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[rumor] benning wants reinhart

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What r u smoking? Ritchie, Virtanen and Fleury are not dropping to the 20's moron...


hey 'moron' the post i was responding to was suggesting Anaheims pick, clearly we aren't trading Kesler to Anaheim and not getting #10 (ottawa's pick) that they have

thanks for coming out 'moron'

learn to think before you go off like a retarded monkey with anger management issues

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Rather go after NYI's 5th pick and retain our 6th.

Yup. If we can get a top 2 without going crazy, all the better - but I doubt it.

Anyway, I'll wait until I have more detail/an actual linkable source I can read the wording of before I believe we're really going that hard for Reinhart.

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But in reality if we have another crappy season Benning is going to be fired and the head coach will be gone. And just because it's a "weak" draft doesn't mean that Reinhart is complete garbage. In fact it makes it more appealing to get someone like Reinhart because he will be a year ahead of the curve and will impact the team earlier. Also to all those people just saying "O lets tank next year because its a deeper draft" well the Canucks are still a business, and businesses need to make money and the canucks fan base mainly consists of bandwagon jumpers because most are fan haven't even played hockey (because they are immigrants) and they are interest because the team was Winning. Finally I believe if Reinhart was in the 2015 he would still be a top 10 pick and probably in the top 5 ( He would probably be the 2-3rd best centre in the draft)

dont even know whre to start with this

firstly, racist, what are you 17 and a white kid who's daddy gave him a BMW but can't get into UBC because you're too stupid and lazy and some 'immigrant' took your spot?

second, being an immigrant has no bearing on whether a kid played hockey. many immigrants do, in fact many russian immigrants play hockey, but ya they're white right?

your point was about non white's right? because their skin color is different , that's the immigrant you are talking about right?

not only do i now know / and everyone here, how stupid you are, we can also see you've never played the game at a high level given your commentary here and other posts

did some non white kid beat you out for your house league spot kid

grow up

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I'd have to disagree with that. When the top 5 is isolated so much, it means that the cream of the crop is there. Anyone outside is a longshot (might be good players, yes, automatic star, No!)

If anything it is useless to move up in a deep draft like 2003, 2013 or 2015. Look at last year, Mantha, Horvat, Rychel, Shinkaruk. Monahan, were all available between 5 and 25. Therefore is it useless to move up since your are almost guaranteed a pretty good player (unless it's for the top 2, but the price will be even more steep than this year).

There is little difference (if you take out ekblad as a defenseman) between Reinhart, MDC, Bennett, Draisaitl, Nylander , and Ehlers.

Not worth parceling out useful assets to move up a few spots.

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I continue to believe Edmonton will offer Yakupov and more, the Isles have a lot to offer. I'm sure Burke will be in the mix as well, he usually is, the price to move into the top 3 will be a lot more than people think and we can't afford to pay it. If this were next years draft I might be down with selling our youth, but for Reinhart? No thanks..

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I continue to believe Edmonton will offer Yakupov and more, the Isles have a lot to offer. I'm sure Burke will be in the mix as well, he usually is, the price to move into the top 3 will be a lot more than people think and we can't afford to pay it. If this were next years draft I might be down with selling our youth, but for Reinhart? No thanks..

Edmonton (just like Florida and NYI) need players now. Not picks. They'll all be sellers of picks not buyers (at the right price).

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Botchford had mentioned a few days ago that Benning is really high on the local boys (Virtanen/Reinhart). And that Fla is high on Garrison and looking for a quality d-man in trade for 1st overall.

While both Reinhart/Virtanen are great players, this smells like a "please the fans" move (like the Gillis firing/ Linden hiring) more than anything. I hope they take the best player available despite birth location.

And if they are trading up, the only d-man that's expendable is Garrison (IMO). Tanev is too much to give-up IMO.

First off, I would take anything Botchford says with a heavy grain of salt. That said, I would have to agree with you in regards to Garrison. I would much rather have Tanev as part of our D-core going forward. The only potential problem would be from Garrison's end as I think he has a NTC/NMC. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong though

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I continue to believe Edmonton will offer Yakupov and more, the Isles have a lot to offer. I'm sure Burke will be in the mix as well, he usually is, the price to move into the top 3 will be a lot more than people think and we can't afford to pay it. If this were next years draft I might be down with selling our youth, but for Reinhart? No thanks..

i think they could and it would make sense given they have a need for Dmen but I dont think they need young dmen, they need some veteran leadership.

If anything I see them drafting Bennett or Reinhart, then packaging Yak/Gagner for a big name vet dman and some veteran depth.

issue there being most of the big names have ntc's and no one will waive for Edmonton so, perhaps you have a point, they may have no choice, although I do think my suggestion would be a preferred route for them

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why even bother with Jovo then, I dont think Fla is feeling like they need to get rid of him, they dont have cap issues

Their team is bleeding cash and taking on a 4 year 4.6 mil contract would be a tough pill to swallow, I'm sure.

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Reinhart could be the best player in this draft, so this is great news. The question is, what is Reinhart's ceiling? A 1st line center or 2nd?

IMO, a 1st line centre capable of putting up 70-80 points a year.

We would look awesome down the middle in a few years with Reinhart as our number 1 and Horvat as our number 2.

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I continue to believe Edmonton will offer Yakupov and more, the Isles have a lot to offer. I'm sure Burke will be in the mix as well, he usually is, the price to move into the top 3 will be a lot more than people think and we can't afford to pay it. If this were next years draft I might be down with selling our youth, but for Reinhart? No thanks..

totally agree. I think many here are being romanticized by the idea of number 1 overall but ignoring that outside of Ekblad (who while terrific will not solve any of our pressing needs in our prospect pool), there is no real 'sure thing'.

the difference between reinhart and nylander / ehlers etc is so marginal its really hard to say who will be better. any of those and others can flop, succeed or simply be average nhl'ers

so many here are assuming number 1 = superstar but it DOESN'T!!

there is no crosby, stamkos, malkin, ovie in this draft, so why pay for a pick that's expecting that kind of payment? i dont get the return (sure thing) why pay a sure thing price?

guaranteed there will be players in the top 5 that fail and some players in bottom 10-15 that turn into studs...

thats the draft so why bother giving up so many assets (as many here suggesting if we move kesler, trade the 10, the 6 and a player like tanev), when we may get as good or better player at six. At worst we have the same odds of success, and that's my point

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Their team is bleeding cash and taking on a 4 year 4.6 mil contract would be a tough pill to swallow, I'm sure.

The new owner has told Tallon to spend to the cap.

They have lots of money available and the owner wants to get better fast.

So I think there is an opportunity to move some veterans to get that first pick.

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This is the second time this week he indicaits this makes me think its for real

How about keep our 6th and send edler hansen and our 2nd round pick to buffalo for their #2.

Then send kesler to anahiem for etem, ott's 1st and there other 1st

Leaves us 4 first round picks and lays the path for are bright future and keeps our d stacked

Hamhuis tanev

Garrison corraddo

Stanton bieksa

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