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[GDT] Canucks @ Wild


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Reality is we need to win in regulation for an outside chance of taking over Minnesota/Yotes.

My personal opinion is that if we start stringing up the wins then we will make the playoffs, but the second we lose in regulation our momentum and motivation is gone and we don't make it.

Reality our conference is that Dallas will take the 8th spot ahead of Yotes by 2 points and 4/5 points clear of us. Dallas then chokes first round because their is no consistency in-between their pipes.

The Coyotes have been playing some of the best hockey in the league over the last 10-12 games.......what makes you think that will stop? Mike Smith? Greiss has been very solid for them this year.

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Schedule for Minnesota

Canucks 10th 76pts -L- Starts right here with a W for the Canucks

St Louis 1st 103pts - L

Phoenix 8th 82pts -L- Hope for a loss to a hungry Phoenix who is getting hot.

LA Kings 6th 90pts - L

Chicago 4th 99ts - L

Penguins 2nd 97pts - L

Winnepeg 12th 73pts - W

Boston 1st 104pts - L

St Louis 1st 103pts - L

Nashville 11th 73pts - W

89 points, possibly 91 if they beat Phoenix.


Minnesota W

Colorado W

Anaheim W/L

Rangers W

LA Kings W

Anaheim L

Colorado W

Edmonton W

Calgary W

Putting us at 90/92 points. We just need Dallas to not make the cut for the playoffs.

I don't think we'll beat rangers, LA Queens, and Anaheim, but hopefully we can find a way to win.
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Seriously, you have Minny winning only two of their remaining games while you have the Canucks winning all except one and maybe two.

How do you expect anyone to take you seriously at all?

Here, these are yours...


Why do you act like Vancouver is Florida? I am not wearing rose coloured glasses, I am simply stating it can happen. I have faith in the team I cheer for. How about you?

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Basically a must-win at this point.

I mean, it's almost impossible to make it now.....but the little ray of light will still be there if we match Phoenix's win with one of our own.

Law of the canucks: If it is a must win game then you must lose


  • Game 7 in the SCF in 1994
  • Game 7 in the SCF in 2011
  • Trying to make the playoffs in 2007/2008

Therefore, expect a loss, a blowout loss.

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What I don't understand is why Lack is playing until we are "mathematically eliminated." Even IF we make the playoffs, which btw is a BIG IF, by the time we get there Lack would have played like what, 25 straight games? It is $#*@&!@* ludacris to think that any sort of playoff success is possible with lack hitting the 30 games in a row mark during the 1st round.

I just don't see how the management or coaching staff can justify playing him for this long hoping to squeak into the playoffs. Markstrom needs to get some games, not for us to see him play, or for him to get some starts, but to at least rest Lack.

I just don't understand anymore... And Lack will play in our 2 back to backs coming up in all likelihood


I understand the owners want the $$$ from the playoffs, but at the cost of jeopardizing the health of one of this teams vital pieces going forward? Every thing just seems all too short sighted to me

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Why do you act like Vancouver is Florida? I am not wearing rose coloured glasses, I am simply stating it can happen. I have faith in the team I cheer for. How about you?

Not all of us here are 12. It can happen but it is also more likely not to happen. Not everyone has to be blind, a follower, and a cheerleader, to enjoy hockey and have a favorite team. Some of us enjoy using our brains in relation to the hockey we're watching. I can't believe how many people are butthurt that not everyone sticks their head directly in the sand when considering how this season will play out.

What I don't understand is why Lack is playing until we are "mathematically eliminated." Even IF we make the playoffs, which btw is a BIG IF, by the time we get there Lack would have played like what, 25 straight games? It is $#*@&!@* ludacris to think that any sort of playoff success is possible with lack hitting the 30 games in a row mark during the 1st round.

I just don't see how the management or coaching staff can justify playing him for this long hoping to squeak into the playoffs. Markstrom needs to get some games, not for us to see him play, or for him to get some starts, but to at least rest Lack.

