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Quit being gullible, you are the problem with this team.


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Well I tried, the point went above everyone's head... might as well close it. No hope at all.

I better bloody well clarify myself again since people seem to want everything spelled out for them, I have lost faith in the fanbase, not the team.

Point? What point? That you're all in a huff because people are talking out their a-- on an internet forum?

What makes you think the CDC is any worse than other fanbases?

I've lived in Montréal for four years and had to live in Toronto for ten. I can tell you from experience that this kind of thing goes on in both cities (Toronto is probably sillier.)

You said you're 33 years old. Well then: act your age.

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For the record I'm not going to believe for a second all the garbage that would come forth after a Kesler trade.

Tired of that bs, whether it comes from the team to justify their move or whether it's media fabrication. As if the dirt-throwing makes us not notice the team is worse off after the trade/ufa loss/bad draftpick.

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Why are Leafs fans laughable? They will have a horrible team and still sell out every game. No other team in sports can keep up with that.

And say what you want about Bruins fans but they support that team well. That is what being a fan is about. They aren't obligated to be nice to Nux fans.

I could tell you some of the crazy things I've heard Leafs fans say in my time in Toronto, but there isn't enough space.

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Why are Leafs fans laughable? They will have a horrible team and still sell out every game. No other team in sports can keep up with that.

And say what you want about Bruins fans but they support that team well. That is what being a fan is about. They aren't obligated to be nice to Nux fans.

or black people apparently....

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I agree in a lot of what you said. But.. Your way of relaying the message won't achieve anything. If you put more time into your post you might have had better success. B for msg but D for effort.

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That's not the point I was trying to make, I'll wish him the best if he is traded and be fine with it, what I won't do is believe second hand rumours that he doesn't want to be a part of this team, I refuse to take part in rumour mongering that has plagued this team for decades.

I get what you're trying to say, every time there is a rumor of a possible trade upcoming all of a sudden there are stories about how there's a rift between someone and so and so.. In this case it is probably true though.

I don't agree that we should blindly support the team, if we don't agree with something we need to make it known. it would just be nice if we didn't have some of the dumbest fans on earth shouting about how they can count to potato.

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As a former mod I ask the mods to give me some leeway here as this needs to be said.

When you ask what is wrong with this team, look at yourself first.

I've been reading the Kesler thread and I can't fathom why people are making up rumours to somehow justify trading him. I don't know personally whether that is the best move or not for this team, that's up to Jim Benning and Trevor Linden.

The thing is, when rumour mongers from other fanbases spread their lies in an attempt to create dissent between the Canucks fanbase and team itself, it somehow works. I can't think of any other sports franchise in North America where this occurs except maybe the Yankees. The difference is they actually win championships.

I honestly don't know what to say, our fanbase is the laughing stock of the NHL and the Kesler thread just proves it. You are all mindless lemmings doing the bidding of eastern media types who want nothing more than to see our team fail, you are part of the problem, and you don't even realize it. It's happened so many times before with players on this team. I'm 33 years old so I know a thing or two about the BS that happens with this team, quit being played like a fiddle because it's shamefully pathetic.

Support the team and it's players, and if they do end up leaving don't trash them on the way out. I'm deeply disappointed with the lack of courtesy towards this team on our boards. Yeah they had a bad year, try being a fan in the 80's or late 90s, you're spoiled little children who don't know any better, but there is hope. Support the Canucks, the players who we have, because who is going to want to play for us, if all we ever do is turn on them?

While I may agree with some of what you said, there are things I disagree with heavily. The internet is a very aggravating place. It can stir many emotions in all of us. Many things can be said but nothing really can be done about the actions of those trying to get a rise out of others. The best thing to do, in my opinion, is just scroll past the crap you see as useless or frustration inducing and leave it at that. You can't put out fire with gasoline. All you're doing here is exactly that. You're falling for the trap they are setting. If you tune it out, it won't make it go away but at least you'll feel better knowing its not going to bother you.

I do agree that people should grow up and stop posting mindless, uneducated things regarding the team because it doesn't accomplish anything nor make anyone that much more knowledgeable about anything hockey related but that is the internet. Its nothing but arguments, crap information and cat videos.

