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Quit being gullible, you are the problem with this team.


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Well I tried, the point went above everyone's head... might as well close it. No hope at all.

I better bloody well clarify myself again since people seem to want everything spelled out for them, I have lost faith in the fanbase, not the team.

I can't help but notice just how venomous responses have been. Combined with the thread already having hit 3 pages, I would take such responses as clues that you've touched a nerve. Good on you.

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Well, riddle me this, y the hell is there a place called "Proposals and Armchair GM'ing?" The whole point of sectioning off that area is for ppl who think of new ideas to improve the team, to present them and get constructive criticism. Other teams around the league have this sort of thing too. Do you honestly think anybody in Canuck management, the media or the players give a damn what people are saying on CDC?

If, anything, this thread adds to the problem as you've created quite a divide between fans here. Time to look in the mirror...

Great point!

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I supported this team the last 3 years,

It's time to shake up the core and give the young players a bigger role.

OH Yeah! Well I have supported this team for 42 years........AND.........I agree with you! lol

(Actually since the old WHL days....but that's our secret!).......MMMM Good beer!

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Canuckster....lighten up! you are entitled to your opinion, but a little reality here please!

Here are some realities you don't seem to grasp...please read.

The owner invest their money for one thing.....more money!

And the love of the game! But the money is more important!

The players play beacause they love the game and the money!

We watch because we love the game...case in point....I used to a Bruin fan,,,,,,now I am a Canuck fan, because I see them more on TV and can identify with the team......love thier jerseys ( all 2 billion different ones ).....love the players heart.....the reason I hated Messier when he was here was he showed no heart!......I don't always love every Canuck.........I am willing to bet, there are lots of fans that didn't like him or Kenan for that matter........but by your standards,,,,,,,I should have loved both of them

Maple Leafs.com has many fans that rip thier players, Montreal the same......etc, etc, etc

Go to a game and listen, most of our fans, love the Canucks most of the time! Somewhat like if you have kids, where you always love them........but you don't always like them! LOL,,,,,,especially at 16years of age.........ask that kid and he will say the same thing right back at ya........lol..............but in the end, blood is thinker than water...........even if they are bad kids, we still love them.......you sometimes wish you could trade them for the good ones down the block!......and the circle of life continues! But again, in the end we love them.

As for Boothe, Kesler and Edler..........they all are great hockey player....the best of the 1% of the 1%,,,,,,,,I have skated with NHL hockey players many times,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it is unbelievable how pathetic I am compared to them.......and I was a decent hockey player once.............but that is why they get paid money and I don;t..........the rest comes with the territory!

By the way...how come you have not posted about us slagging Boothe or Edler.......I think I will check some of your posts to see ecactly what you have said........and who you have stood up for???Hmmm?

But I regress! The forum is for all of us to voice our opinions, ideas, and beliefs......as a past moderator, I am sure you understand this!

As for Kesler....the team will do what the team will do.........maybe you should write individual letters to all the season ticket holders that have not renewed.......

Or you can just sit down and relax........there are some great opinions and ideas on these forums...which is why I come here, not to be lectured!

I am going to go get a beer now and relax! :) (I wish they had a beer Icon here!)

PS........got my beer and remembered.....I am 56.....by your critria.......I should be smarter than you......I am not.....just one of the guys........mmmm ......great beer!

Go back to the OP and read exactly what I said, no where did I say they should be free from criticism, once again, this thread is about rumour mongering.

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I honestly don't know what to say, our fanbase is the laughing stock of the NHL and the Kesler thread just proves it. You are all mindless lemmings doing the bidding of eastern media types who want nothing more than to see our team fail, you are part of the problem, and you don't even realize it. It's happened so many times before with players on this team. I'm 33 years old so I know a thing or two about the BS that happens with this team, quit being played like a fiddle because it's shamefully pathetic.

This gets kept on Canucks Talk and my thread about Desjardins gets moved to Hockey Talk

What a joke.

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It's stressful around here, big-biz, pro sport has got us 'armchairs' all wound up. What goes up, usually comes down('cept for Det), so due to this inevitable gravity, we're now all runnin' around in a frenzy..the old gen/young, happy/sad, muscular/scrawny, high/low-brow, gay/straight all busy pointin' fingers accusingly, thinking we've got a magic solution...

I don't always NEED to escape from all this, but when I DO, I prefer to hang out at beautifulpeopledotkom, where I can chat/shoot the breeze, with groovy folk that look similar, AND think along the lines that I do! .. So easy to join the fun..You do need a ref to join, so pm me & I'll help pull strings. Take a break from this negative, vicious circle...

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People get irritable and therefore negative when they're starving. Long time fans like myself and others are starving for a Stanley Cup, just one. If this team could eventually put their sh*t together, stop teasing the fanbase with these good/great regular seasons but no playoff results and finally get the job done, guaranteed the negativity towards the team from fans and media would evaporate and be gone for a very long time.

