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[Report] Torts Suspended 6 Games


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Its so sanitized and 'clean'. I'm already going to miss Tort's candid talk. I hope this incident doesn't alter the way he does things, and I hope this doesn't make the Canucks go back into their shell.

I think public opinion in BC and amongst the majority of canuck fans has been supportive of Torts and the team..I didn't buy the whole bringing the team together with he physicality bit after the LA game but if losing their coach and captain doesn't inspire them to play passionate hockey with heart, nothing will.

And if they don't have the skill to bring it on every night now, work ethic and intensity has to fill in the blanks.

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"We respect the decision made by the National Hockey League today to suspend John Tortorella for 15 days from Sunday, with no contact with the team for six games," Gillis said. "We would also like to acknowledge our organization's full support for John and we look forward to having him back behind the bench soon."

Lol, what a hollowed out white washed lie, why even bother saying anything at all.

Dude. Please. The "organization's full support for John". "Look forward to having him back behind the bench soon."

What is there not to like?

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I think public opinion in BC and amongst the majority of canuck fans has been supportive of Torts and the team..I didn't buy the whole bringing the team together with he physicality bit after the LA game but if losing their coach and captain doesn't inspire them to play passionate hockey with heart, nothing will.

And if they don't have the skill to bring it on every night now, work ethic and intensity has to fill in the blanks.

You are probably right, and I hope you are.

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Am I the only who thinks the Sedins should not be encouraged to feel like cowards against a fourth line? Just put them out there, and play the game.

IMO the real crime here was not his tresspassing antics but his lack of respect for fourth line guys, or his lack of confidence in his top line either way.

I'm sure they don't feel that way. That isn't the type of player they are and they know it. What if one of them managed to hurt one of the twins? Then Torts would get all the heat for doing nothing about it.

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Am I the only who thinks the Sedins should not be encouraged to feel like cowards against a fourth line? Just put them out there, and play the game.

IMO the real crime here was not his tresspassing antics but his lack of respect for fourth line guys, or his lack of confidence in his top line either way.

You think they should have sent out three guys with broken ribs, a broken jaw, and a concussion history for a staged rumble with three goons?

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I'm sure they don't feel that way. That isn't the type of player they are and they know it. What if one of them managed to hurt one of the twins? Then Torts would get all the heat for doing nothing about it.

Two scenarios here: Hartless ordered a can of whoop ass for the Nucks top line, or Hartless intimidated Torts not to put the brittle twins out there, and ordered a whoopass for any other line. I think the Sedins reputation is totally known though so I'd hope scenario 1 wouldnt happen. I would have loved it if Torts had called Hartleys bluff though, that is if he was bluffing...

What really tires me though is that we're forced into another discussion about their lack of physical prowess again.

You think they should have sent out three guys with broken ribs, a broken jaw, and a concussion history for a staged rumble with three goons?

Nope, if players are injured, sit em out and call up the kids from Utica.

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Dude. Please. The "organization's full support for John". "Look forward to having him back behind the bench soon."

What is there not to like?

I would have preferred the team and owners come out and say they disagree with the decision instead of just bending over and taking it.

This suspension never would have happened if he was still coach of the Rangers (an original 6 team)

The double standard in this league is becoming more and more apparent each day.

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You say this, but the league is probably looking at our club saying, "is there another club that has caused this league the bad press or embarassment Vancouver has over the last 30 years?".

The flying elbow from Bure to McRae's head.

The court case where two owners claimed the club was sold to them.

Bertuzzi / Moore.

Burrows biting incident.

The current Torts episode.

Multiple Stanley Cup Riots.

I know we look in the mirror and think we're golden and the whole world is against us, but can you name a franchise that has a worse history for incidents over the same time frame?

Why do you keep saying 'we' when you're a Laffs fan?

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I would have preferred the team and owners come out and say they disagree with the decision instead of just bending over and taking it.

This suspension never would have happened if he was still coach of the Rangers (an original 6 team)

The double standard in this league is becoming more and more apparent each day.

It is, but I'm actually really surprised that Hartley got fined too. I also expected Torts to get 10 games, not 6 (15 days) plus a huge fine. Glimmer of hope in there, maybe he said some things in that meeting that had an effect, who knows. I would love to have been a fly on that wall! :bigblush:

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Two scenarios here: Hartless ordered a can of whoop ass for the Nucks top line, or Hartless intimidated Torts not to put the brittle twins out there, and ordered a whoopass for any other line. I think the Sedins reputation is totally known though so I'd hope scenario 1 wouldnt happen. What really tires me though is that we're forced into another discussion about their lack of physical prowess again.

Nope, if players are injured, sit em out and call up the kids from Utica.

We've known about that lack of physicality for a decade now. What is there to discuss? Either we accept it and work around it or deal them and build a more physical skilled top six. Clearly we accepted them a long time ago for the players they are

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It is, but I'm actually really surprised that Hartley got fined too. I also expected Torts to get 10 games, not 6 (15 days) plus a huge fine. Glimmer of hope in there, maybe he said some things in that meeting that had an effect, who knows.

Him, Gillis and Gilman probably did one of the following

1) Told Campbell and Bettman to f off

2) Showed them the double standard the NHL is using on the Canucks

3) Questioned why Roy only got $10K for a similar incident

4) Tell them how much of a bush league joke the NHL is becoming

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We've known about that lack of physicality for a decade now. What is there to discuss? Either we accept it and work around it or deal them and build a more physical skilled top six. Clearly we accepted them a long time ago for the players they are

Yeah but we have to talk about Torts going loco because he though Hartless was trying to endanger the first line. Give me a break. It all goes back to the same thing: the twins are brittle. Just put them out there next time. Tough guys are smarter than their coaches sometimes...

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I'm sure they don't feel that way. That isn't the type of player they are and they know it. What if one of them managed to hurt one of the twins? Then Torts would get all the heat for doing nothing about it.

Especially when one of them was known to be playing injured already.

Last time a 4th liner injured our captain, bad things happened...

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You say this, but the league is probably looking at our club saying, "is there another club that has caused this league the bad press or embarassment Vancouver has over the last 30 years?".

The flying elbow from Bure to McRae's head.

The court case where two owners claimed the club was sold to them.

Bertuzzi / Moore.

Burrows biting incident.

The current Torts episode.

Multiple Stanley Cup Riots.

I know we look in the mirror and think we're golden and the whole world is against us, but can you name a franchise that has a worse history for incidents over the same time frame?

Please dvdguy. Give it a rest. Vancouver is no worse than any other franchise. Drink the koolaid though and while you're at it, get packing. Hate for you to miss your train to Calgary.
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When are the Canucks going to be done with the show? Tortella's not the first to try and stir it up. "The Sedin's are..."

It does not matter that the other guy put their toughies on the first line. It doesn't even matter to the Canucks.

This team will not win the cup in any manner or form in any time in your near future. There have been too many mistakes over the past years and little action to resolve them. The Twins, while great, are still only a solid second line as it stands and that will diminish. Their goals during regular season mean something during regular season but nothing if they cannot produce in the playoffs, and worst of all if they cannot help their team produce what's required in the playoffs.

Of course it takes support personnel on every level, from the top of the organization down to the people on the ice. The continous fairy tale belief that Vancouver seems to deserve a cup is mind-boggling, and this from someone who is a fan, well, kind of. I used to be a die hard fan as well and certainly not a bandwagoner.

Now I just want this team gone. As in, I have nothing of emotional or financial value invested in this Vancouver Canucks team any longer. What's worst is that I've known that for the past couple years. And the Canuck's organization keeps milking the fans.

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