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[Mafia] ZODIAC II: Monkey Business

Master Radishes

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1 minute ago, Intoewsables said:

Was a TP alliance ever set up? I have some info that I don't necessarily want to go public with just yet.

Yes a small one has been arranged with I, Dral, Beluga and one other member.

PMing myself would be ideal as the one other alive member is preferred to be kept a little unknown.

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26 minutes ago, Master Radishes said:

Vote Count

King Heffy - 4 (fwybwed, Dr.Strangelove, DoughtysCheck, Go Faulk Yourself)

Go Faulk Yourself - 3 (Dral, Kazmanian Devil, Intoewsables, Time Lord)

Qwags - 2 (ilduce39, Baer.)

HashtagNucks - 1 (thejazz97)

One one two - 1 (otherwise)

JohnLocke - 1 (King Heffy)

thejazz97 - 1 (JAY JAY)

DoughtysCheck - 1 (Qwags)



KING HEFFY is set to be hung. You may have last words.


I voted just before this was posted. Although past the "deadline."  I counted GFY and KH tied on votes without my vote.

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