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The Workout Thread

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I visit this thread once in awhile to lurk.  I find it motivating to see the types of workouts people are doing and having success.   I've been focusing on calisthenics for the past while and am finally having success with it.    6 months ago pull ups seemed like they were never going to happen but now I can bang them out with proper form nice slowly.  The next movement I'd like to learn are L-sits.  

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On 8/11/2018 at 6:42 AM, Rough Neck said:

I like doing it, it helps me limit calories. Some say if you work out during the fasting phase it helps with your growth hormone as well. Also, losing 0.5-1lb of fat every week is a really good rate, even if you stall so don't except that a major difference will happen after one week of trying. At least try 3-4 weeks and gauge from there. I think you still need to maintain a high protein intake and limit complex carbs to after your workouts. 


The "scientific, smart answer to the average Joe" will say. IF can help you be conscious with what you eat, however, if you are eating more calories than you burn, regardless of IF, you will not see any results and gain weight. Doesn't matter about anything else. I am not exactly for that statement 100%, but it does hold a lot of truth. 

I lost a pound this week, and am still keeping at it.  Today I went to the gym, and did a 20-min cardio, and then went to the park and walked the trail and waterfront.  I had this great idea to climb this really steep hill, and realized it was not a so good idea when I was half way up.  I was sliding everywhere I stepped, so I crouched down to my bottom and slid down.  I was filthy.  After that, I got on the bus, and went back to the gym, and did a 15-min run, and a 5-min cardio cool down.


I'm keeping at it.  I have 7 more pounds to go.

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On 2018-08-11 at 12:47 PM, SILLY GOOSE said:

I visit this thread once in awhile to lurk.  I find it motivating to see the types of workouts people are doing and having success.   I've been focusing on calisthenics for the past while and am finally having success with it.    6 months ago pull ups seemed like they were never going to happen but now I can bang them out with proper form nice slowly.  The next movement I'd like to learn are L-sits.  

Please provide video with dubstep soundtrack.

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EDIT:  Must have jumped in to the thread midway.  This was in response to the "kick his ass" comment earlier.


I don't see "outrage"...more responding to inappropriate suggestions to kick someone's ass.  Joking or not, it is 2018 and we're aiming to be a bit more compassionate and less hostile and violent.  I have gay male cousins who have had to endure stuff just because.  So it's no joke.  Anyhow, carry on....

I am using the summer to ditch the gym and have been swimming, doing step on the deck and cycling.  Free weights at home.  With that, my blood pressure is incredibly perfect for the first time in years.  I'm also off work, but it shows how stress can impact the body in a very negative way.  And I'm feeling like the swimming is a great addition....used to do it years ago and am glad to get back to it.

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2 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

I don't see "outrage"...more responding to inappropriate suggestions to kick someone's ass.  Joking or not, it is 2018 and we're aiming to be a bit more compassionate and less hostile and violent.  I have gay male cousins who have had to endure stuff just because.  So it's no joke.  Anyhow, carry on....

I am using the summer to ditch the gym and have been swimming, doing step on the deck and cycling.  Free weights at home.  With that, my blood pressure is incredibly perfect for the first time in years.  I'm also off work, but it shows how stress can impact the body in a very negative way.  And I'm feeling like the swimming is a great addition....used to do it years ago and am glad to get back to it.

has more to do with the offseason I bet

Not yelling at refs screwing the Canucks does wonders for one's health

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In a parallel universe somewhere a violent group of gay people are assaulting someone for being straight and it deeply offends me.


Anyways..good to see people of all ages, genders and sexual orientation doing different types of diets/workouts and staying motivated when it’s so easy to stray away during the summer months.

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Well had my first workout session yesterday.  I jumped right into a Tabata workout where it had I believe 7 different workout outs and you do them for 20 seconds and have a 10 second break and you do it 8 times at each section.  Did things like mountain climbers, jump squats, lunges, bicep curls/shoulder presses, wall sits with resistance bands. Kettle bell. 


I partnered up with my friend who has been going for a long time and he was a beast and of course at first I was trying to keep up, but eventually I was getting gassed.  I was thinking what did I get myself into. But I had been telling myself that I knew it was gonna be tough for the first bit and just get through it.  Next class is tomorrow so we will see how that goes. 

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1 hour ago, gmen81 said:

Well had my first workout session yesterday.  I jumped right into a Tabata workout where it had I believe 7 different workout outs and you do them for 20 seconds and have a 10 second break and you do it 8 times at each section.  Did things like mountain climbers, jump squats, lunges, bicep curls/shoulder presses, wall sits with resistance bands. Kettle bell. 


I partnered up with my friend who has been going for a long time and he was a beast and of course at first I was trying to keep up, but eventually I was getting gassed.  I was thinking what did I get myself into. But I had been telling myself that I knew it was gonna be tough for the first bit and just get through it.  Next class is tomorrow so we will see how that goes. 

My only piece of advice would be don’t go too hard, too soon. The worst thing you could do is injure yourself. Remember, you’re playing the long game here. 

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54 minutes ago, Sean Monahan said:

My only piece of advice would be don’t go too hard, too soon. The worst thing you could do is injure yourself. Remember, you’re playing the long game here. 

No for sure.  That's one of the main things they tell you. Go at your own pace, don't feel like you need to keep up with the others.  

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53 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

yep, heat and smoke....no A.C, no sleep. 


Yesterday in the gym felt like I was working out in luke-warm molasses.


52 minutes ago, Shift-4 said:

low expectations for today's visit

I quit my gym and joined another about 6 weeks ago for the simple reason that my new gym has AC. The gym itself sucks compared to my old one but AC. Nuff said. 

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43 minutes ago, Sean Monahan said:


I quit my gym and joined another about 6 weeks ago for the simple reason that my new gym has AC. The gym itself sucks compared to my old one but AC. Nuff said. 

I need my nipples stimulated while working out too

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On 2018-08-12 at 8:47 PM, brilac said:

I lost a pound this week, and am still keeping at it.  Today I went to the gym, and did a 20-min cardio, and then went to the park and walked the trail and waterfront.  I had this great idea to climb this really steep hill, and realized it was not a so good idea when I was half way up.  I was sliding everywhere I stepped, so I crouched down to my bottom and slid down.  I was filthy.  After that, I got on the bus, and went back to the gym, and did a 15-min run, and a 5-min cardio cool down.


I'm keeping at it.  I have 7 more pounds to go.

Not sure if you are lifting weights or just doing cardio, but I would recommend 3x a week full-body split, or 4x lower/upper body split (ex: mon, Tuesday, Thurs, Friday). Cardio you can do after your workout. You will burn more fat doing weights by building muscle and progressive overload than you will by doing just cardio. The key is to remember you are wanting to body fat, not weight. So while heavy lifting you may only lose 4lbs when you feel you should have lost 8, but it could be 3.5lbs of fat rather than 3lbs fat, 5 water and feeling like garbage. Keep working at it! Patience is key, even when you feel you have "stalled" you are better than you were even a few weeks ago! 

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