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PK Subban: "Jordan’s skill level is much higher than mine"


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Jordan scored 51 points this season and was +22 at 18 years old - Gaunce scored 60 and was +10.

I could care less that he's undersized - he's already the size of some very successful NHL defensemen - and he has years to grow and develop.

Enstrom is 180lb, Brodin is 166 lbs, Karlsson is 175...Weaver is his size, and a shutdown guy, Timmonen is his height and about the size he'll likely be in a year or two...

Like Shinkaruk, a great choice that would have gone much higher were people not as obsessed with size.

Exactly this, +1. Jordon is a hell of a player and despite being small - whatever that means... - he knows how to get on the scoresheet.

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What is he supposed to say?

"Yeah Jordan kind of blows you guys messed up hard"?

Ya no kidding.... On TSN live in front of national audience and his other brother Malcolm.... "He sucks, is a shrimp and I always kicked his ass, what was Gillis thinking? He will never be as good as me"

Reminds me of Paul Kariya's little brother all over again

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Reminds me of Ayrton Senna saying how talent Bruno was. Just a relative saying nice things.

However Jordan has got skills and clearly his family has some special pedigree lol

Ya, but have you seen this kids moves, or his fights? The only comparason we could watch of Bruno was of him Karting, and he was still in F1, which, even as a back marker makes him a very very good race car driver. Last I seen, he was driving in the LeMans series??

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