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[PGT]Another Loss

Ryan kesler the beast

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Of course there are a few posters here who are just to stir the pot, but a lot of long time, quality posters here share a much different view of the current incarnation of this team than those who wave their pom poms.......the love it or leave mindset here reeks of bandwagon

The pom pom thing suggests you somehow think your opinion is superior or more worthy...it is not. Doesn't matter if you play the game, have been here 10 years or whatever...your opinion is of the same merit as everyone else's.

Because we all have different reasons for watching. Sure, the common theme is "win" but, for some, there's a connection to this game that goes beyond that that you may not have or be aware of.

My Mother was a diehard fan of the Canucks and is no longer here...our last moments of any clarity together were watching a game. So the memories connected to the team are fond ones...now, does that excuse a poor performing team? No. But it means that I can still enjoy watching and supporting them despite it all. It somehow keeps me connected and is a happy place for me.

So lose the pom pom mentality because it's insulting. I'm confident that no changes will be made because people on a forum call for them....and, with that, some of us may just have the realization of that? It's pointless to moan about things because "they are what they are" and, for every pom pom waving homer cheerleader like myself there's an armchair GM who thinks they hold all the answers. But I'm convinced the owners and management aren't looking for direction here, so what's the point? Sure, it's important for a team to keep their finger on the pulse of the fans but, in this market, all the "whining" (see how that works, it's insulting and I'll refrain from doing it any further but it makes my point) won't change a thing. Is wasted energy. Negative and some of us just choose to be positive in life. It's hockey...it's a game. If people get cranky over it, that's worth assessing in itself. I mean, I hate the current state of things but you learn to roll with the punches in life. It's an important part of getting through rough patches rather than buckle in to them. It'll swallow you up if you do. Acceptance is a wonderful thing for some. I can't change the face of this team, so I have two options that make sense....move on, or hope for things to turn around. I choose option B.

At least the people waving pom poms are positive...isn't that the point of participating in something? For there are choices to be made if it's not... Are you any wiser for sticking it out through the anguish and misery?

There is no "best fan" criteria. People who analyze and search for answers are just that...but those who simply hold out hope for the next game are no lesser because of it - just different.

Playing the game does give you insight that, perhaps, others don't have. But you're not playing in the NHL...so perhaps you don't know it all? There's another level that it gets taken to and whether you've played the game or not, people who follow it can also grasp it without lacing them up.

For every member who thinks as you do, there's another, just as credible one who doesn't....who is here to support the team and feels those in charge can and should be left to make the decisions. They played (too) so, based on your thinking, give them that?

It's time to take the comments back to the game/team which is the topic at hand, not the fans and how they react to the game. Because there comes a time everyone has to agree to disagree in order to move forward. Post Game Thread.

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While I hope that real change is coming, given Gillis' post-game comments covered in the Province, looks like he intends to die with this core.

“We’re going to be all right,” Mike Gillis valiantly predicted.

His message was a simple one. Don’t expect this team to base any decisions on what has happened in the first six weeks of 2014, no matter how miserable they were.

He has the backing of owner Francesco Aquilini, who visited his team here, and is as upbeat as he’s ever been. He is as convinced as his general manager that these Canucks, the ones who would make death row look good, are not real the Canucks.

As for our assistant captain Daniel:

“We have to realize where we are,” Daniel Sedin said. “There are only 22 games left. We have to take care of business after the break. It’s going to be a fresh start for everyone.

“I think we’ve started to turn the corner during the last few games, and that’s the good sign.”

When asked about this team blowing third period leads:

“It shouldn’t happen,” Daniel said. “We have to do a better job defending leads. It’s happened before this season.

“That’s going to have to stop if we’re going to make the playoffs.”

It really shows the mindset of this team when we hear statements like "we're turning the corner" and "defending the lead" after losing your 7th game in a row and 15th in the last 18 games.

I just don't know what to say anymore when I hear crap like this coming from this team.

Disturbing but no surprise. Aquilini was involved in bringing in Torts and approved the new contracts to the Twins, Burrows, Hansen and Edler. Neither of these guys is going to fall on their sword for what look like very poor hockey moves. Gilli s said the same thing after 2011 and then after 2012. He also talked "re-set". The only thing that will make changes happen is fans losing interest (which with the current product is inevitable) resulting in empty seats. That and no playoffs will cost FA millions of dollars and he will only tolerate that for a short time. The problem is, if they stay the course and are wrong, the mess will take 10 years to get back to any level of competitiveness.
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Disturbing but no surprise. Aquilini was involved in bringing in Torts and approved the new contracts to the Twins, Burrows, Hansen and Edler. Neither of these guys is going to fall on their sword for what look like very poor hockey moves. Gilli s said the same thing after 2011 and then after 2012. He also talked "re-set". The only thing that will make changes happen is fans losing interest (which with the current product is inevitable) resulting in empty seats. That and no playoffs will cost FA millions of dollars and he will only tolerate that for a short time. The problem is, if they stay the course and are wrong, the mess will take 10 years to get back to any level of competitiveness.

