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Mike Gillis Team 1040 Interview

Cold Hard Truth

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"I think, if Gillis was given free reign on how to run this franchise, without ownership meddling...he can get us back to the days where we had tremendous success."

- Ah yes; hope springs eternal.

- It's my opinion Gillis deserves little or no credit for past Canuck success... and we need new management... but perhaps I'm wrong. The sad reality is that teams almost never achieve ultimate success without a couple allstar type players... and we no longer have any.

- Song of the day; "You can never Hold Back Spring" - by Tom Waits

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Like the whole issue with Lui and schneider I think it goes way back to Lui's contract offer. Why would MG contradict himself regarding his feeling on these long contracts when he shot down the one the twin's agent put forward that had them in at 4.5mil cap hit over 10 years I believe, only to okay a even longer contract a few months later to a older player that plays goal. Which you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know is a way more risky position to have that kind of term and money locked in on, you would think a player agent of his caliber would know this.

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I think it's a shot across the bow of ownership by saying it's either me or Torts. Gillis is very conservative and never very forthcoming in his interviews, so to bring this to a head at this point in the season and in such a public way is very surprising and seems to be his line in the sand.

Either way, this confirms to me that our sleezbag owners have been too involved with the running of this team, and that Gillis has had his hands tied with various aspects of running the club (ie. hiring Torts, style of play, taking on money in trades...etc.).

In one fell swoop, he's essentially said that he regrets hiring Torts and chasing a different style of play, while at the same time telling ownership that he's going to run this team his way, and if ownership won't let him, then they should fire him.

This is Gillis going all in at the poker table.

Should be interesting.

Spot on. The critique of Tortorella is obvious and unmistakable, but not far below the surface you can see the subtext with ownership. If it's down to one of Gillis or Tortorella staying, I hope it's Gillis. He's messed up some things to be sure, but Torts takes the cake.

Hard not to sense that his timing was strategic here too, what with AV just passing through town. This message is also about setting the stage for exit interviews with players. If Torts really has lost the room, people may not be having to worry so much about no trade clauses. But you never want that kind of vibe to develop around your club, so maybe he's trying to head it off at the pass.

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MG's story changes from interview to interview but the one that never changes is any culpability on his part.

That's B.S because MG clearly says in the interview that he might be fired, and that is because he is in charge of running a team that severely underperformed this season. Very honest and frank response if you ask me

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It's certainly the most candid he's ever been in an interview. For a guy that seems like he's always in "lawyer mode", this is a pretty big change in tone.

he has to be in lawyer mode in interviews.....media and fans take anything he says and make mountains out of mole hills....

he is obviously frustrated with the process as every mistake falls back on him....he tried to shield his coach from contraversy

over the heritage classic, only to have torts say what gillis said was a lie and it was his decision...

as it is now people believe gillis hates torts....he said he wanted the style to change to up tempo or changes would be made...

people say gillis hasn't made the big moves they want, but we don't know how hard he tried to get these players...

criticizing is always easier that trying to make trades that will make the team better...opinions mean zip.

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I like that breakdown.

I actually had forgotten how often he used the "i dont know much about_____" early in the season (actually even before that).

Its fair to speculate that Stevens was in fact MG's leading candidate. Why not hire a guy from a Western team who has some prior scouted knowledge of the team. Shoulda,coulda,woulda. Though you would think Gully would have had more of an influence in the direction of the team.

But i digress. Torts clearly didnt do enough of the correct homework/scouting when taking this gig.

Im sooooo reaching here, i wonder how much interaction there was, even though MG had been stripped (that is fair speculation) of hiring the coach, with Torts being prepped by management? Its only fair to mention that...but could also support the growing theories about Franks meddling.

MG played ball with ownership on this one experiment, and he regrets it.

-amended edit-

*I hated Iron Mike...and what he does NOT bring to teams. Always the same pattern.

