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Torts was right.


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LOL People are talking like Torts is a dumb and stupid coach. Things didnt work out in Vancouver because our players doesnt fit his style. Dont get me wrong. torts isnt a bad coach, just not the right fit for us, he had SOME good things going, and he has A LOT OF THINGS TO CHANGE .

Wow. This is utterly ridiculous.

A good coach implements a style that is designed to get the most out of his players. In fact, that is probably the single most important thing a coach can do. This was an area that AV absolutely excelled at. His lopsided offensive zone starts for the Sedins resulted in having the leading scorer in the league two years in a row.

Tortorella took the exact opposite approach. He didn't even look at his personnel before decided what style he was going to play, and if the players didn't buy in, they wouldn't play. What kind of coach thinks it's a good idea to have the Sedins on the penalty kill? That's insanity!! Yes, of course, they CAN penalty kill, and perhaps in a pinch they should KNOW how to penalty kill, but that doesn't mean you SHOULD play them on the penalty kill. That's just ridiculous!

Virtually every single player on the team had a down year last year. This has EVERYTHING to do with the coach. If it was just one or two players, you could maybe pass it off as a slump. When it's the entire team, the problem is systemic.

Thank god, thank god Torts is gone. I thought he was a bad hire from the beginning, and sorry, but you're wrong. Hee wasn't just a bad coach, he was a terrible coach who if he stayed any longer, probably would have rivaled Keenan as the worst coach in the history of the Canucks. My guess is that Torts will never work in the NHL again.

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They were the ones who wanted it. It's also not like they were the primary penalty killers.

More like... the Sedins were perfectly willing to obey their coach...& set the proper example of obedience for their teammates, in doing whatever was asked of them. Kind of sad, when their coach couldn't match or live-up to that same standard of loyalty, obedience & integrity in some pretty commonly layed-out directives for your average NHL coach then, huh?

Don't need to list all of the ways, Torts failed his team. We know.

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Being humble and team first..Of course the Sedins said yes...but seriously..!?..Another stupid misread by Torts,who had pretty much ran the core into the ground by January.

More like the Sedins were just willing to obey their coach...& set an example for their teammates in doing whatever was asked of them. Kind of sad, when the coach couldn't live by that same standard then, huh? Don't need to list all of the countless ways, we know.

“That’s something we have asked for all along,” Henrik said. “We did it for Crow (Marc Crawford) for a year, really enjoyed it, did it at the world championships back in Sweden. To be a great player in this league you have to be put in those spots and I think it is going to help us grow as players. I am looking forward to it, but again we are going to have to perform in those situations.”

^They could just be saying it, but I'm assuming it's sincere.
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Right or wrong, he still wouldn't use 4 lines and had a cookie cutter approach to team defense, which just doesn't work for all players...like the Sedins.

I would not be upset if he was still here as long he was going to work within Benning's vision, but I have no nostalgia for him after the crap season he was our coach for. All he did in the presser was tell the truth...which should have been fairly obvious. I am sure he did not want to stay as our coach if there wasn't going to be changes, so he had nothing to lose.

Funny you should mention that,

I almost got the impression he never really wanted to coach this team.

I don't think he liked being out west, probably found Pt. Roberts boring, and aside from Kesler, wasn't crazy about the people he had to work with.

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or that the owner made the decision for him

There is controversy over the hiring process of Tortorella, and whether the decision to bring on the fiery coach was made by the former GM Gillis, or ownership.

Aquilini pinned that decision, made last June, on Gillis.

“Mike hired Tortorella and I supported that decision,” said Aquilini. “I have to take responsibility for that, and that’s why we have a change of direction today.”


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Good coach, wrong era.

Now everyone needs hugs and snuggles instead of an ass kicking.

Selective reading on WD, I see. He's been described as ultra intense and competitive by some of his past players. Don't mistake his "awww, I'm so thrilled to be here and I respect my players so much" to be a sign that he's going to be all warm and fuzzy. He may not be Mt. Torts ready to erupt, but I'm guessing he knows how to lay to boots to under performing players at the appropriate time. I'd be surprised if he wasn't.

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Right or wrong, he still wouldn't use 4 lines and had a cookie cutter approach to team defense, which just doesn't work for all players...like the Sedins.

I would not be upset if he was still here as long he was going to work within Benning's vision, but I have no nostalgia for him after the crap season he was our coach for. All he did in the presser was tell the truth...which should have been fairly obvious. I am sure he did not want to stay as our coach if there wasn't going to be changes, so he had nothing to lose.

We had no players to play meaningful time. Sestito, Welsh, Dalpe, Booth, Weise, all struggled playing. And can't be relied upon playing PK time. Did he over use the Sedins? Yes. Because we had no depth. Notice all but Sestito are gone from that list? Yeah cause they aren't good players.

Two, TWO coaches couldn't get this team to work yet we continue to blame coaches. Maybe, just maybe, we had a bad team.

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Selective reading on WD, I see. He's been described as ultra intense and competitive by some of his past players. Don't mistake his "awww, I'm so thrilled to be here and I respect my players so much" to be a sign that he's going to be all warm and fuzzy. He may not be Mt. Torts ready to erupt, but I'm guessing he knows how to lay to boots to under performing players at the appropriate time. I'd be surprised if he wasn't.

Could not be further from the remarks reported here:


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When torts was hired i couldn't believe it. And then i thought well the nucks hockey people are the pros so they must know something. anyway i ended up being right as i am sure many many fans were.

His analysis above is nothing new that most people were not saying years ago.

Torts will never coach in the NHL again

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I think Torts needs to spend a couple of years on the outside looking in and reinvent himself for this era of teams.

As someone else pointed out, Weise looked pretty good in Montreal when he was given an opportunity to play and contribute. And yet, he couldn't even crack 4 lines here on a non-playoff team???

Yes, some players work better in certain systems, but I don't believe Torts gave him a fair chance here. Torts regarded him as only useful for fighting and he didn't look any closer or try and get more out of his game. I think Torts took a really closed minded approach to this team and decided going in (in his own words) that he thought at the start of the season that this was a stale lineup. He didn't look for ways to rejuvenate them, he made an excuse for himself right at the start of the season. Yes, the words were said in his season ending conference, but he specifically said that he thought that at the start of the season. That is the wrong attitude to come into a new team with.

You find ways to make it work and you adapt your coaching to whatever is necessary to get the job done. He openly refused to adapt, and in my opinion, that is the main reason why he is gone!

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