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Scott "Wild Thing" Walker


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As per The Vancouver Sun article

I'm surprised nobody has posted this yet....

Is said to not yet finalize his contract with the team but will be involved as player development role. This is HUGE, especially with our influx of kids coming thru the system.

Being part owner and former coach of Guelph Storm, he is Linden's go to guy on OHL player scouting reports.

Imo this guy is like the poor man's Smyl just not as much scoring numbers as Steamer. Hard as nails and has a HUGE heart. Being recently involved in WJC, he knows the current kids.

On a selfish matter...one kid I have been hearing in rumours dating back to last year's deadline....is Kerby Rychel

With Saad, Hartnell and Sonny Milano and a few others ahead of Kerby on the depth chart....how hard would it be to snag this kid?

Virtanen, Boeser and Rychel....all about the same size and weight and same attributes.....would rather have him then going out and spending $7 mil on Lucic.

Just a few thoughts

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i can't remember who else was involved but i remember walker in a line brawl getting his arms held back by one guy and getting blasted in the face by another. his face was wrecked, broken orbital bone i think, but eventually exacted his revenge.

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i can't remember who else was involved but i remember walker in a line brawl getting his arms held back by one guy and getting blasted in the face by another. his face was wrecked, broken orbital bone i think, but eventually exacted his revenge.

ya I sorta remember that. Him and Brashear were definately Bash Bros.

After going to Nashville and Washington, he still put together a good respectable career

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I recall Walker getting badly worked over by Chris Murray ( much bigger player ) one night and then after the intermission out came Brashear, you could tell he was mad, as soon as the puck dropped Brashear and Murray went at and you have to think it was one of murrays worse decissions in his career. He should have let up on Wlaker ..Brashear pummelled him really badly.

As to Smyl he rarely lost a fight and won some fights against much bigger men. Rick Chartraw; 6'2"/205 was one such guy who thought he had an easy night and regreted it after Smyle fed him for a couple of minutes. Maybe his biggest remembered fight wa against Bobby Nystrom. Him and fraser on the same line maybe one of the toughest lines to play fro Vcr

I'd say Walker was a sort of Rypen with skill. Biggest mistake Mike Keenan ever made

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walker was less skilled than rypien but a hard worker i like this hire as for kirby rychel offer up jensen and a blevel ahler rychel would be a decent player to try and developScott walker was way more skilled than Rypien. He twice scored 25 goal in a seasons

Scott walker was way more skilled than Rypien. He twice scored 25 goal in a seasons


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