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[Mafia] ZODIAC II: Monkey Business

Master Radishes

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12 minutes ago, Intoewsables said:

What are you talking about? You were acting scummy but the bandwagon that followed was even more suspicious. Please enlighten us on how this behaviour is so terrible.

Ya but literally every single game I post anything in you're one of a few people who automatically come at me saying I'm scummy. Been like 10 games in a row lol.

This one though you were very quick to back off as soon as it pick up steam.

It just really had a mafia feel to me from what I've seen from you in the past.

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10 hours ago, mau5trap said:

Whatever, just going to chime in. 

Earlier in the thread, Dr.S seemed a little suspect because he was talking about a lot of side discussions as opposed to the actual game. It was early, but it seemed like he was doing it more than the others. Perhaps a case of appearing to stay active without posting content? I saw that other's had put Dr.S on the top of their lists too, so it seems like I'm not alone. But that was way early on. 

Dr.S also had a few edits which I don't know why no one made a big deal about. It seemed obvious that he was just having photo uploading issues, but if edits are prohibited, then I think the rule should be held up. I bring this up because to me, edits scream "I posted in the wrong thread/chat, let me change that quickly" which is something I have done in the past and got absolutely wrecked on. Just something to consider.

I don't think it's fair to hold that against Dr.S because a lot of us like to goof around early in the game. It's not really a scum tell here unless that's the only thing someone posts for an extended period of time, and it looks like they're actively avoiding the conversation. There are definitely other, valid reasons for being down on him right now though.

Any idea when these edits were roughly? Wouldn't mind having a look at this myself.

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Honestly you guys might be thinking "why does he want this specific person dead so bad? There are other Mafia targets."

Well, we need to band together to get the vote we want. As you can see last night, the vote was swayed at the last minute. As TP we have to choose the most likely target together and then make sure they die.

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Just now, Intoewsables said:

It's scummy behaviour but he seems to do it every game regardless of faction, as far as I can tell? 

I don't really remember how he plays, but just because of past games, I don't think I will give benifit of the doubt. Not when you do it 5-6 times in one round.

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33 minutes ago, Baer. said:

Every single vote except his first has been part of a bandwagon. He has contributed next to nothing to the game.

vote M&H

i don't think bandwagonning is a necessary sign of being mafia. Although it is used to blend it to look like tp, doing it too often would draw suspicion. I don't think milk and honey is dumb enough to bandwagon every vote and not think it wouldn't look suspicious. I think he's just a tp who doesn't know what's going on.

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3 minutes ago, Baer. said:

Honestly you guys might be thinking "why does he want this specific person dead so bad? There are other Mafia targets."

I wasn't thinking that at all.

2 minutes ago, Baer. said:

I don't really remember how he plays, but just because of past games, I don't think I will give benifit of the doubt. Not when you do it 5-6 times in one round.

Let me put it this way: I'd like to see M&H offer up some justifications for the constant vote swings, but I'm not ready to string him up for it due to his history. Fair? 

In fact, I'm going to tag him and get this now. @milk and honey

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12 minutes ago, HashtagNucks said:

Ya but literally every single game I post anything in you're one of a few people who automatically come at me saying I'm scummy. Been like 10 games in a row lol.

This one though you were very quick to back off as soon as it pick up steam.

It just really had a mafia feel to me from what I've seen from you in the past.

Stop acting scummy and contribute like you can then?

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3 minutes ago, DoughtysCheck said:

i don't think bandwagonning is a necessary sign of being mafia. Although it is used to blend it to look like tp, doing it too often would draw suspicion. I don't think milk and honey is dumb enough to bandwagon every vote and not think it wouldn't look suspicious. I think he's just a tp who doesn't know what's going on.

This too, really. It's so blatantly obvious that it's a terrible mafia technique. The whole idea behind that tactic is to do so subtly, not by hopping on every single bandwagon and drawing a bunch of attention to yourself.

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18 minutes ago, Intoewsables said:

I wasn't thinking that at all.

Let me put it this way: I'd like to see M&H offer up some justifications for the constant vote swings, but I'm not ready to string him up for it due to his history. Fair? 

In fact, I'm going to tag him and get this now. @milk and honey

First off in the last 5mins before nightfall, I had just checked in to see what was happening. I see that Aladeen has been killed and then 10ish people votes are dropped. I thought that if I didn't vote I would be killed like I was last game for not voting.  I wasn't sure on the rules and I didn't have time to go read all the rules and find an answer. So I saw two people vote for KH and quickly follow suit because of time.

For the other so-called "bandwagon votes" I can now totally see why you guys would question me. At the time though I saw nothing of it to go vote for someone who big name players had questioned and their answers were not satisfying. I am not an experienced player and I am not a noob anymore. Surely not experienced enough to know every single trick to tell a mafia from a tp.

  Yesterday I was in and out of the thread a lot and  I was actively posting. So to say all I did was join the small of "bandwagon" is false.  This is only my 2nd game back from a couple month break as well. Why would I purposely/knowingly put attention on me. It was honestly a mistake and like someone said.  

Some of those bandwagon votes had a reason behind them as well. 

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45 minutes ago, HashtagNucks said:

Looking at it I don't see M&H as vote swings as much as I see it as bandwagoning to stay with the popular TP vote.

I agree with Baer on how bad it looks

this is something we should look into becuz at the close to the end some players scrambled...and jumped on any wagon. Doughty's gut feeling is the one Im interested in.

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