - 9/10


The 2017 film, starring Robert Pattinson. Really got to give it to the guy. Ever since the Twilight films, the guy steered clear of anything even remotely big budget and started to cut his teeth in legitimate Independent films. Focusing more on script and character than commercial success. After a string of really strong performances in Cosmopolis, The Rover, and The Lost City of Z, he follows all these up with not only a phenomenal performance, but a film that’s easily better than all those. 


The story follows Pattinson, as he and his mentally challenged brother (acted by the writer and director) as they perform a bank robbery that has gone wrong in the aftermath. Don’t want to give away more than that. But it’s a terrific film. Only a few minor things that could have possibly been handled differently, but that would have meant adding to the runtime by another 15-20 minutes, which would have likely affected the flow and sense of urgency in the film.



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On 2/11/2018 at 1:25 PM, Down by the River said:

May have been worse than Suicide Squad...


On 2/11/2018 at 1:48 PM, Monty said:

Oof. What a Sophie's Choice of bad movies to choose from.

I found the animated movie, "Assault on Arkham" which focused on the Suicide Squad to be a better film:



                                                   regards,  G.


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On 2/12/2018 at 1:02 PM, debluvscanucks said:


I've managed to miss most of the newer films out there, including this one. I'm hoping to catch it should it be re-released (probably) after the Oscars. I've been a fan of Saorise Ronan since I saw her in "Hannah". That kid carried that film.


But I did re-watch "Alien" and "Aliens" last night.


I am still amazed that people don't mention Ripley as a superhero when discussing how Wonder Woman (which was at best an average movie) is the first, big screen female hero (ie. had an entire film centered on her, etc). Yeah, Ripley doesn't have super strength etc, but she is brave, intelligent (different from being smart), smart (different from being intelligent), determined, protective, willing to push herself beyond her normal limits, all of those qualities which we generally ascribe to heros.


I suppose some comment could be made regarding the Tomb-Raider movies, and a few others.


                                                   regards,  G.

Edited by Gollumpus
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