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[Report] Torts Fired


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And so begins a new saga in Vancouver. The coaching carousel.

Hopefully Linden can gut this team enough to allow it to go through the proper metamorphosis.

No player should be sacred this off season. All should be willing to consider a change of address.

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Trevor has always been my favourite canuck of all time, respect him all the way, but I am concerned.

We all know this core is pretty much done as since lucking out to he cup finals in 2011 (I mean almost losing in round 1 to blackhawks) they have shown NOTHING in the post season the years after. Can someone please point out any player from the core that played with heart and soul wanting to win games in playoffs?

With that being said Trevor has a relationship with most of these players and we all know that change is needed. Kesler needs to be traded now otherwise his value will continue to drop. Sedins won't be going anywhere as they won't waive their NTC and even if they did we probably wouldn't get good return and would have to eat some of their salary.

If the new GM comes up with offers to trade some of the core players trevor played with will trevor allow it?

It also seems that ower ownership group is only worried about making the playoffs and not willing to have some bad years to get some good young players to make a new core. If this is the case I can honestly say this team will never win a cup.

I am not surprised torts got fired, but does anyone think there will be anything improved with the new coach? Thats if it is the players that have quit.

What do you want him to do with players while the season is still on?

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"Why so much hate?"

You're happy with Daniel, the 55th best winger this year and Henrik the 35th best centre? At 14 million per? Had they simply performed as the 30th best winger and 15th best centre, that alone would bring us back to the median for offense.

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"Can I name a player who played with heart?"

Sure can. Kesler + Bieksa.

not sure I would put Kesler in the same level as Bieksa anymore. As soon as Ish hits the fan the guy wants out. Bieksa on the other hand... he's going down with the ship as he put it.

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It would make sense Jim Benning wouldn't want Mike Sullivan, his previous head coach for the Bruins (who was fired the season after Benning was hired from Buffalo) and Sully's close friend in Torts, coaching his new team. I think this pretty much cements the rumour that JB is our guy.

While interesting on the history between them, I think it was somewhat of a foregone conclusion Torts (and Sully by extension) was going to be gone. I wouldn't be too quick to connect the dots to Benning as the new GM.

head coach in PHI as well

He was, but I'm not sure he did that much for Philly while he was there. He was quite successful in the AHL though before being brought up to Philly as an assistant then handed the reigns as head coach part way through the season.

If Torts is gone, I want to see the Sedins toast too. 1 goal in 25 games? How the hell as a coach are you supposed to work with that? FFS. If someone gave two players for 14 million and they had 1 goal between the two of them?

Well, you could start by not giving them more PK time than Hansen. The Sedins (and others) had off years, but Torts' style didn't do anything to help that - in fact it's quite arguable he hurt them instead.

I liked Torts more off the bench and outside the rink than I thought I might, but I really didn't agree with his style of play and decisions around ice time. He'll find a job somewhere, and even if he doesn't I'm sure he's got enough money to relax comfortably and support charities around dogs and the like.

Just to add to the current state of the coaching and who'd be available, Trotz wouldn't be my first choice but if he were paired with Gulutzan and someone else that could really ensure we're strong offensively then I could see it working. I'd be less against Trotz than I was against Torts last year, but I think there are other options that could be better.

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Henrik takes bad penalties all the time. Hooking in the offensive zone because he's too lazy to backcheck.

All players should block shots if needed. Treating them different like spoiled rich kids is part of the problem on this team. If our two highest players can't block shots we're in serious trouble.

That's eXACTly why Henrik shouldn't have been named Captain of the Vancouver Canucks. The Sedins have been sheltered all their careers and now they have been exposed by a coach who demands every bit of energy from his players. Which really, it's the way it should be. No favorites. A captain should lead both on and off the ice but mostly, on the ice.

If Kesler were to have been Captain of the 2011 team, the Canucks would have won the Cup. Kesler beast mode would have beastmoded a whole bunch of other players on the team.

Instead, the Canucks got bitch slapped into mediocrity.

I don't think Toews would have been bitch slapped were he facing Marchand. As Captain, he would also have b-lined to a player's defense if that were to happen to the Hawks. Henrik and all other Canucks just ... watched. How about Chara getting bitchslapped. How about Doan. And how about Kesler.

Now it's too late and Kesler wants out.

The Canucks are a mess and it starts with their top and declining sisters. If the Sedins were actually elite, they would have matched with anyone right winger on their lineup and played a different game when called for it.

Instead, they are tender offensive players, shut down when the going gets rough.

As a player, such a Captain cannot be inspiring.

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Henrik takes bad penalties all the time. Hooking in the offensive zone because he's too lazy to backcheck.

All players should block shots if needed. Treating them different like spoiled rich kids is part of the problem on this team. If our two highest players can't block shots we're in serious trouble.

It's like mother AV let them do anything they wanted and then father Torts came in, saw the mess and started screaming.

They didn't like their daddy, so brother Linden kicked him out.

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That's eXACTly why Henrik shouldn't have been named Captain of the Vancouver Canucks. The Sedins have been sheltered all their careers and now they have been exposed by a coach who demands every bit of energy from his players. Which really, it's the way it should be. No favorites. A captain should lead both on and off the ice but mostly, on the ice.

If Kesler were to have been Captain of the 2011 team, the Canucks would have won the Cup. Kesler beast mode would have beastmoded a whole bunch of other players on the team.

Instead, the Canucks got bitch slapped into mediocrity.

I don't think Toews would have be bitch slapped. How about Chara. How about Doan. How about Kesler.

Now Kesler wants out.

The Canucks are a mess and it starts with their top and declining sisters. If the Sedins were actually elite, they would have matched with anyone right winger on their lineup and played a different game when called for it.

Instead, they are tender offensive players, shut down when the going gets rough.

As a player, such a Captain cannot be inspiring.

Yeah, as much as I've enjoyed the Sedins and what they've brought for most of their careers they have weaknesses like everybody else. Unfortunately, as skillful as they are and with the pricetag attached they still need to have some serious talent on the other lines, which we are seriously lacking, in order to be succesful.

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