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The main 'fans' that are the problem with our team are the fake lame fans aka suits and stupid girls who rather talk on their phones instead of watch hockey who attend games.(obviously not saying all female fans are like this.)

Rogers arena is usually as dead as a grave yard during games- even when we are winning.

I blame the ticket prices and 'staff' aka fun suckers for this problem.

When you go to a game and get a 'warning' for cheering to loud there is a major problem.

It's not the regular Joe fan that is the problem but the people who attend games, and who don't actually care about hockey!

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Q: Are you a mod or a rocker?

Ringo: I'm a mocker.

The forums have zero bearing on whether a player gets traded. Hodgson would still be here if that were the case.

Sports fans are fickle. One minute you are the best two way center in the NHL, the next you are old, injury prone and selfish. Try not to let it ruin your day. It's just chit chat. No one's opinion on this message board is worth a steaming pile of dung, anyway - present company included.

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Eh, maybe three to five years ago when we were in solid contention, you could say that the hateful, self-important local media, the aggressively bi-polar fanbase, and the conspiracy of international jewry were the main obstacles to the Canucks getting over the hump...but now we have much bigger problems, such as a lack of young talent, lack of overall depth, shaky goaltending situation, three coaches in three seasons, and major front-office transition.

Hell, maybe an extended period of sucky play and finishing out of the playoffs is exactly what the Canucks need to shed of some of the ignorant bandwagoners and spoiled frontrunners who are giving our core fanbase a bad name.

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Q: Are you a mod or a rocker?

Ringo: I'm a mocker.

The forums have zero bearing on whether a player gets traded. Hodgson would still be here if that were the case.

Sports fans are fickle. One minute you are the best two way center in the NHL, the next you are old, injury prone and selfish. Try not to let it ruin your day. It's just chit chat. No one's opinion on this message board is worth a steaming pile of dung, anyway - present company included.

That's funny Vans-I had the same ol' dialogue(w/the female Brit journo, right?) run thru my mind, as I read the OP's first sentence. But I'm virtually sure that it was clever John with the witty retort(why can't 'stars' be so light-hearted & spontaneous today?)

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I'm a little bored so I will say a little about Vancouver fans.

I think part of the problem is so many Canuck fans are just that, Canuck fans. They aren't hockey fans.

We are a large city with only one top tier sports team. Many people are just fans cause that's the cities major team. No offence to the CFL or soccer. I see it at work all the time. People you can tell obviously don't know much about hockey, chatting about the Canucks. Or when I am at the games, fans around me that don't seem to have a clue what's happening, booing obvious penalty calls against the Canucks. I remember once it was a puck over the glass call, black and white obvious. Guy next to me is so enraged he almost got kicked out. Over a penalty.

Take a city like DC, they got the Redskins, Nationals, Wizards, Capitals. Lots of choice. You can be a fan of a sport you actually know and love. People that buy season tickets for the Capitals don't scalp them, cause there is no market. They buy them cause they really enjoy going to games.

They have 4 major sports and they picked hockey. Of course many are fans of multiple sports.

Canadians all seem to think they are hockey experts, cause our country wins the Olympics and has the most players in the NHL. But hockey fans in the states follow their teams just as much.

Similar concept if you go to Saskatchewan. They all follow the Riders, cause that's all there is. The 40 year old secretary at work can probably name 20 Riders.

So to have a better fan base. We need an NFL, NBA, and MLB team up here LMAO

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What's the ratio, 'round here anyways?.. 5:1...10:1...Or WORSE?!

That would be the number of yammering, bleating hoi polloi, vs the count of incisive, thoughtful contributors, who enlighten us on team strategy & direction, making the reader consider various possibilities.

For myself, it's what I'm after..particularly whilst living abroad, it's really nice to follow the passionate fans discuss the sad-sack buggers that I grew up with! ;^)

I also enjoy the silly spontaneous humour that often bubbles up; & how we all might(hatingly) unite in our collective-vilification directed towards villains/thugs that the 'enemies' employ..ByGawd, we all have that tribal-urge, don't we?

At the end of the day, there's perhaps 2 or 3 dozen contributors here, that surely grasp the plot. A select few, where you take the time to enjoy their posting assertions & speculation. But isn't it the same if one eavesdrops on hearsay in the TimHo donut-lineup, for example? In life, most of us fools are destined/doomed to tough it out with the skill of a 3rd line grinder.. Must we be heckled/blamed for the misfortune of falling in love with a team that's equally-inept?!

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What you have said has a lot of truth to it. Although, this is the case I wish you would have taken a little less emotional approach to your posting, because it may have been more effective in getting your point across. Your post is over aggressive and it kind of feels like your attacking us instead of informing, and is probably why (after reading the previous pages) members have dismissed the message and are bashing you. If your intent was to educate the members then I am sorry but the way you chose to do so is asking for trouble. Not to mention, the overly assertive title.

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