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[Report] Torts wanted to buy out Alex Burrows


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It's not 2011 anymore.

This just proves that this city is still stuck on what happened. We need to think forward.

That being said, buying out Burrows isn't the solution to our problems.

If all we are doing when talking about players is bringing up past achievements, we are just going to keep regressing and the team will stay stale.

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I think buying out Burrows would have been a real drastic shake up to the core, whether or not it was a good one it might have really got to the core and might have jump started them a little bit.

Not agreeing with him, but 4.5M can be expensive if he doesn't return to his usual 50pt 25G self. Regardless I think Booth is the guy that goes, He is far too expensive for a 3rd liner.

One thing that can't be defended is the lack of communication between Green & Tortorella, now that Vancouver has its own farm team that should be #1 on the list, communicating between the big club and farm to make sure the prospects are playing the same way in the minors that they are up in the NHL and also to find out who deserves a call up or who needs more work etc.

Regarding the practice, I think no matter what he did it would have been wrong. If he ran hard practices often then he would have been running the team into the ground, doesn't practice enough then he doesn't care etc.

The big no no on this list for me was the no talking with green

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We'll see if he does or if the whole sorry first line gets another GM and coach fired. Burr's not immune from criticism either. He had a terrible season. Now the focus will be on him and the Sedins to produce, since there's no more excuses. The Canucks had the second worst forward corps in the season. That falls squarely on the Sedins and Burr.

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Not that I wanna defend Torts, but I'm pretty sure that the team has a video guy (Williams) that breaks down video with the players.

The rest is all things that I was worried about when he came in.

The fact that he said that he's not an "x's and o's coach" right off the bat raised red flags for me. You can't just coach a philosophy, and not focus on the small details. Because other teams coaches are focusing on the small details, and they'll gain an advantage on you if you're not paying attention.

And not properly practicing the powerplay when you have the worst powerplay in the league is beyond ridiculous.

I can't wait to get a systems coach back with this team and have them start playing smart structured hockey again. Whether it be a Trotz/Crawford combo or whoever, it will be an upgrade over Torts.

What do you think they are going to do with Gulutzen?

I kinda like the guy and feel he wasnt used properly with Torts and Sullivan making all the decisions.

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It's not 2011 anymore.

This just proves that this city is still stuck on what happened. We need to think forward.

That being said, buying out Burrows isn't the solution to our problems.

If all we are doing when talking about players is bringing up past achievements, we are just going to keep regressing and the team will stay stale.

So buy out any player that didn't have a career year this season?

I guess we're buying out the whole team then...

The problem isn't holding onto the past, the problem is that there has been no future presented to fans. We can thank Gillis for his poor drafting in 2008 (past Hodgson), 2009, and 2010. The reality is, this team has had no real push from below from young players. That IMO is the biggest reason we've seen this core become so complacent.

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Right, now that Torts is gone this club will experience a sudden renaissance and return to being competitive. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

Guarantee it. The problem wasn't/isn't Torts. Burr's a great player, at a couple mill, max. 4, 4.5? No.

When you put up 15 points over the season and make 4.5, I'm sorry, you're a bust of a signing. Will Burr find his touch again? I'm not shocked Torts wanted him out - he very nearly set a record for the most number of shots without a goal, ever.

That's why we brought Torts in, right? To take an objective look at the time without the prejudice of prior performance? There were three anchors of contracts this year, and all three were the first line. That's why the Canucks missed the playoffs. Will Burr turn it around? Unlikely. I'd like to see the core dealt. I don't mind keeping Burr on the second line, where he belongs with Kesler. With the Twins? No. Twins have to go.

Just a point for the record. The Twins have a NMC. Absolute, complete control over a trade. Its hard to imagine a real Canuck fan inside your comments.

Suggest you get on board, or????

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It's not 2011 anymore.

This just proves that this city is still stuck on what happened. We need to think forward.

That being said, buying out Burrows isn't the solution to our problems.

If all we are doing when talking about players is bringing up past achievements, we are just going to keep regressing and the team will stay stale.

I dont know wtf your trying to get at here...

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It's not 2011 anymore.

This just proves that this city is still stuck on what happened. We need to think forward.

That being said, buying out Burrows isn't the solution to our problems.

If all we are doing when talking about players is bringing up past achievements, we are just going to keep regressing and the team will stay stale.

Fair charge but the counter argument to this is that last year was an anomaly injury filled year for Burrows something that hasn't happened in the past. If there is 1 guy who deserves a mulligan for last year its him.

So he gets bought out there really isn't any guarantee that the new GM lands or sees a UFA that can replace that offense unless of course they are attempting to clear house and rebuild via the draft and have absolutely no chance at the cup for 3 - 5 seasons (something I dont see the Aquaman being okay with) then Burrows is a guy you keep and if the ship is completely passed a guy that you ask if he wants to remain on with the team or if he would like to go to a contender to try and win a cup.

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What do you think they are going to do with Gulutzen?

I kinda like the guy and feel he wasnt used properly with Torts and Sullivan making all the decisions.

Without knowing his responsibilities specifically, it's hard to say.

Even if he was responsible for the powerplay, he may have been restricted by how much Tortorella was willing to practice it.

I think if Linden was gonna fire him he would have done it along with Torts and Sullivan. Like you said, I could see him playing third wheel behind the other two because of their controlling attitudes.

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I dont believe this is accurate and would want to have the source. Torts had too much respect for Burrows. Does it matter anyway? I think the source is either Gillis throwing Torts under the bus or someone in the organization.

I don't see how that's relevant in the context of buying someone out.

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Canuck Surfer, if the Twins and Burr fail to bounce back, do we fire the coach at the midpoint of next season?

Much like Kesler if the team was to really start to sag and it was obvious that they were going to move forwards for picks / prospects I the team could still get something for Burrows.

I highly doubt the Twins get moved, if anything I see them retiring before the contracts are up before being traded (It'd be extremely difficult for teams to take on 14M of contract space while fielding a competitive team & coughing up the required assets for it).

Once the new GM has been hired we might get a feel for what they want to do, slight retool with current core or trade vets for prospects / picks or attempt to add talent with UFAs and deals.

Personally I am hoping for some trades to be made to bring in some extra picks next year and hope that some of the youngsters are ready for a regular NHL shift

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One bad season including all the injuries, thats not enough to buy someone out in my opinion

Tell that to Torts :bigblush:

He's not worth 4.5 but he could at least fetch us something via trade. At this point all we can do is wait out some of these contracts as we scrape the bottom of the barrel for the next 3-5 years.

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Maybe you should check our Burr at the WC he is back doing what he does best, getting in the greasy areas, drawing penaltys, pking like a mofo. He will make guys like you eat his jock next year.

He's also got one assist in 4 games mostly playing on the first line..

I think buying out Burrows would be the wrong decision but his best days are way behind him. He's still excellent at all the things that you've mentioned, but we need him to do that on top of put up points. On any other line other than with the Sedins, he'd be very lucky to crack 20 goals . If he has any trade value, I'd be receptive to moving on from Burrows.

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