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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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Guest Gumballthechewy

Watched Paul last night, 8/10, I really enjoyed it.

The place beyond the pines

8/10 Good movie.

It was a good movie but I just couldn't stay focused on it. I dunno, it seemed like it jumped around a lot.

Edited by Gumballthechewy
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I travel alot and sometimes I'm 'forced' to watch movies on the plane. I've seen quite a few lately and alot of them I would never have seen if it weren't for me being confined for hours in a small space. Some of them I only half watched so I'm not gonna do a review just whether I liked them or not.

Oblivion +1

Jack the Giant Killer -1

Wreck it Ralph -1

Epic +1

Rio -1

Gnomeo and Juliet +1

Mars Need Moms -1

After Earth -1

Life of Pi +1

The Cabin in the Woods +1

The Hunger Games -1

Lincoln -1

Prometheus +1

Looper +1

Dredd +1

The Avengers +1

Django Unchained. +1

Argo .. meh

Skyfall... meh

Dark Night Rises +1

Despicible Me 2.. meh

Zero Dark Thirty -1

The Amazing Spiderman +1

The Hunger Games -1

The Hobbit... meh

The Lone Ranger ..meh

Oz, The Great and Powerful +1

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Watched this last night and thought it was pretty well done. Good story, likable characters and fantastic animation/sound. Some good funny moments (particularly with the slug/snail). Not ground breaking like a Toy Story etc but better than your average kids flick IMO.

Good one to watch with the kids (or for us big kids).


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Just wondering if people think Elysium would be a good movie to watch tonight with the parents?

Got nothing better to do, summer's almost over.. Might aswell spend some time with the family. Anyways, their english isn't the best and i was wondering if Elysium would be an easy enough movie to understand? They mostly like violence and action and this is pretty much the only one out except Pacific Rim which i've seen and isn't playing.

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Just wondering if people think Elysium would be a good movie to watch tonight with the parents?

Got nothing better to do, summer's almost over.. Might aswell spend some time with the family. Anyways, their english isn't the best and i was wondering if Elysium would be an easy enough movie to understand? They mostly like violence and action and this is pretty much the only one out except Pacific Rim which i've seen and isn't playing.

I recommend it,I don't see anyone having trouble understanding the plot or anything. Go for it!

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The World's End - 7/10

Very clever and a fitting end to the Pegg/Wright trilogy. My initial reaction is that it is the weakest of the three films. That said, it was still very enjoyable and better then most comedies that are released.

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Meh, it was pretty good but i really am not a fan of the recent sci-fi movies that have came out recently.

I'll give Elysium a 7.5/10...

Oblivion, i was not a big fan of at all. This one, well the movie was great but i'm just really not into sci-fi i guess. Or maybe it's the movies, because i loved District 9.

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Now you See Me: 5/10

Cool idea's, and I know you're supposed to suspend belief for films like this, but this one asked a lot. Also, the "twist ending" left a bad taste in my mouth. Most films with endings like this (for the sake of the films subject matter, lets say The Prestige), the twist endings make you go back and say, "yeah, ok, I get that." or "Oh, of course it was him, they left so many clues." But this movie did nothing, there is literally NO way you could guess the ending because it seemed like they pulled it out of their ass, and it made little to no sense. Extra + 1 for Isla Fischer.

Kick Ass 2: 3/10

I loved the first one, watched it many times. This one sucked... Badly. With the exception of the lawnmower scene.

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