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Back day! Didn't have a lot of time, so today was short but sweet

6 sets of rack pulls 10-12 reps

6 sets of rear felt flys 10-12 reps

5 sets of barbell rows 10-12 reps

12 minutes of cardio, in & out of the guym in 35 minutes

Best song of the workout


Edited by falcon45ca
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On December 3, 2015 at 2:39 PM, falcon45ca said:

Back day! Didn't have a lot of time, so today was short but sweet

6 sets of rack pulls 10-12 reps

6 sets of rear felt flys 10-12 reps

5 sets of barbell rows 10-12 reps

12 minutes of cardio, in & out of the guym in 35 minutes

Best song of the workout


Do you like the exit wounds album?

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On January 5, 2016 at 1:15 AM, riffraff said:

Do you like the exit wounds album?

Yeah, it's pretty damn good, but not in my top 3 The Haunted albums...I don't know, it just seems to be lacking a groove that was all over "One Kill Wonder"...like Shadow World? I feel like I could lift a planet when that tunes pounding. 

"Exit Wounds" is pretty damn solid though.


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getting lower back pain at the top of my squat for some reason. No pain throughout the movement, only at the very top after I ascend. It even hurts when I do 135 warmup squats. Anyone know the reason? I feel like I am bracing my core correctly. Maybe it is due to anterior pelvic tilt? Should i wear a belt, would the pain go away then?

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1 minute ago, DoughtysCheck said:

getting lower back pain at the top of my squat for some reason. No pain throughout the movement, only at the very top after I ascend. It even hurts when I do 135 warmup squats. Anyone know the reason? I feel like I am bracing my core correctly. Maybe it is due to anterior pelvic tilt? Should i wear a belt, would the pain go away then?

Could be so many things causing that. I'd talk to a physiotherapist/kinesiologist about it ASAP.

It could be technique in the squat, or tightness/lack of flexibility anywhere in your body. For example, tightness in your hamstring or hip can create a ripple effect, which will cause pain your lower back. It could also just be an injury like a bulged disc. Regardless of the cause, you don't want to mess around with your lower back during squats. Get an expert to identify the problem.

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2 hours ago, falcon45ca said:

Yeah, it's pretty damn good, but not in my top 3 The Haunted albums...I don't know, it just seems to be lacking a groove that was all over "One Kill Wonder"...like Shadow World? I feel like I could lift a planet when that tunes pounding. 

"Exit Wounds" is pretty damn solid though.


I felt the guitar work/solos are strongest on exit wounds. You're right about a lack of consistent groove on the album, however I feel that is because: at this stage it's a bit of a comeback album and therefore I think they wanted to express some diversity throughout the tracks.  Eye of the storm is maybe the only song that grooves and also has a strong solo imo......will have to revisit one kill wonder.

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On January 5, 2016 at 0:33 AM, CanuckianOne said:

Anyone know of a good beginner bodyweight workout? 

Pushups & chin-ups, toss in some skater lunges. Finish off with some planks, those 3 movements & planks will hit pretty much every muscle group.

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I'm going to the gym more, and I walk to and from work. Today I worked out at the gym for 40 minutes, and came home to watch hockey, and I also ate eggs after working out, and I have not drank wine, champagne, or any other alcoholic drink so far this month.

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47 minutes ago, brilac said:

I'm going to the gym more, and I walk to and from work. Today I worked out at the gym for 40 minutes, and came home to watch hockey, and I also ate eggs after working out, and I have not drank wine, champagne, or any other alcoholic drink so far this month.

Keep it up..I'm sure you'll eventually reach your goals. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

For the past month I've only been able to go to the gym twice a week because of my work schedule, but in 1 more month I won't be working anymore so I'm going to start doing weights 3-4 times per week and cardio 5 times per week. I've completely stopped cardio right now since I'm doing a full body workout. Doing cardio would just mean I'm spending to much time at the gym then I would like.

I just started squatting and have some questions.

How many sets/reps should I be doing? right now I do 5x8.

If I can squat 110lbs right now (I know I can do heavier though since I never struggle, just being cautious) should I be able to squat 135lbs+ by the end of the month?

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