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Jake Virtanen | #18 | RW


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20 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

define special?  because a lot of their young kids barring dekeyser and larkins were in the minors for quite a while and are doing just fine indeed

It's been a long time since Detroit has been a Cup competitive team.  They had Lidstrom, and then got lucky with Datsyuk and Zetterberg.  These newer guys are good, but not elite.

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1 minute ago, chilliwiggins said:

The point was the development system of Detroits has proven results as many on the roster came through the system.

As for cup contender , you have to look at the success of consistently making the playoffs.

Cant really discount them as a model of success which is an organization that the Canucks should use as a model to emulate.

Tatar would look nice in a Nucks jersey

don't we want to win a Cup?  Detroit likes to promote players from the A around 22 or 23.  That does not make those players elite, just older.  We need to draft higher and get elite talent.  When they arrive on the big club is moot.  (moo :lol:)

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15 minutes ago, Alflives said:

It's been a long time since Detroit has been a Cup competitive team.  They had Lidstrom, and then got lucky with Datsyuk and Zetterberg.  These newer guys are good, but not elite.

Lidstrom Datsyuk and Zetterburg also weren't really all that special either let alone elite to start their careers.  But they played on an elite team and after a few seasons became the elite players they are/were


tatar, helm, Nyquist, Sproul, Mantha.  All going to be special players in their own right and all would be the subject of ridiculous over payments via trade threads here

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Just now, Warhippy said:

Lidstrom Datsyuk and Zetterburg also weren't really all that special either let alone elite to start their careers.  But they played on an elite team and after a few seasons became the elite players they are/were


tatar, helm, Nyquist, Sproul, Mantha.  All going to be special players in their own right and all would be the subject of ridiculous over payments via trade threads here

I accept those guys are good, but are they going to be elite enough to win a Cup?  I don't think so.  I think a younger elite player is better than a 24 year old good player.  The perfect example is the Hawks with Kane and Toews.  They won their first Cup when they were both very young. 

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2 minutes ago, chilliwiggins said:

Again ELITE wasn't what we were talking about.     Agreed though that we need to draft higher, and with Benning behind the wheel this will happen as long as he is here.   Well at least till Forbes releases next years valuation. lol    Pulijarvi would be nice

The concept Detroit follows, allowing their guys to mature on the farm does have to do with elite talent.  The players who are Cup level elite talents come to the NHL at younger ages than 22 or 23.  The Detroit model works for those players, who compliment the elite talent needed to win a Cup. (excepting most D, who develop later)

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9 hours ago, canuck73_3 said:

I wish the media here would pull their heads out of their ass and realize they're part of the reason players overlook coming here. 

I grew up 10 minutes from the Coliseum and I would think long and hard before signing here if I were a player. So much unnecessary drama and background noise stirred up by these parasites.

It's one thing to be able to block it out but it would get tiresome fast. From being buddy buddy in the locker room to writing a crap article like this. 

I get Virtanen had a rough tournament but he wasn't the worst player on the team either. Soft slash call IMO stick falling out of your hand should not be a penalty when there is only one hand on the stick. 

Hicketts delay of game and Blackwood letting in softies were just as bad or worse than JV IMHO.



Our best D overall makes an accidental play ANYONE could make and that is a bad as JV's multiple bone headed moves?

Give your head a shake. 

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2 minutes ago, RRypien37 said:



Our best D overall makes an accidental play ANYONE could make and that is a bad as JV's multiple bone headed moves?

Give your head a shake. 

anyone could make? all he had to do was shoot the puck down the ice instead of try lofting it over for an alley oop to the fin's mascot. He knows the glass is smaller... 


no excuse for JV but what you're saying isn't exactly right either.


what about marner with 3 minutes to go - we're about to go on the powerplay and he decides to pop a guy in the face? 

there were alot more problems then one player on that team. 

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Just now, leomessi said:

anyone could make? all he had to do was shoot the puck down the ice instead of try lofting it over for an alley oop to the fin's mascot. He knows the glass is smaller... 


no excuse for JV but what you're saying isn't exactly right either.


what about marner with 3 minutes to go - we're about to go on the powerplay and he decides to pop a guy in the face? 

there were alot more problems then one player on that team. 

Not disagreeing Marner's decision was bone headed either. But at least he didn't do it numerous times. 

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1 hour ago, CanucksFanTillDeath1995 said:

Can anyone actually justify Benning throwing the kid back into the NHL at this point? 


Willie just admitted to rushing players, Jake needs to go back to junior and rebuild his confidence after having a shocking tournament. 

Kuzma totally misunderstood WillieD on why he wants to keep Virtanen.  WillieD spoke as "I" the junior coach and not "I" WillieD NHL coach when he talked of the importance of offence - "I’m more worried about his offence than his defence. He has to score and create and that’s what I want him to do." but that's the Junior coach saying this not Willie D.  WillieD was saying that sending Virtanen or McCann back to juniors was not ideal because their coach will focus on them bringing offence (thus the quote of him impersonating a junior coach) while in the NHL defence is really important.    

WillieD is defending that keeping Virtanen and McCann is better for them than them going back to juniors where the focus is not the same.

via@BenKuzma: Desjardins on youth: "We’re trying to develop them quicker and we’ve speeded that up. They’ll be ready sooner than if they went to junior."

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9 minutes ago, RRypien37 said:

Not disagreeing Marner's decision was bone headed either. But at least he didn't do it numerous times. 

numerous?  Like...what, twice?  twice is numerous?  Fancy that...how about the selfish play then by Marner and Strome, wasting full shifts and more and refusing to get off the ice.


You're REALLY cherry picking to justify your dislike for Virtanen and it shows in every post

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32 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

numerous?  Like...what, twice?  twice is numerous?  Fancy that...how about the selfish play then by Marner and Strome, wasting full shifts and more and refusing to get off the ice.


You're REALLY cherry picking to justify your dislike for Virtanen and it shows in every post

As I've mentioned before, feel free to read through this entire thread and find a post I've made about JV prior to the last TC game. 

He took 3 penalties in the quarter final alone (1 in the 2nd period, two in the 3rd) and lead Canada in PIM's for the tournament. 

I'm not hating, I'm pointing out clear facts. 

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1 hour ago, chilliwiggins said:

what are you talking about , their current roster is littered with players that came up through the system.     

The latest was Marchenko, and Teemo Pulkinen, and Pulkinen lit up the AHL last year and looks to be a decent prospect on the detroits roster.

I didn't say they didn't develop players, but they haven't developed anyone outstanding at the NHL level.  Every team has stock players they have developed.......my point is we all use Detroit as the standard, when really they haven't done anything special in the last decade

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51 minutes ago, baumerman77 said:

Does anyone know how many games Virtanen has been on the Canucks roster for this season? I'm guessing it is around 25 games or so. I'm just curious as to when his 40 game mark will come. 

From what I recall it doesn't matter how many you play in this case. It's how many you are on the active roster when it comes to the 40 game mark barrier. 

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1 hour ago, baumerman77 said:

Does anyone know how many games Virtanen has been on the Canucks roster for this season? I'm guessing it is around 25 games or so. I'm just curious as to when his 40 game mark will come. 

The Canucks had played 29 games before Virtanen was assigned to Utica for his conditioning assignment on Dec 8.  He was assigned from there straight to the Canadian Junior team on Dec 13.


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