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[Report] via the Score: Penguins made a trade offer for Kesler...

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It sounds nice but I doubt it would play out well if he was the 3C. He plays 24 minutes a game now and was on pace for 52 points in 82 games. If they make him 3C he still plays with scrub wingers but gets even less ice time. His scoring also likely goes down and he becomes a role player.

IMO it would only make sense if they moved him to one of the wings with Crosby or Malkin and used him as a PK center.

This is a good point. I doubt Kes waves his clause to 3c in the Burgh as you describe.

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I think Sutter has more upside than it appears playing in Pitts bottom six and getting scraps for situational opportunities behind their top 6.

I'd be tempted to accept a Sutter deal - if they add a pair of blueline prospects to the deal. Between Maata, Despres, Pouliot, Harrington, Dumoulin, they have young blueline prospects that could round out the Canucks youth and depth on the blueline nicely, and enable them to potentially move a blueliner for a forward, as has been clamored about so much on these boards.

Sutter, Maata, and a third piece and it would be tempting.

Growing up playing against him, honestly Sutter isn't that good. I'll take the way Santo (at 25) has been playing this year over Sutter.

Kesler is an impact player. Only way canucks can move him is if they get an impact player in return, This team is currently built with 3rd liners, we'd be adding just another piece to a team filled with them, Besided the twins where is our offence supposed to come from? This would be a disaster move for the team, even with a extra first.

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I think Sutter has more upside than it appears playing in Pitts bottom six and getting scraps for situational opportunities behind their top 6.

I'd be tempted to accept a Sutter deal - if they add a pair of blueline prospects to the deal. Between Maata, Despres, Pouliot, Harrington, Dumoulin, they have young blueline prospects that could round out the Canucks youth and depth on the blueline nicely, and enable them to potentially move a blueliner for a forward, as has been clamored about so much on these boards.

Sutter, Maata, and a third piece and it would be tempting.

I agree with everything you said, Malkin would put up crappy numbers if he was paired with Fanner Glass and Chuck Kobasew... However, there's no possibility that Maata is going to be going anywhere. He's their future #1 and Shero would be burned at the stake if they moved Maata for anything less than a kings ransom.

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I love Kesler as much as the next fan, and in fact, there was a time when I was certain he would retire as a Canuck. But to be honest, if he wants to leave, then now is the time to do it. His trade value will not get any higher, and frankly, as an organization, we owe it to a guy as competitive as Kesler. He deserves a shot at winning the Cup. Remember, he took a significant pay cut to stay with the Canucks when he signed his extension because of our commitment to win. That did not happen, and it will not happen in next 5 years; excluding the opinions of the most delusional fans, it's plain to see that this team is on the decline, and we need to start looking ahead.

First, I don't know (just my opinion) that it is about Kesler wanting to leave. I see it as something similar to Luongo's past situation where moving forward, it might be the interests of both parties to seek a trade. When Kesler said "he loves it here...son was born here etc. etc" I believe he was being genuine- the city and the team are full of fond memories for him.

That said, he is a competetive player, and a player that if added, would make certain teams e.g. PIT chalk full of skill and talent e.g. CHI. People crap on MG all the time but if there is any truth to these rumours and reports, and MG is seriously entertaining a trade then kudos because it shows he is learning from other teams mistakes e.g CGY when trading older vets and getting low returns. A trade, if done now and correctly could really turn things around right away for the Canucks, or, further MG's plan of injecting more youth into the line up.

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I think Sutter has more upside than it appears playing in Pitts bottom six and getting scraps for situational opportunities behind their top 6.

That may be the case but many said the same of Jordan Staal and his numbers remain relatively the same.

Last season Crosby and Malkin both missed games to injury and this year Malkin has missed games to injury but Sutter did not fill those roles well and in fact Pittsburgh barely gave him much of the ice time.

The main concern with Sutter IMO is it's his 6th NHL season and he 25 years old and he is on pace for 29 points. He hasn't really risen to any occasion in his career and I feel like banking on giving him more ice time and better wingers is still risky given what he has done in the past when given an opportunity.

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Would have to be more added. Sutter would be the 3rd line center (which most expect Horvat to be) leaving 2nd spot open unless Santorelli is expected to be the 2nd next year.

If that's the case, I want a star coming back:







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Wouldn't take that deal. Sutter has hit his ceiling, he will be a 30 point 3rd liner. Pouliot couldn't make the team, Maata made it ahead of him and was drafted later. Plus Pittsburgh doesn't really give up anything as that 3c void gets filled by Kesler, and they still have D prospect depth with Maata, Harrington and Dumoulin coming up.

If we're giving up a star, we better get a star back.

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Pouliot is intriguing. I have always liked him and was super jealous when PIT drafted him. If we did indeed make this trade, we have our future PMD. I would be psyched.

As for Sutter, he did however play 2nd line minutes in Carolina, and had actually done quite well, putting up some solid numbers. Pittsburgh is just as deep as it gets with their top 2 centres. I don't even have to get into it, do I. Question is though, could Sutter actually be capable of playing as a consistent 2nd line centre? He did put up 40 points one year as a 'Cane, playing 2nd line minutes in his early 20's. His two-way game is awesome and he's good at faceoffs.

I LOVE Pouliot, and Sutter to a certain extent could fill Kesler's void, but we need to explore all options out there rather than make a trade for the sake of making a trade. If we can't get back value worth more than Kesler, there will be no trade, and that's fine.

Pouliot IS a bluechip prospect, though. He's the kind of guy the future of this hockey team needs going forward.

We would also get significantly younger. And as much as I hate to bring this up, Sutter is less injury prone than Kesler by a long shot.

However, at this point, Kesler is near irreplaceable, especially if we are trying to make the playoffs. It's a tough call.

Other teams are/will be bidding though. Let's just wait and see what happens.

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Wouldn't take that deal. Sutter has hit his ceiling, he will be a 30 point 3rd liner. Pouliot couldn't make the team, Maata made it ahead of him and was drafted later. Plus Pittsburgh doesn't really give up anything as that 3c void gets filled by Kesler, and they still have D prospect depth with Maata, Harrington and Dumoulin coming up.

If we're giving up a star, we better get a star back.

Honestly it’s as simple as that.

Hansen, Higgins, and every one of our players in Utica may eventually equate to the value of a Crosby, But when star players are involved, other stars need to come back. Dion gets traded to Toronto, sure at the time the value probably equalled each other but the impact of not getting a star player in return destroyed the flames in the future. 5 years after the trade Calgary has only 1 player remaining from that trade and Toronto still has their captain with still relatively high value. Like you said “If we're giving up a star, we better get a star back.”

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