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[PGT] Bruins 4, Canucks nil


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That was a gutless move by Prust, yes.  But somehow the severity of the act is lessened in my mind by the fact it was the biggest dirtbag of a rat that was on the receiving end.  If he had done that to Bergeron I would understand the anger.

The rat came in here and taunted the fans last year and made an arse of himself by kissing the imaginary ring and lifting the imaginary cup.   A couple years ago he put out Sami Salo with a gutless submarine style cheap shot.  There are many more examples of gutless acts by the little rat.  A little shot to the nards is bad, but its Marchand we are talking about here. Would anyone feel bad if Brian Marchment or Claude Lemieux were on the receiving end of cheap shots? Its not like he is going to ever drop the gloves with a guy like Prust or Dorsett.


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Though I don't condone what Prust did, I bet he barely touched Marchand - for everyone knows what a diver he is.  Canucks have the fewest wins in the league - about what I expected this year - but would like to see a better effort out there.

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1 hour ago, yes we can nucks said:

Well.... he IS a foundational player of sorts.  He's a cementhead!  I mean... why spear Marchand when the game is way out of hand?  Why not set the tone early and give Marchand the aforementioned 'beatdown'?  That would've also fired up the crowd.  Now he'll get suspended and make the lineup thinner than it already is!

Well after all the dirty gutless acts Marchand has pulled over the past few years, I think Prust just wanted to check if he actually had any balls.  And with how much Marchand dives (still the only player in the league to duck out from a hit from a Sedin...cause you know, those Sedins are just goons and heavy hitters and all), I'd say that check is inconclusive, he probably dived.

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6 hours ago, Green Goblin said:

I see what you did there. Blaming more rookies! If you were trolling on that one I applaud you. 

But if not. Then...

You singled out all the skilled guys. You can't just have only grittier guys like Gaunce and Grenier. You need a good balance of both to be competitive against all types of teams.

Other teams seem to get skilled guys with grit. Honestly who was Boston's, LA's, Anaheim's or Dallas's version of Baertschi? I didn't see one did you? Burke may not get everything right but he got that one spot on.

If JB has that attitude we will never break the cycle. Look at McCann, he is no bigger than Sven but he has a hell of a lot more sand.

I see Calgary carrying an under developed skinny boy in their team but jeez can he play, score and make a difference. 104th pick o/a 150 lbs soaked wet but he can't be contained and he takes his licks like a man.

You confuse "skilled" with weak on the boards, won't hit, don't score, have no pushback and are easily put out of the game. 

How do you know Baertschi/Vey/Higgins/Shink have more skill than Gaunce or Grenier?

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19 minutes ago, Darius71 said:

That was a gutless move by Prust, yes.  But somehow the severity of the act is lessened in my mind by the fact it was the biggest dirtbag of a rat that was on the receiving end.  If he had done that to Bergeron I would understand the anger.

The rat came in here and taunted the fans last year and made an arse of himself by kissing the imaginary ring and lifting the imaginary cup.   A couple years ago he put out Sami Salo with a gutless submarine style cheap shot.  There are many more examples of gutless acts by the little rat.  A little shot to the nards is bad, but its Marchand we are talking about here. Would anyone feel bad if Brian Marchment or Claude Lemieux were on the receiving end of cheap shots? Its not like he is going to ever drop the gloves with a guy like Prust or Dorsett.


That's the problem with this mentality. It's the simple fact that it even crossed his mind to do what he did, and to actually follow through with it. It shows lack of respect regardless of who the individual is on the receiving end. Respect in a league like the NHL is supposed to be unconditional. Everyone's competing, and providing a livelihood for themselves and their families.

Your point about if it were Bergeron instead... well I'll put it this way, Bergeron would not do the things Marchand does to such a level where a 4th line goon would spear his stick into his groin area. Apples and Oranges.

