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[OFFICIAL] Mike Babcock chooses the Toronto Maple Leafs

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8 million per year wow is lots. Great signing for the Leafs, they get credibility, a coach that can fix phaneuf and kessel. Leafs probaly will make the playoffs next year. Babcock knows how to implement a system, if the Leafs miss playoffs I will be shocked.

Only you would think Phaneuf and Kessel can be fixed, but at the same time think Baertschi was a lost cause.

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Pretty funny.. Was just watching leafs lunch and they were complaining about guys like you lol.. The wannabe insider.. Breaking news via the real guys Twitter

relaying twitter news into a forum isn't terrible... as long as he referenced the individual who made the tweet and also didn't state that it was "his sources" or "I'm hearing"

I don't know who does the leaf lunch but honestly sports stations get majority of their information from twitter feeds anyways... they just may filter out the crap more than forums would...

Anyways, no team is going to win without a legit #1 centre on their team... Bozak and Kadri are no where close to that.

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Pretty funny.. Was just watching leafs lunch and they were complaining about guys like you lol.. The wannabe insider.. Breaking news via the real guys Twitter

Wow..they asked on Leafs Lunch Eichel or Babcock? And one of the hosts was all butthurt "I'd rather have McDavid". Waaaaah!

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Only you would think Phaneuf and Kessel can be fixed, but at the same time think Baertschi was a lost cause.

Lot of people forget that team was in the playoffs, before they fired Randy Caryle. That team never had problems with offence, it was just the defensive aspect of the game they struggled with. I think the team will gain credibility and make the playoffs.

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Why do people do this? I mean it is likely he'll go to the Leafs, but you're not a journalist, being first doesn't reward you in any way. Nobody is under the impression you are an 'insider'.

I was under the impression he was an insider you have burst my bubble :(

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Lot of people forget that team was in the playoffs, before they fired Randy Caryle. That team never had problems with offence, it was just the defensive aspect of the game they struggled with. I think the team will gain credibility and make the playoffs.

Doesn't matter what kind of system is employed if the players refuse to learn it (Kessel) or are incapable of learning it (Phaneuf).

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... the Leafs may have won the sweepstakes

Why the bleep is the tag for this "Signing" instead of "Rumour" or "Speculation?"

Edit: I see it's now changed to Report, which imo isn't much better when the only info given in the original post is that Babcock told St Louis he was out.

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Front-loaded deal...high salary in first two years


May also have discussed Shanahan taking GM role, or Babcock/Shanahan having final say over personnel decisions.


Following up on @DarrenDreger report on Babcock to TOR, MLSE expected to announce this afternoon they have agreed to terms.

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