But to balance your addition on a positive sense; look at what Murray did with the Sens a few seasons back. There were so many calls for him to dismantle the team after the Heatley/Cloutsen debacle. But he stayed the course and made a few minor changes and it served them well.*

My guess would have been that Tippett was #1 on the list.

If Tortorella was for the most part an ownership decision, I have absolutely no interest in finding out who Gillis might be replaced with.

My sense/impression is that Gillis was not trusted enough - and that a measure of control was taken out of his hands - and that might also explain why some pretty fundamental things that characterize Gillis' approach appear to have been ignored for the most part. Not least of which is dealing with the reality of being a west coast team and the resulting demands upon the players. Even if you go back to the first month of the season, before injuries hammered the depth of the team, you see that the fourth line was playing 3, 4,5 minutes a night.

Tortorella recently made comments that the lack of depth pretty much dictated what he could and could not do with the lineup, but I can only accept that explanation at the point at which the team was in fact missing a handful of players on a regular basis. I was disappointed with that comment, tbh, because it is almost always taken as a vote of non-confidence in what a GM has provided. Imo, at that point and with all the mistakes that Tortorella had made, that was probably the last thing he should be making allusions to. Isn't he a guy who prefers to give out very top heavy minutes and has done so regularly in his coaching career? To try to retroactively suggest that a lack of depth forced his hand is questionable, and probably didn't earn him any favour with his GM. That kind of thing generally winds up being divisive, so I'm not particularly surprised that Gillis is now standing his ground.

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I love the battle mentality Torts brings to the team, but have to admit his systems just arn't a good fit for the Canucks. IMO I've had coaches like Torts and they can be hard headed guys so I don't think he is going to adjust all that much. John Stevens is looking like a good candidate if Torts is fired.

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That's B.S because MG clearly says in the interview that he might be fired, and that is because he is in charge of running a team that severely underperformed this season. Very honest and frank response if you ask me

Don't let facts get in the way of a good catch phrase. ::D

I love the battle mentality Torts brings to the team, but have to admit his systems just arn't a good fit for the Canucks. IMO I've had coaches like Torts and they can be hard headed guys so I don't think he is going to adjust all that much. John Stevens is looking like a good candidate if Torts is fired.

Stevens was my choice from the start for who was available. I'd be happy with him coming in as a replacement, but we'll need to find a balance with assistant coaches too.

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That's B.S because MG clearly says in the interview that he might be fired, and that is because he is in charge of running a team that severely underperformed this season. Very honest and frank response if you ask me

I'm glad you believe that. I wish I could.

If you care to listen again he says he could be let go but then he goes directly on to blame the team that severely underperformed. Severely underperformed, are you kidding me this team he's assembled is garbage? They performed exactly how most others and myself thought they would. What does he think, this team should be battling Anaheim and SJ for first in the division?

For the record he states that everyone in the organziation will be re-evaluted, including himself, every year. I've heard it 6 times now.

I guess allowing that he could be let go for a horrific season is cause for some to rejoice and welcome him back with open arms. Pretty damn easy to live his life. A couple hollow words and everyone is back on board.

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I'm glad you believe that. I wish I could.

If you care to listen again he says he could be let go but then he goes directly on to blame the team that severely underperformed. Severely underperformed, are you kidding me this team he's assembled is garbage? They performed exactly how most others and myself thought they would. What does he think, this team should be battling Anaheim and SJ for first in the division?

For the record he states that everyone in the organziation will be re-evaluted, including himself, every year. I've heard it 6 times now.

I guess allowing that he could be let go for a horrific season is cause for some to rejoice and welcome him back with open arms. Pretty damn easy to live his life. A couple hollow words and everyone is back on board.

Does everyone in the organization being re-evaluated also include and apply to Fin?

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Anybody hear the Gary Mason interview with BMac and Taylor yesterday. Threw out a rumour (wouldn't name who he was having lunch with) that Aquillini's might be setting things up to sell the team......

Not a chance. I have worked direct on business with them and this was the biggest feather in their cap and not a chance unless it's bankruptcy. They wanted this team their entire lives.

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