Sure, Marchand is an ass. Sure he's a d-bag. So rise above it. Be the better person, when this happens in a 4-0 loss it just shows lack of character, lack of respect, lack of sportsmanship. Honestly, the number of "fans" on this board applauding this move makes me sick.

It doesn't matter who was on the receiving end, it matters who it was on the giving end of it, and that they wear a Canucks jersey. It was utterly disgraceful.

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5 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

Other teams seem to get skilled guys with grit. Honestly who was Boston's, LA's, Anaheim's or Dallas's version of Baertschi? I didn't see one did you? Burke may not get everything right but he got that one spot on.

If JB has that attitude we will never break the cycle. Look at McCann, he is no bigger than Sven but he has a hell of a lot more sand.

I see Calgary carrying an under developed skinny boy in their team but jeez can he play, score and make a difference. 104th pick o/a 150 lbs soaked wet but he can't be contained and he takes his licks like a man.

You confuse "skilled" with weak on the boards, won't hit, don't score, have no pushback and are easily put out of the game. 

How do you know Baertschi/Vey/Higgins/Shink have more skill than Gaunce or Grenier?

And Guance is not gritty.  Maybe some guys are naturally competitive, and therefore show grit (Goudreau) and others just don't have that inner courage to compete?

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2 hours ago, RUPERTKBD said:

I wasn't able to watch this game and I didn't read the previous 14 pages, but I'm just going to say good on Prust for the spear.

Yes, I know it was a cheap shot and yes, the league should (and likely will) throw the book at him, but this is the second time the little puke has pulled the old "kissing the ring" routine in Vancouver and he only plays here once a year.

I'm old school. That type of disrespect merits retribution. I would have preferred an old-fashioned beat down, but whatever. The message was sent

Ok but why did he not just grab him and pummel the cr-p out of him. The punishment would have been no worse and at least it would have taught him a lesson - no more ring cr-p.

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1 minute ago, shadowgoon said:

That's the problem with this mentality. It's the simple fact that it even crossed his mind to do what he did, and to actually follow through with it. It shows lack of respect regardless of who the individual is on the receiving end. Respect in a league like the NHL is supposed to be unconditional. Everyone's competing, and providing a livelihood for them and their families.

Your point about if it where Bergeron instead... well I'll put it this way, Bergeron would not do the things Marchand does to such a level where a 4th line goon would spear his stick into his groin area. Apples and Oranges.

Sure, Marchand is an ass. Sure he's a d-bag. So rise above it. Be the better person, when this happens in a 4-0 loss it just shows lack of character, lack of respect, lack of sportsmanship. Honestly, the number of "fans" on this board applauding this move makes me sick.

It doesn't matter who was on the receiving end, it matters who it was on the giving end of it, and that they wear a Canucks jersey. It was utterly disgraceful.

Hey, nowhere did I say I was applauding the move.  I even said it was a gutless act. I just have a problem feeling sorry for the rat. You want to go out of your way to uphold respect for players that have no respect for the fans or our team then go right ahead, but please step down from your pulpit. 

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3 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

Ok but why did he not just grab him and pummel the cr-p out of him. The punishment would have been no worse and at least it would have taught him a lesson - no more ring cr-p.

Bertuzzi style? That wouldn't have ended nearly as well. I think it is humiliation that Prust was aiming for. Did you notice that the trainer did not even come out on the ice until Rask summoned him?

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4 minutes ago, apollo said:

Willie must go.  He's wasting the sedins glory years. 

Too many damn kids in the lineup... They play like garbage. 

I'm so angry... Stop wasting the sedins peak years. This is a joke. 

Sedins peaked in 2009/2010 - 2010/2011 dude...

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3 minutes ago, apollo said:

Willie must go.  He's wasting the sedins glory years. 

Too many damn kids in the lineup... They play like garbage. 

I'm so angry... Stop wasting the sedins peak years. This is a joke. 

No apollo, Gillis wasted the Sedin peak years. Gillis sat on his hands and threw crap at a SC finalist when what he should have been throwing was quality. It wasn't just the Sedin golden years he wasted either. All the way up to AV and Lu.

