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Nikita Tryamkin | D


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2 hours ago, Baggins said:

Therein lies the problem. Try wants one thing: top ice time. Do you think Green coaches according to what a player wants or what a player needs?

I think the difference is that Green holds players accountable and bases their ice time on their performance. 

Has WD done that, Tryamkin would still be here. 

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29 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Tryamkin has been the best looking defensive D man we have drafted since Bourdon.

His first full year was perfect for his first, he out shined many on the roster above him, and if Desjardins would have deployed and played him effectively, before injuries had forced his hand, Tryamkin would have still been here.

i do think that the way Desjardins handled Tryamkin, compared to our other young prospects, is one of the reasons that got him fired. It was well deserved.

.. but consistently throwing Tryamkin under the bus, citing “out of shape” was a demoralizing thing to do for 4 months to a young man who had just left his hometown in Russia for the first time.

Am I saying Tryamkin should have been handled slightly differently?.. yes I am.

He will return, the kid is goal orientated, has a huge heart, and loyal to his word.. he just needs to be handled fairly.

Never have I sat on the edge of my seat like I have watching a D man on the Canucks, as I have watching Tryamkin against some of the NHL’s power forwards.. he is young exciting prospect without a ceiling for his potential in the NHL.


To be fair, I think the counterpoint is that a good dedicated player will play through all the noise and force his way onto a better line. Best example is Horvat. Willie had him in limited minute 4th line role and Horvat played the game and earned his way up. You can also argue that Horvat did that because unlike Tryamkin, KHL was not an option. It doesn't mean that what WD did with Horvat was the correct method. A good coach is one who extracts the most from his players. I don't think WD did that. I'm hoping TG does. 

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2 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Tryamkin has been the best looking defensive D man we have drafted since Bourdon.

His first full year was perfect for his first, he out shined many on the roster above him, and if Desjardins would have deployed and played him effectively, before injuries had forced his hand, Tryamkin would have still been here.

i do think that the way Desjardins handled Tryamkin, compared to our other young prospects, is one of the reasons that got him fired. It was well deserved.

.. but consistently throwing Tryamkin under the bus, citing “out of shape” was a demoralizing thing to do for 4 months to a young man who had just left his hometown in Russia for the first time.

Am I saying Tryamkin should have been handled slightly differently?.. yes I am.

He will return, the kid is goal orientated, has a huge heart, and loyal to his word.. he just needs to be handled fairly.

Never have I sat on the edge of my seat like I have watching a D man on the Canucks, as I have watching Tryamkin against some of the NHL’s power forwards.. he is young exciting prospect without a ceiling for his potential in the NHL.



i am not a big tryamkin fan

and doubted your post

so i went and checked

and agree you are likely right .. if we do not include subsequent years to his draft year

i think joulevi will surpass try

but man.. what an abysmal draft record on the back end since bourdon

Edited by coastal.view
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1 hour ago, CanucksJay said:

I think the difference is that Green holds players accountable and bases their ice time on their performance. 

Has WD done that, Tryamkin would still be here. 

In tight games if we were down one Stecher would see increased ice. In tight ones where we're up one Tanev would see more ice. Who should Willie have taken ice time away from: Stecher, who was better offensively, or Tanev, who was better defensively? It seems to me ice time was based on performance. Unless of course Wille shouldn't have been trying to win games.


I don't think Try would fair any better under Green than he did Willie.

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1 hour ago, CanucksJay said:

I think the difference is that Green holds players accountable and bases their ice time on their performance. 

Has WD done that, Tryamkin would still be here. 

If WD really was the problem why did Tryamkin leave even though WD was fired before Tryamkin left? Probably cause he left for family reasons, exactly like was stated when he left. He took a paycut to play for his hometown, almost as if that family reason was legit, huh? :rolleyes: People have a huge hate boner for Willie which is largely unfair. Not his fault our team was/is garbage. 

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2 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Tryamkin has been the best looking defensive D man we have drafted since Bourdon.

His first full year was perfect for his first, he out shined many on the roster above him, and if Desjardins would have deployed and played him effectively, before injuries had forced his hand, Tryamkin would have still been here.

i do think that the way Desjardins handled Tryamkin, compared to our other young prospects, is one of the reasons that got him fired. It was well deserved.

.. but consistently throwing Tryamkin under the bus, citing “out of shape” was a demoralizing thing to do for 4 months to a young man who had just left his hometown in Russia for the first time.

Am I saying Tryamkin should have been handled slightly differently?.. yes I am.

He will return, the kid is goal orientated, has a huge heart, and loyal to his word.. he just needs to be handled fairly.

Never have I sat on the edge of my seat like I have watching a D man on the Canucks, as I have watching Tryamkin against some of the NHL’s power forwards.. he is young exciting prospect without a ceiling for his potential in the NHL.


Exactly. Our club is not tough enough to play against.  He made a difference. I don't care about points. 

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4 hours ago, Shirotashi said:

Its a cute response but it makes no sense its not apples and oranges I don't think the Swedish league is miles ahead of the KHL im not sure I follow you.

Totally different situations - also players of totally different attitudes.   Anyway, you are doing a great job showing your support for the big guy.   Good for you.   Just don't be too disappointed if he doesn't come back to the NHL even if he wants to as he simply isn't as good as you think he is.

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13 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Totally different situations - also players of totally different attitudes.   Anyway, you are doing a great job showing your support for the big guy.   Good for you.   Just don't be too disappointed if he doesn't come back to the NHL even if he wants to as he simply isn't as good as you think he is.