I just don't understand anymore... And Lack will play in our 2 back to backs coming up in all likelihood


I understand the owners want the $$$ from the playoffs, but at the cost of jeopardizing the health of one of this teams vital pieces going forward? Every thing just seems all too short sighted to me

Torts did say he would think about the goaltending today. But yeah, it's got me boggled as well.

According to the comments made earlier by Torts in this thread I would derive that they are putting him through the ringer to see how he'll respond. In that sense I guess it's better than throwing him into the fire next year. For what it's worth Torts said he has handled it quite well.

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What I don't understand is why Lack is playing until we are "mathematically eliminated." Even IF we make the playoffs, which btw is a BIG IF, by the time we get there Lack would have played like what, 25 straight games? It is $#*@&!@* ludacris to think that any sort of playoff success is possible with lack hitting the 30 games in a row mark during the 1st round.

I just don't see how the management or coaching staff can justify playing him for this long hoping to squeak into the playoffs. Markstrom needs to get some games, not for us to see him play, or for him to get some starts, but to at least rest Lack.

I just don't understand anymore... And Lack will play in our 2 back to backs coming up in all likelihood


I understand the owners want the $$$ from the playoffs, but at the cost of jeopardizing the health of one of this teams vital pieces going forward? Every thing just seems all too short sighted to me

To be the starter you have to be able to handle the majority of games, They are probably testing to see how Lack can handle the majority of games to judge for next year if he can be the starter, and he gives us the better chance at making the playoffs over a relatively unproven markstrom. Once mathematically eliminated markstrom is in. We have to depend on two teams to lose the majority of their games while we basically have to win them all just to qualify, while that'd be nice, I do not believe with the product we are icing with the injuries we have that making the playoffs is realistic. We will end up with 85-87 points IMO.

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Ya I get that we have to test him and I am all for it, but it is about to become borderline ridiculous. Im not sure exactly how many games in a row Lack has played but I think it is around 15. For him to do that in the regular season would give Markstrom or whoever our backup next year is 5 games in a season and Lack 77, which wont accomplish anything. Yes I know that wouldn't happen over 82 games but that is what the projection would be. I think Marky Mark has to get a start soon.

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Not all of us here are 12. It can happen but it is also more likely not to happen. Not everyone has to be blind, a follower, and a cheerleader, to enjoy hockey and have a favorite team. Some of us enjoy using our brains in relation to the hockey we're watching. I can't believe how many people are butthurt that not everyone sticks their head directly in the sand when considering how this season will play out.

1st off, I'm 25 years old. Not everyone who owns a computer aside from you is a kid. 2nd, simply cheering for my team and not being a negative person does not make me blind or a cheerleader, it makes me optimistic. I do use my brain when I watch AND play hockey. That is what allows me to do things like simple math, so I can see that they Canucks still have a chance to make the play-offs. EXCUSE ME for wanting my favourite team to succeed. PARDON ME for wanting my favourite team to do something miraculous. I guess it makes me a brainless 12 year old with an IQ of 50 to want the Canucks to show that they still got it. Here let me just apologize to you guys for not quitting on this team.

Suck it Phaneuf.

Am I looking forward to next year? You bet I am, I am more excited for next season than I was after the trade deadline in 2011. I am excited to see what will happen, who we will draft and the future of this team. Just because I want to see them play well today does not make me want them to fail in the future.

You guys all see what Edmonton, Calgary, Buffalo, and New Jersey are doing and you just want to follow suit..

Just like the Canucks have done over the last two years. Try and follow the trend of the NHL and always be that step behind, now look where they are at. You act like those kids at school who wear some stupid article of clothing or have a certain toy and if the other kid doesn't their a loser or uncool.

Or maybe some people just have different opinions and tastes. Weird thought eh?

So before you go off calling someone 12 and say that they don't use their brain. How about you try to remember that you know nothing about them and have very little insight to their motives.

That being said......

Go Canucks Go!

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