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Jason Garrison potential buyout candidate


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offensive defencemen drive the play. they create the transition with quick and accurate breakout passes or by lugging the puck themselves. they are also skilled at setting up plays by finding passing lanes in the offensive zone.

offensive defencemen create offense. garrison is merely a passive trigger man.

How do you explain Ehrhoffs drop in production since leaving here to play behind Buffalo's top offensive players?

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A change in coaches and coaching philosophy will do wonders for all of our D - they didn't all fall off a cliff in play in one and the same season for no reason whatsoever. They fell off a cliff because of Tortorella and his assistants. You can't play in the west with three forwards behind the other teams net, have your defence pinch, and give up the ridiculous number of 2 on 1s and 3 on 2s that we do. In there own zone the D play zone some of the time, but half the time you will see two D checking the same guy. The D are lost because of how they are instructed to play, and the most lost are Edler and Garrison. After he adjusted under Vigneault, Garrison looked just fine. Not a single D, including Hamhuis has, has been close to previous year's performance - except Tanev - who has been often injured blocking shots.

There is no need to get rid of Edler or Garrison, for God's sake some people have even talked about trading Tanev - because he has a no-trade clause! Just dump the stinking coach.

Edler didn't play like an NHLer last season either though. At some point, AHLex has to start accepting responsibility for his unacceptable defensive zone coverage.

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the only current player who may be a buyout candidate is Booth, but as the OP already said, that might not happen. He could enjoy a good last year here, maybe play 2nd or 3rd line depending on who is picked up in the offseason, or he could be traded away cheaply. I don't see any other player in the system being bought out however.

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I like jaygay, but if edler won't waive ntc I'd rather see him bought out. -30? That belongs in Alberta. Edler put up 49 points and still couldn't manage one of those elusive pluses. Hell, the nucks were +51 in 11/12, and bieksa had 44 pts, and a +13!

I'm so done with Edler, he's an absolute wreck in his own zone, and not just since turds took over behind the bench.

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Should have kept Ehrhoff. Great offensive pucking-moving defenseman. We already have a good set of defensive defensemen. But Garrison has done okay... He just really needs to work on his accuracy.

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Should have kept Ehrhoff. Great offensive pucking-moving defenseman. We already have a good set of defensive defensemen. But Garrison has done okay... He just really needs to work on his accuracy.

and passing.

and skating.

and offensive awareness.

and defensive play.

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I have to say I've never been a true Garrison fan...but this season he's been worse than last season....but in his defence so has every other defenseman.....that's not an accident...they were to a man happy with one on one coverage and have failed to embrace the new style. However Garrison should never have been signed in the first place, he's never been better than Salo ( even allowing for Salo maybe playing only 60 games due to injury) but brought in at a time when the team had little Cap Space and in truly bad need of a play making centre...Garrison was a poor substitute. I believe it was an attempt to shore up a bad PP and it's failed the PP is still very poor and we still need a play making centre. Garrison was a folly from the onset

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totally in favour of dumping garrison

the only thing he's got going for him is a heavy shot; too bad his release is as slow as his skating

guys one of the most built players on the team and he can't hit, can't skate, can't make a pass

give the puck to jason give-it-away-isson if you wanna see the play die on someone's stick.

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Booth? Ballard?

They were acquired through trades, we didn't sign them. They were bad pickups none the less and should have been waived, bought out, or traded for a 7th round pick a long time ago.

Garrison has been fine. I dont like him playing on the right though. He will be much improved if we find the right partner for him so he can play left.

Although the %odds are low... Ekblad comes to mind :)

This the problem with Gillis's foresight. We've always had a problem with having too many left side defenseman. This is why Ballard never worked out cuz Hamhuis, Edler, and sometimes Alberts always got first dibs. Ballard could never adjust playing on the right side. Ehrhoff and Salo are both right side and they were replaced by Tanev and Garrison. Now Garrison has the same problem Ballard in being forced to play on the right side. Hamhuis has seniority and Edler is management's baby.

So our right side defenseman are:

Bieksa: high risk, high reward, all disaster

Garrison: awkwardly missing shots all over the place

Tanev: reliable stay at home, but can't expect too much from him

Bieksa can actually be a decent player as we saw in 2011 when he only focuses on shutdown. But without Ehrhoff or Salo to help push the offense, I'm sure he feels a huge weight on his shoulders to help the offense, thus increasing his mistakes.

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Hopefully this will deter this stupid friggin notion that because someone is from the province that they will play well for this team. That is often the rationale behind trading or drafting "BC boys". That is poor reasoning. Garrison hasn't sucked but he hasn't been very good either and he's certainly not that 15 goal, 50 point monster like people were making him out to be just because he's from White Rock.

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