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after working 11 days in a row i can finally have some liquor and unwind


my time at white spot has been weird. 3 days of training, then one of our guys quit, then chef tells me i'm being thrown to the wolves. learning fryers was np cause i used to work at a pub but going into salads and deserts it starts getting complicated with the ticket system :| then i learn pans and grill. yayy

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1 hour ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

after working 11 days in a row i can finally have some liquor and unwind


my time at white spot has been weird. 3 days of training, then one of our guys quit, then chef tells me i'm being thrown to the wolves. learning fryers was np cause i used to work at a pub but going into salads and deserts it starts getting complicated with the ticket system :| then i learn pans and grill. yayy

Which white spot? My sister works at one 

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Kissed my drummer's fling girl last night, which got me punched in the face 3 times and then he stole my gig money.


Probably the most expensive kiss I've ever had.


I took his hi-hat though, so he had to swing by and pay me this morning.


Got 3 more gigs with him next week! Should be fun.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I confess -


It's hard to say, but maybe I am becoming a workaholic.  I work work work and work.  Sometimes I go to work early and get off late, and will respond to emails and work during Evenings.  If something needs to be done, I am there.  20 minutes ago, I was finishing up work and responding to emails, and thinking - if I get this done today, just think what I can do tomorrow! And was excited about it .

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  • 2 weeks later...

My sister just had a baby and I am super happy for her I am also really jealous that she has one and I don't. I been told these feelings are normal giving what happened with our baby. I thought I was dealing with it but this morning I read numerous fb status updates from my family going on and on about how 'brave and strong' my sister is because she had a C section. This made me furious to the point I wanted to throw my phone out the window. Brave and strong for having a C section are you freaking kidding me! Try giving birth to a dead baby and then having to live with that. Try returning to work with children because it's the only thing your good at and your counselor says it will be a 'healing' experience. Try knowing that even though you plan to try for another baby there is no guarantees that you won't lose that baby, oh and also you may actually be putting your life at risk because you are prone to blood clots. That's strong and brave not cause you had a C section!

I of course can't post this anywhere and I can't blame my sister for my families stupidity.

it's just really frustrating I get that babies are exciting news but enough is enough. My dad even had the audacity to tell me everything's fine now cause my sister had a baby so I can stop grieving.


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On 4/21/2016 at 8:45 AM, AppleJack said:

My sister just had a baby and I am super happy for her I am also really jealous that she has one and I don't. I been told these feelings are normal giving what happened with our baby. I thought I was dealing with it but this morning I read numerous fb status updates from my family going on and on about how 'brave and strong' my sister is because she had a C section. This made me furious to the point I wanted to throw my phone out the window. Brave and strong for having a C section are you freaking kidding me! Try giving birth to a dead baby and then having to live with that. Try returning to work with children because it's the only thing your good at and your counselor says it will be a 'healing' experience. Try knowing that even though you plan to try for another baby there is no guarantees that you won't lose that baby, oh and also you may actually be putting your life at risk because you are prone to blood clots. That's strong and brave not cause you had a C section!

I of course can't post this anywhere and I can't blame my sister for my families stupidity.

it's just really frustrating I get that babies are exciting news but enough is enough. My dad even had the audacity to tell me everything's fine now cause my sister had a baby so I can stop grieving.


Not that this is likely to help much but...


Try to understand that your family is just showing support for your sister and not attempting to slight or diminish what you've been through. That they love her and want to support her doesn't mean they don't love and support you too.


On some level you probably you probably already understand that and in fact I wouldn't doubt if you do/will feel a tinge of guilt for those feelings. (As though you need another 'kick in the gut' right now!)


That said, I can TOTALLY understand how much of a 'kick in the gut' that could feel like. Particularly with the wound still quite fresh. *Hugs*


If we can help by being an outlet, sounding board, whatever... by all means. Better to get that $&!# out and deal with those emotions than letting them fester. Even if just on CDC.



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On 3/6/2016 at 2:54 PM, falcon45ca said:

Kissed my drummer's fling girl last night, which got me punched in the face 3 times and then he stole my gig money.


Probably the most expensive kiss I've ever had.


I took his hi-hat though, so he had to swing by and pay me this morning.


Got 3 more gigs with him next week! Should be fun.

Which band are you a part of?

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Just now, thejazz97 said:

Haha no worries mate. I was just wondering. My buddy's good friends with a band called Highwind, so I was wondering if it would be that one at all :P 

Blue Rare is the blues band I'm in, Mitch Romancia & The Heart Attacks is another blues band, Smoke Wagon is a cover band I'm in, & Accidental Blackout is another one. 


Is Highwind from Saskatoon? Don't believe I've seen/heard of them before.

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4 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

Blue Rare is the blues band I'm in, Mitch Romancia & The Heart Attacks is another blues band, Smoke Wagon is a cover band I'm in, & Accidental Blackout is another one. 


Is Highwind from Saskatoon? Don't believe I've seen/heard of them before.

I think they're Moose Jaw, but I'm not for certain.


Are you lead vocals? :P 

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7 hours ago, J.R. said:

Not that this is likely to help much but...


Try to understand that your family is just showing support for your sister and not attempting to slight or diminish what you've been through. That they love her and want to support her doesn't mean they don't love and support you too.


On some level you probably you probably already understand that and in fact I wouldn't doubt if you do/will feel a tinge of guilt for those feelings. (As though you need another 'kick in the gut' right now!)


That said, I can TOTALLY understand how much of a 'kick in the gut' that could feel like. Particularly with the wound still quite fresh. *Hugs*


If we can help by being an outlet, sounding board, whatever... by all means. Better to get that $&!# out and deal with those emotions than letting them fester. Even if just on CDC.



Thanks for the support. My sisters super understanding and my mom's being great but the rest of the family are putting a lot of pressure on me on regards to 'Being there' for my sister and going to see the baby. I want to wait a bit till its not so raw or we are pregnant again before doing that but they keep 'guiding' me in what they feel is best.
it's something I have been dealing with since we lost our baby because my sister was already pregnant at the time and thus made it all okay for most of my family.
I do feel my son's been pushed aside because he's dead. I also pretty much be blamed by various family members because we told ppl right away about the pregnancy and because we and others bought us stuff. It makes me so angry that I'd been basically told I am the reason my baby died because we weren't superstitious. My step mother has also heavly hinted that we should wait a full year at least to get pregnant again because it would be bad luck to be pregnant when our baby's birthday rolls around.

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