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Darren Pang chirps Damien Cox

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Nice one Pang! I'm always surprised when analysts or reporters from different outlets chirp one another publicly. Didn't think that would be encouraged by their respective employers, but it's definitely entertaining for the rest of us!

Steve Simmonds and Damien Cox - two people who just make it impossible to follow them

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I agree with Cox, booooring 2-1 games, trap hockey, litttle room for offennsive talent to shine. Also the league stopped calling all the interference and holding and clutch and grab that it was supposed to keep calling. The Caucks paid a price for this.

The most exciting series ive seen so far is Islanders/Penguins. I hope the Pens go all the way, as it would encourage skill back to the forefront of teams again.

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Good stuff Panger. Cox is an idiot. He wouldn't know good hockey if it slapped him in the face. What's not to like about back and forth hockey? Oh, LA didn't let 3 goals in during the last 10 minutes. Okay I get it.

That was a great game last night for hockey fans. Only goofballs don't get it.

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NHL loves tighter games, so they can affect the game more by controlling the officiating.

1 PPG to win a tied game is much easier to rig than 3. Bettman keeps control of what markets can get the extra revenue, and for how long, and lets the big money gambling scene cash in as well too.

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