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CBC screws over Canuck fans again


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Its always like that , the West just doesn't exist! Its always everything East, try running a business and you'll find out the Easterns don't know about Pacific Time, they call at their 8:30 Am when its 5:30 Am here.

They should have cut out the Eastern coverage and started with our local coverage. Very disrespectful for the Canucks and the people of BC.

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That can't possibly be it can it? Thats not a tribute at all.

The Ring of Honour is to celebrate and acknowledge players who made a lasting impact on the franchise.

That is the benchmark for the Ring of Honour. Its not about points. Its not about flash. I'd be hard pressed to find any other ex-Canuck that fans have had the kind of lasting emotional connection with as they've had with Gino. Such a good-natured guy from a tough upbringing that had the toughest job on the team for a long time. He sheltered and made welcome, our most valuable franchise player ever in Bure who was a shy person in a strange land. And he has continued to be an inspiration to the first nations community.

Its nice to have this little "tribute", but our history as a franchise has few and far between highlights and character players and that was absolutely pitiful. I'm so disappointed in Linden for not doing the right thing and making this ceremony about the latest member of the Ring of Honour.

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That can't possibly be it can it? Thats not a tribute at all.

There was no pre-game tribute to Gino Odjick. It's unfair to blame the CBC for this when it was the Canucks that didn't really do much for his tribute night.

WELL I was at the game tonight and here is what went down.

The TRIBUTE for GINO was completely disorganized and really for what that young man is going through and the way it was advertised the CANUCKS failed miserably. They did the first tribute during the first intermission when half the people were not even in their seats. We watched the warm up from ice level and then went to our seats. It takes about 5-10 minutes to get to your seats so we were there before the game started. There was no tribute that I saw until the first intermission unless they did it seconds after the warmup in which case anyone watching the warmup at ice level could not possibly get to their seats in time. What a joke.

The second and last tribute was better after GINO was on the screen and a letter written by him was posted on the screen as well. Then the crowd chanted his name . . . All he wanted to hear was his name chanted from the fans who mean so much to him.

Of course to top that off the CANUCKS advertised a Party on the PLAZA for which there was absolutely nothing.

The whole thing was kind of weird. I was surprised they did all the tribute stuff during the intermissions.

I actually think the mods should lock this thread. There was NO pre-game tribute to Gino Odjick. Nothing was missed except for the team awards and Odjick handing the MVP award to Vrbata. Something like that would never be broadcast before an overtime game. The thread's OP was actually screwed over by the Canucks, not the CBC. The CBC doesn't deserve any blame for this.

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I agree with kilgore. Disappointment is putting it mildly.

Worse than that IMO was how disorganized the entire night was tonight at this game for the TRIBUTE part to GINO. OMG, like they advertised it enough and that was the best they could do. I am telling you it was sad.

I also agree with Bob.Loblaw. There was no pre-game tribute to Gino.

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Real nice of the CBC to play the overtime of this meaningless Habs / Leafs game over the start of the Canucks game. Today is a pre game tribute to Gino Odjick and looks like we missed it.

At least cut the feed in our region and focus on our game. It's all about the east for the a holes from CBC

as much as you hate this, its just the way it is. Why would they cut out a game that they already started? it would be even worse if they cut away from the game. thats the way it goes sometimes and this game was scheduled before the season started. Sorry but the"screwing over canucks" thing doesnt apply. suck it up. And long live gino.

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HNIC/CBC is a nationwide broadcast, they're not going to cut the feed short, just to please a certain region, not matter what the circumstance might be.

That's not the real issue here. The issue is that the OP is complaining about something that NEVER HAPPENED. It wasn't his fault for making this thread, but it IS his fault for not correcting this mistake.

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our game is meaningless too, we already have home ice

who cares


Obviously you were not around when the Gino!Gino! chants filled the arena almost on a nightly basis and your "who cares" attitude really shows how old you are. I guess its really not your fault..... you don't know any better.

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I'm gonna echo the "who cares" sentiment, but from OUR perspective. Gino was ours. He was special to us, very special...GINO - GINO - GINO!!!

I personally don't care what the CBC, the rest of the league, Bettman, the refs...ANY of them think about the Canucks, our team, our management or especially OUR HEROES!

We love Gino, the tribute was for him and us...who cares about anybody else. Screw the CBC.

Oh, and by the way...GINO - GINO - GINO!!!!!

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HNIC/CBC is a nationwide broadcast, they're not going to cut the feed short, just to please a certain region, not matter what the circumstance might be.

No it is not a national broadcast. They air different games in different regions. They have every ability to cut to the Vancouver game in BC.

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That's always been standard practice on all channels (finish one game before starting another). Better to miss the start than the end really.

But a split screen is available and used on a regular basis. You'd better bet if Toronto was a later game they'd have it. So why not allow viewers here to catch meaningful presentation?

Whatever, their loss. But in what world do we start a show on one channel then move to another? Without it being listed as such? Oh yeah, in the TBC world.

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holy *, there was a Odjick tribute? wtf

Let me guess, you became a Canucks fan in 2010.


I am seeing more and more this type of fan who has no idea what this team used to be like and the players we idolized before the Sedins and Lacks came along. 94' was the best summer I have ever experienced and nothing will compare to it until the Canucks win a cup. That team went to War that year and I literally sat at the edge of my couch for 2 months straight. All other players that have come along since then, I compare to those players of past. The work ethic this team had and the players dedication is sorely missed.I feel sorry for the Fans who never experienced that year and I am sure their opinions on the team would be much different if they could have lived through that Cup run.

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