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40 minutes ago, grumpworsley said:

Lighten up I am sure Prust Knows that Marchand has no balls so there was no way that could have really hurt him. He was making a play on the puck... ya that's it

its true, if marchand did that to a canuck you would think that it is fine? I was disappointed to see prust stoop down to that level. I dont really care at all, he is all but gone as a ufa anyways, his best years are behind him

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Have to say I find it hard to shed any tears for that puke... right or wrong but he is despicable.

His diving, cowardly behaviour and classless attitude towards everyone, makes it hard not to enjoy this moment.

Do agree though that I would have preferred to see him beaten to a pulp, but since this was never going to happen, this comes a close second.

Find it interesting to see a lot of posters taking the high ground regarding this...Would have thought the turning the other cheek crap had vanished...

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12 minutes ago, Darius71 said:

Hey, nowhere did I say I was applauding the move.  I even said it was a gutless act. I just have a problem feeling sorry for the rat. You want to go out of your way to uphold respect for players that have no respect for the fans or our team then go right ahead, but please step down from your pulpit. 

The comment regarding applauding was more generalized toward the seemingly common sentiment toward the cheap shot.

That's just it, I'm not feeling sorry for the "Rat", I'm holding Prust and anyone else who wears a Canuck jersey accountable for chicken$&!# stunts they pull, like this one.

It's not going out of my way to respect Marchand, quite the opposite. You seem to confuse what I'm saying with what you're thinking. By all means, I can't stand Marchand. But respect in the game means you don't sucker punch, spear, or otherwise cheap shot when someone isn't expecting it.

Prust could have easily grabbed him by the jersey and pummeled the crap out of him and I would have said "good on 'ya", at least Marchand would have had an opportunity to defend himself (which we all know would have been to turtle), but that doesn't matter. Prust's lack of respect for the GAME, meant Marchand had no such opportunity.

That's the point I've been making all along.

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10 hours ago, PhillipBlunt said:

People won't wait or 5-6 years. By that time, this team will be playing to Florida Panther size crowds. Benning will need to eventually get rid of the lazy useless players plaguing this team and get some other players back who can play now.

And he will need to be smart at free agency. He will need to land some real players. No more reclamation projects or 30+ year old players coming back in a trade.

Yes, I know what you mean. In trades you must get players who can play for lazy unseless ones and in free agency, you need to get the players in their prime, below 30 years old, and not washed out signings like Vrbata. All makes sense. Like I said many times, it`s like the Seguin trade that JB was part of, but in reverse. But, if we can`t sign free agents in their prime (because almost no  good players in their prime become free agents), and get value for nothing in trades, then yes the rebuild can be less than 5-6 years. On the other hand, yes it is very possible that the Canucks will be back to 75% capacity crowds. How have JB's free agent signings and trades been since he has been here? That will give you an idea of the future.

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1 minute ago, spook007 said:

Have to say I find it hard to shed any tears for that puke... right or wrong but he is despicable.

His diving, cowardly behaviour and classless attitude towards everyone, makes it hard not to enjoy this moment.

Do agree though that I would have preferred to see him beaten to a pulp, but since this was never going to happen, this comes a close second.

Find it interesting to see a lot of posters taking the high ground regarding this...Would have thought the turning the other cheek crap had vanished...

I like that part:

"I would have preferred to see him beaten to a pulp, but since this was never going to happen, this comes a close second."

So his little act on the ice makes you think that he was hurt bad??? Didn't look to me that he was suffering much on the bench after. Like you said, this guy made a carreer of diving and still people here fall for it, oh yes Prust got him good! When will people here wake up to his act?? Aren't you even a little insulted that Julien put him back on the ice for the next shift? Just to rub the Canucks' face in it! You enjoyed the moment, you enjoyed his acting on the ice after the little poke in his gut area? Amazing!!! You must love good acting.

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