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[Report] Mike Gillis Fired


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MG had more then his fair chance not sure what your talking about and why you think an owner that give MG as long as he did would get another new GM next year????

Fire a GM before the season ends? Even if its one the worst in the recent past?

You are out to lunch if you think this move warrants merit.

MG's Hockey-ops team nearly doubled the teams worth.

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Never said they were, but all have been around the block a long time and have been hockey fans as long as I have.

Plus, they have a more unbiased view as they don't care about the Canucks. That is, a different perspective on it.

Myself, whether you want to blame MG or not doesn't really matter - change was needed.

Just remember that a "change" could go either way. Remember our coaching "change"? I just hope they hire someone competent or we might've taken several steps back.

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And was happening. It's not an overnight process.

Not trading any youth for short term help should have been the big signal that we were rebuilding and changing.

I hope the next GM doesn't go on about that one "It's a process" - sick and tired of hearing that year after year after year....

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To those people crediting MG for the moves he made...

not resigning Markus Naslund
Pavol Demitra 2 years 8 million
Mats Sundin 1/2 year 5 million
Trading Steve Bernier for 2nd and 3rd picks
Appointing Roberto Luongo as Captain

Mathieu Schneider 1 year 1.55 million

Trading Bernier Grabner and 1st for Ballard and Oreskovich
Not signing Malhotra in 2009 and the way things ended in 2012/13

Drafting: Sauve, Schroder, Rodin, Honzik, Mallet (in 6 Drafts 6 players have played a NHL game)
Current Luongo contract
Current Sedin contract
Current Burrows contract
Current Hansen contract
Current Garrison contract

The complete and utter devastation of the reputation of the team over the last 3 seasons.

He definitely made a couple shrewd moves in the beginning, but boy oh boy is this team in rough shape going forwards. I don't think that we'll ever really know what the ownership has had a hand in, but look at it this way; if the GM was doing a good job, would an owner feel the need to meddle? Up until the SCF collapse and subsequent failings, I didn't hear anything about FA intervening or meddling in MG's day to day activities. You used to hear how Jeremy Jacobs interfered with the GMs job, UNTIL Peter Chiarelli took the reins...

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Bad move as of now but depends who they replace MG with.

Shows how greedy and desperate owners are for money. Want ticket holders to renew their season tickets and it's evident because they could've fired Gillis after the season but never. Renewal deadline is April 9th.

This is so sad and pathetic. Clearly obvious what owners want cause they could've waited 3 more games for the season to end and then made the decision. Owners are screwing up this team :picard::(

Well if they continue to miss playoffs they lose tons of money

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Haven't been happy with some of Gillis's decisions the past couple years.... but now i worry more that they weren't really his decisions.. this firing and the legal letters to the media .. i think the owners are likely the problem here

How could tortorella not also be fired after the letters the owner sent out

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I can't recall many specifics from his Tampa days, other then he won a cup and quit due to battles with ownership.

Seems like a positive section of his resume to me.

Are there damning instances I'm unaware of?

Feaster was terrible in Tampa, everything from the Lecavelier contract to potentially rumoured trade of Stamkos

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Just remember that a "change" could go either way. Remember our coaching "change"? I just hope they hire someone competent or we might've taken several steps back.

Fully agree with you there.

As I said earlier, I am surprised the Canucks did this now instead of waiting until the season was over.

Actually, I figured the Owners didn't have the guts to make a change at this time as they didn't want to waste all that cash...

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Because MG is the GM and has the option to pick the team, torts came in with leftovers of the core you speak of and was left with one line of scoring.

I'm not saying keep torts the full contract if he can't get it going but he's had one year with a mess of a team he should get a better crack at it then that.

I think you've missed the point.

Gillis + core + wins = Gillis doesn't get credit

Torts + core + losses = Torts doesn't get blame

How is that good math?

What are Bob Nicholson's credentials for the GM job? President sure. But what makes him a great candidate for the GM job?

I don't see it.

He's certainly used to evaluating talent (both at the junior and senior levels) and has an excellent reputation in hockey circles, beyond that I'm not really sure what would best translate for him in a GM role.

So many unknowns right now.

What candidates are available? Which of them would be willing to work under this ownership? Does ownership actually have a plan or was this a reactionary move? Will they promote Gilman to GM and hire a new President? Will they clear house on the front office? Will the GM and Presidency be split into two separate positions (and hires)?

Until some of these questions (and others) start getting answered, I see this firing as having a much greater chance of making things worse than it does of making them better.

Not saying Gillis didn't deserve to be on the hot seat. But I really question the timing of this.


The Feaster rumours absolutely terrify me.

Agreed on all that, but particularly the not insignificant chance that we get worse instead of better.

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Be careful what you wish for. What if Jay Feaster is the replacement?

God help us all if that idiot gets hired. Can Aquilini get in touch with Scotty Bowman? We need someone of his caliber and winning pedigree if we want the cup.

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Give us reasons why Gillis sucks.

You can't because it isn't true. Worst GM in canucks history? Are you 10?

We went from 2 number one goalies to zero in under a year? How's that?

Ooh, how about having a team that's got it's diminishing, aging core locked into no trade contracts for seemingly forever!

How many of our draft picks are currently producing on the Canucks?

Did you miss all of that?

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Never said they were, but all have been around the block a long time and have been hockey fans as long as I have.

Plus, they have a more unbiased view as they don't care about the Canucks. That is, a different perspective on it.

Myself, whether you want to blame MG or not doesn't really matter - change was needed.

Hmmm...seems like the same thing people were saying about AVs firing.

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you mean business owners listening to their customers the people who pay their bills is a big problem??

When it comes to critical hockey decisions, yeah, it will be a huge problem. Then we would have millions of GMs instead of one.

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