And that's my greatest fear.

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Ive watched almost every canucks game in the last 20 years and they havent looked this bad since the Messier era...

Torts is partly to blame for overplaying the Sedins having them kill penalties and burning them out. Gillis doesnt seem like he knows what hes doing... signs the Sedins to 7 million contracts even when its obvious Daniel is on the decline. 5 million per would have been fair or Henrik 7 and Daniel 5 but they have to have the exact same pay as well? I was a big fan of Edler but he needs a fresh start in the East. I think he could be a star in the eastern conference. Trade him to Detroit for Mantha a top prospect, hes a big guy and a PP specialist. Id be ok with Trading the Sedins but thats not happening....

Kesler and Bieksa would get a great return so might look at them also even though they are my favorite players. We need to rebuild and we need to start now. If we tank we can get a top 10 pick and in 2-3 years maybe be a contender again.

I honestly think I could do as good as Gillis running this team. I didnt like the Ballard trade, Booth trades... I didnt like keeping Ballard over Erhoff either.. I know he got a huge bonus but he made our pp work.

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Ive watched almost every canucks game in the last 20 years and they havent looked this bad since the Messier era...

Torts is partly to blame for overplaying the Sedins having them kill penalties and burning them out. Gillis doesnt seem like he knows what hes doing... signs the Sedins to 7 million contracts even when its obvious Daniel is on the decline. 5 million per would have been fair or Henrik 7 and Daniel 5 but they have to have the exact same pay as well? I was a big fan of Edler but he needs a fresh start in the East. I think he could be a star in the eastern conference. Trade him to Detroit for Mantha a top prospect, hes a big guy and a PP specialist. Id be ok with Trading the Sedins but thats not happening....

Kesler and Bieksa would get a great return so might look at them also even though they are my favorite players. We need to rebuild and we need to start now. If we tank we can get a top 10 pick and in 2-3 years maybe be a contender again.

I honestly think I could do as good as Gillis running this team. I didnt like the Ballard trade, Booth trades... I didnt like keeping Ballard over Erhoff either.. I know he got a huge bonus but he made our pp work.

All of your hindsight would come in quite handy if you ever decide to be GM

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All I can say is the canucks deserve to be in the position they are in right now, for their sloppy play and their complete failure to maintain any consistency. The whole team flat out sucks, from top to bottom, from the top line right down to Luongo. Pathetic losers. They deserve to sink right down to the bottom of the league and wallow in their own excrement.

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It seems simple. Overestimating the talent and giving it too many chances to do something.

In hindsight, they had Chicago on the ropes, let off the gas and squeaked through. Then they beat an outmatched Nashville team (very close games) and defeated San Jose on the power play. Other than that, the core has pretty much done zilch in 5 playoff seasons. But don't worry, this is the right core to get it done. Uncue bass solo.

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News flash to the 'older' crowd, using your age to prove your a 'better' nucks fan is immature and digusting. Just because I am younger then you it doesn't mean I am less then a fan. I don't give a crap how long you have been watching hockey to sit there and act like your a better fan because your older is disrespectfull. WE ARE ALL CANUCK FANS ITS TIME WE SANK WITH THIS SHIP AND SUPPORTED OUR TEAM WIN OR LOSE.

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News flash to the 'older' crowd, using your age to prove your a 'better' nucks fan is immature and digusting. Just because I am younger then you it doesn't mean I am less then a fan. I don't give a crap how long you have been watching hockey to sit there and act like your a better fan because your older is disrespectfull. WE ARE ALL CANUCK FANS ITS TIME WE SANK WITH THIS SHIP AND SUPPORTED OUR TEAM WIN OR LOSE.

This x 1000
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News flash to the 'older' crowd, using your age to prove your a 'better' nucks fan is immature and digusting. Just because I am younger then you it doesn't mean I am less then a fan. I don't give a crap how long you have been watching hockey to sit there and act like your a better fan because your older is disrespectfull. WE ARE ALL CANUCK FANS ITS TIME WE SANK WITH THIS SHIP AND SUPPORTED OUR TEAM WIN OR LOSE.

how about you calling the fans that criticize the team a bandwagoner. don't you think it's immature? or you just can't stand the fact that someone talks trash about your beloved bieksa and kesler? you know, the two arrogant, egomaniac, inept players

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News flash to the 'older' crowd, using your age to prove your a 'better' nucks fan is immature and digusting. Just because I am younger then you it doesn't mean I am less then a fan. I don't give a crap how long you have been watching hockey to sit there and act like your a better fan because your older is disrespectfull. WE ARE ALL CANUCK FANS ITS TIME WE SANK WITH THIS SHIP AND SUPPORTED OUR TEAM WIN OR LOSE.