P.S. As you can see by reading the comments to your post, all you've done is given the people a reason to scrutinize you for voicing your opinion. You also typed it in a rather negative tone as well as use words like "you guys", "you" and "yourselves". This is a personal attack on everyone who reads it regardless of whether or not they are related to what you are saying or not. All I'm getting at is that you might want to think before posting your thoughts online like this.

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I could tell you some of the crazy things I've heard Leafs fans say in my time in Toronto, but there isn't enough space.

or black people apparently....

So you both think everyone in Vancouver is perfect and all fart rainbows?

Being born on a plot of land doesn't magically make anyone better than anyone else. Stupid exists in every city.

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So you both think everyone in Vancouver is perfect and all fart rainbows?

Being born on a plot of land doesn't magically make anyone better than anyone else. Stupid exists in every city.

Stupid exists in every city, but Toronto harbours a section of extra special stupid. Case in point: FORD NATION.

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That's not the point I was trying to make, I'll wish him the best if he is traded and be fine with it, what I won't do is believe second hand rumours that he doesn't want to be a part of this team, I refuse to take part in rumour mongering that has plagued this team for decades.

This will never end.

Everyone knows a guy who knew a guy who slept with a girl who went out with the towel boy at the golf course of the pizza delivery guy who was in Rogers Dec 31st 2009

And that as we all know is as good of a source as the player himself

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Get a grip,

Now agree, It pisses me off when they call Kesler selfish or washed up. How do you critisize someone for getting hurt too much? The media is guilty of this too.

However we are allowed to have an opinion, wether they should keep him or trade him away is a discussion worth having, it's going to influence the future of this team for possibly the next decade.

And we are allowed to complain as much as we want because this team has not won a cup, only teams with longer droughts are St Louis and Toronto (Who actually have a cup). In 2011 it was right there, up 2-0, then 3-2, then game 7 at home, WTF!! Now we're starting over?!! And St Loius atleast has the Cardinals and Rams with championships!!! Our plight is only felt by our expansion cousins.

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I agree to an extent (in fact I made a thread about this years ago and it blew up).

First of all, "we fans" on CDC are so small compared to the fan base in this province / country. However, we're usually the first one to receive information and blow it up almost immediately. CDC has a huge reputation of being very current with news as reports are usually on here mere minutes after an outlet has posted it.

Because of that, we are almost like the fuel to the eastern media fire, good and bad. When there's a rumour that's positive/negative, the posters here are quick to express their emotions and opinions. The domino effect is that other posters read, agree, and tell everyone else they know (even if what was said is only a rumor) but put their own spin in it. After that has been said, things start to go out of hand (and really, I blame technology like twitter for this).

Look no further to the Heritage classic. We received news a day prior that Luongo would not be starting, and guessed what happened? Poor Eddie Lack had to endure the "fans" LUUUing him out of the net. Albeit one event, how do you think our now future #1 goalie feels? The kid gets a once in a life time chance and most of the crowd there, and not there, are not even supportive.

This also ties in with very unrealistic expectations for players, such as rookies. The media loves to take what they're hearing from us, and throw it at the players to create a frenzy. I can already see what will happen to Bo Horvat if he has an average rookie season next year.

Be happy with what we have and how the team is going to be in the future! We are in solid hands with new management and the team needs us to give positive vibes to know we're all behind them.

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Get a grip,

Now agree, It pisses me off when they call Kesler selfish or washed up. How do you critisize someone for getting hurt too much? The media is guilty of this too.

However we are allowed to have an opinion, wether they should keep him or trade him away is a discussion worth having, it's going to influence the future of this team for possibly the next decade.

And we are allowed to complain as much as we want because this team has not won a cup, only teams with longer droughts are St Louis and Toronto (Who actually have a cup). In 2011 it was right there, up 2-0, then 3-2, then game 7 at home, WTF!! Now we're starting over?!! And St Loius atleast has the Cardinals and Rams with champions!!! Our plight is only felt by our expansion cousins.

Didn't once say a thing about actually trading Kesler.

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