Amen to that Rob


Hey can you look and give us you opinion of my questions 2 posts above this one;;;;

They were meant for you to answer if you don't mind...………..I would be interested in your  answers




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3 hours ago, N7Nucks said:

If WD really was the problem why did Tryamkin leave even though WD was fired before Tryamkin left? Probably cause he left for family reasons, exactly like was stated when he left. He took a paycut to play for his hometown, almost as if that family reason was legit, huh? :rolleyes: People have a huge hate boner for Willie which is largely unfair. Not his fault our team was/is garbage. 

TG might be the reason Tryamkin comes back. WD wasn't the only reason Tryamkin left but he was definitely one of the reasons. You can understand that by Tryamkin's interviews regarding ice time. 

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On 15/06/2018 at 2:31 PM, WeneedLumme said:

I suspect that if you negotiated a contract which gave you certain rights, you would feel entitled to receive those rights. But perhaps I am just projecting. I guess not everybody feels the way I do, that it is important that parties to a contract honour that contract.

That would be a wonderful reply if he had chosen to keep his end of the bargain and show up in condition to play.

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On 15/06/2018 at 1:36 AM, Alflives said:

It’s how the negative Nellies role on CDC.  

Tram will be coming back, and it’s going to be soon.  I wonder is we are trying to get his contract over there to go “poof”?

You mean those NOT on Tryamkin dope.


This thread is a hoot. Every time we have someone extolling the virtues of Tryamkin we see videos of him fighting, clearing the crease like Chara/Pronger, defending a player after a bad hit, standing up for himself.


Not many videos mind but a few.


I mention these videos because, these WERE his strengths. Ok he was a decent skater, pretty mobile and had a decent shot but so has half the Ds in the AHL. 

No it was his physical attributes and his ability to use them to intimidate the opposition that set him apart - in fact half the hypocrites who cream their pants on here about him are only obsessed because of his physicality, that is what will elevate him from a 6th/7th D to maybe a 2nd/3rd D .............. maybe.


I point this out because that is exactly what WD and Lidster saw and that is why JB drafted him. Yet when WD asked him to be more consistent with his physicality ie use it like Chara, Hedman, Byfuglian, Burns, Weber. ie an NHL professional D, he whinnied like a rogered mare and acted like the coach had asked him to commit murder.


As I say, Green will have his number and if he ever comes back it better be with less attitude and more diligence and willingness to use the one god given gift that makes him a bit special CONSISTENTLY.


I think it is already too late for him because after the next 2 drafts I expect our D prospects to be already stacked.

Edited by alfstonker
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9 hours ago, appleboy said:

He was newly married. They both struggled with English. He was just not ready the culture shock. 

Fine but then why blame everyone else. I distinctly remember one of the team say in an interview, he was a lot better with the language than he let on.

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7 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Tryamkin has been the best looking defensive D man we have drafted since Bourdon.


That is more a dim reflection of our drafting full stop. I also would not consider it proved that Tryamkin is better than Hutton or Brisebois.

7 hours ago, SilentSam said:


His first full year was perfect for his first, he out shined many on the roster above him, and if Desjardins would have deployed and played him effectively, before injuries had forced his hand, Tryamkin would have still been here.

Who did he outshine? What exactly do you mean deployed him effectively?

7 hours ago, SilentSam said:

i do think that the way Desjardins handled Tryamkin, compared to our other young prospects, is one of the reasons that got him fired. It was well deserved.

.. but consistently throwing Tryamkin under the bus, citing “out of shape” was a demoralizing thing to do for 4 months to a young man who had just left his hometown in Russia for the first time.

WD handled all the youngsters the same. Tryamkin WAS out of shape - exactly what message does playing an out of shape player send to the rest of the youngsters? The rest of that para is just nonsense as you have no idea how he was treated.

7 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Am I saying Tryamkin should have been handled slightly differently?.. yes I am.

He will return, the kid is goal orientated, has a huge heart, and loyal to his word.. he just needs to be handled fairly.

You have no proof of any of that and I doubt from what we have seen from Green, Tryamkin will be "handled" any differently. 


7 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Never have I sat on the edge of my seat like I have watching a D man on the Canucks, as I have watching Tryamkin against some of the NHL’s power forwards.. he is young exciting prospect without a ceiling for his potential in the NHL.



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I'm not a YouTube person, but the clips above gave me a chuckle. The big guy could be a lot of fun to watch. His few 'end to end' rushes were a treat.


Something that hasn't been discussed too much is that his popularity will put bums in seats. Lots of bums. Follow the money. I believe the Canucks are working hard behind the scenes to get him back.

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11 hours ago, Baggins said:

I think your fanboy is shining through.


The season Try was here Stecher was better offensively and Tanev better defensively. So where did that put Try? He was number 3 on the right side. Meaning, barring injury to one of the other two, he wouldn't be getting the 20 minutes a game he thought he deserved. How many NHL coaches don't go with their best option?


You do realize they do fitness testing to start camp don't you? It's conducted by the training staff not the coach. Everybody from the coach to upper management see the testing results. Everyone in management knows whether a player is in shape or not. Willie is just the easy scapegoat for Try packing up and going home. Hopefully Try has learned from that experience and, if he does come back, he shows up in shape and ready to play. I also hope he leaves his ego behind and is willing to work for his ice time. If not, I don't care if he comes back.


I think you’re wrong. Tryamkin had a better season than Stecher in my eyes, and that’s not even a knock on Stetcher, who was a revelation. Tryamkin came in, and was instantly a threat on every team’s radar. Stecher got more points, but Tryamkin got recognized mch more. Its pretty simple, you dump the puck in, who would you rather see retrieving the puck while you’re trying to forecheck? Tanev, Stecher or Tryamkin? I know my answer... So do Reaves. Jenner, Smith, Benn etc.. and they’re all power forwards...

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