LOL chill with the drama.

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call me when you've spent 40 years with this organization...........25 of them very dark.

Amen to that one. stawns. And sheeeeit...some of those years were like staggering around in the pitch-dark with not even a hint of flashlight. (mid-to-late 80s...). I won't count the 70s insofar as they were still in the early stages of being one of the expansion teams of the league. I remember when we used to lose to Winnipeg and Edmonton and surprise, surprise... Calgary. I also remember when St. Louis had our number. And forget the Wales Conference teams coming in and adding to our misery. The 80s were when Toronto tended to kick our ass regularly (Toronto was a Campbell Conference team back then playing in the Norris Division).

Yep, just love it when a fan who started watching after 94 calls us "bandwagoners". ~sigh~

not everyone here is an old geezer, dude

Thanks a ton, Sparkle, you just reminded me that I have to go take my daily dose of Humira. :P

*ouch* my aching back...

That's cute. I'm glad you guys care so much about the past. Who cares if we lost to you in the last 10 or so games, we have cups in our history. Doesn't matter if it was 1967, we still can google "Maple Leafs stanley cup winning team" and find a photo of our team actually winning the cup.

Got any in color? :P

Like Stawns, I've been a fan long enough to have seen good times as well as the bad old days when the Canucks couldn't eke out a win to save their skins. I also remember when all the team had were the lunchbucket crew and very little talent to speak of yet they brought their heart and soul to every damned game. Yes, we have talent out the wazoo here, but the lunchbucket mentality is gone...and that's what wins games.

I respect the viewpoint of every fan here but to have someone call old-time fans out and call those of us who look at things with a slightly different slant a bandwagoner because someone like stawns mentions something that doesn't sit well with the rest of the fans frankly pisses me off. You want respect? Act respectful in return and you may actually receive it. We're not saying stuff because we want to "talk down to you", we're saying it because we've seen our team go through slumps like this before and the same old same old schtick is getting old. We've heard it from Tom Watt, Bob McCammon, Pat Quinn, Rick Ley - hell all the coaches we've had so far. We've either had no talent but a lot of hard workers or we've had a talented team that coasted.

You say that the 2011 team gave it their all and came up short? What I saw was a team that self-destructed in Game 7. I didn't see the team in 94 on the ice which gave their blood, sweat, toil and tears up until the final whistle - Linden who put his team on his shoulders and kept them to within one goal and you don't think that the 94 team wasn't banged up? Even the 82 team, though they got blown out 4 games to 0, fought. Even with their backs against the wall, they went down fighting and at least potted one in Game 4 to go down 3-1. 2011 team got blown out 4-0 in Game 7 because they mentally folded like a deck of cards.

Yes, most old-timers like stawns and others who have been watching this team this long want to see results from this team. I've watched this team for 43 years and I would really like to see our team win a Stanley Cup before I end up pushing up daisies. You wanna tell us to shut up and cheer for the team without questioning their motivation and their direction. Sorry, but this fan isn't going to sit down and keep quiet just to keep you guys happy. Don't like it? Tough.

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Disturbing but no surprise. Aquilini was involved in bringing in Torts and approved the new contracts to the Twins, Burrows, Hansen and Edler. Neither of these guys is going to fall on their sword for what look like very poor hockey moves. Gilli s said the same thing after 2011 and then after 2012. He also talked "re-set". The only thing that will make changes happen is fans losing interest (which with the current product is inevitable) resulting in empty seats. That and no playoffs will cost FA millions of dollars and he will only tolerate that for a short time. The problem is, if they stay the course and are wrong, the mess will take 10 years to get back to any level of competitiveness.

Probably not 10 years, but certainly 5. The team needs to have something positive going on before UFAs will sign here. No player wants to sign on into a dead situation. That's why having assets to move is important. Once those assets dry up and have no external value, you're screwed. The Canucks are not there quite yet, but if the status quo remains, they will be a year from now. After that, basement-dwelling is all that's left. As for Aquaman, he will wake up one morning annoyed that by the realization that the city is down on the team. A guy like him has so much money, he doesn't feel financial losses (or better put, unrealized gains) from the Canucks as a business. But his pride won't allow it to happen. That's the day Gillis should be worried for.

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