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JB, do us all a favour and make use of the NTC you never gave Sbisa


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21 minutes ago, DJSkingz said:

Be careful what you wish for. JB could package up Sbisa and the 5th overall for some ridiculous over payment on some mid twenties Top 9 Forward given his track record on trades.

It's funny because it's actually gonna happen.


"uhhhh he fits the 24-26 year old age gap that we're missing... Uhhhh his stats aren't very good but analytics is only part of the equation." 

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12 minutes ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

It's not really about Sbisa or Hamhuis. It's about Tryamkin. And what's best for him is what's best for Hamhuis/Sbisa - in this case, best for Hamhuis and not so much Sbisa.


And I beg to differ but keeping Hamhuis is vital for our rebuilding group. In that he'd be mentoring Tryamkin and safely allowing him to develop. Something you can't say if Sbisa was paired alongside him.

I would agree with you if Hammer had had a better season than he did. Prior to his injury he was being beaten in his own zone to the outside and in board battles. Maybe he could play a role at 3LD but it would likely mean moving Sbisa which I would not be crazy about.

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28 minutes ago, DJSkingz said:

Be careful what you wish for. JB could package up Sbisa and the 5th overall for some ridiculous over payment on some mid twenties Top 9 Forward given his track record on trades.

Another grinder, thats my dream. 

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12 minutes ago, SaintPatrick33 said:


Ask Ferklund and the flames that question, yes Sbisa throws a few big hits but I highly doubt guys are looking over their shoulder for no 5 out there. More to intimidation than just a few open ice hits, the flames treated him like a rag doll especially on the forecheck you could tell it was spizza that was scared

Yea because it was sbisas fault we lost... We were inconsistent all series. It's Willie's fault for horrible bench management. When a phenom like Daniel Sedin gets under 16 minutes in any game of a 7 game series, you've got a problem. 


Luca is good - leave sbisa alone! I should make one of those britney spears videos. 

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39 minutes ago, TheRussianRocket. said:


Tryamkin needs a safe calming influence dpartner with him so he won't get rattled, and we'd much rather have Hamhuis there mentoring him as opposed to Sbisa who would cause a train wreck. Which if is the case, would be useless to have Sbisa's $3.6M sitting in the press box as the odd man out. 


Tryamkin needs a safe space? Must his D-pairing be a trigger-free zone? We'd hate for him to have a tough time... He deserves to be comfortable his entire career.


Look in all seriousness, you do training in practice, not the games. The games are where you show what you have... Tryamkin is young, and our expectations of him must be mitigated due to that fact. However, the notion that he has to be babied isn't really one I've ever agreed with. The best way to improve/learn is through adversity. When the Blackhawks call up a rookie defenseman seemingly every year to be a new regular, they don't play that defenseman with Keith do they? They put that player on a 3rd pairing with the other 3rd pairing D-man, and make him prove his worth. You are either ready to play in the NHL or you aren't. If Tryamkin is going to be a Top-4 defenseman in the future he is going to have to learn how to carry a pairing, and be able to bailout his partner. Why not start learning now? You do him no favours by babying him.

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I think that Sbisa is a better than average 5-6 dman in this league and is 26 so should be coming into his own (his injuries slowed him this year, but I thought he looked pretty good).  Everybody is talking about tearing the team apart all the time and wishing for more draft picks.  I would take Sbisa at this age for the next 5 years over some maybe 3rd round pick that you might get for him, and might play in 3-5 years, maybe. 


We tend to have lots of injuries on the back end.  Have a training camp, see who works, and keep some insurance.  Tryamkin, Stecher, Larsen, Pedan may need a little more time in Utica, that leaves us with


Edler  Tanev

Hutton  Gudbranson

Hamhuis Sbisa



This is a pretty strong, experienced group with some age and youth.  The other guys can and will shuttle up and down with injuries and we will see who should stay and trade a couple of guys at the deadline for some picks next year.

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3 minutes ago, Dixon Ward said:

I think that Sbisa is a better than average 5-6 dman in this league and is 26 so should be coming into his own (his injuries slowed him this year, but I thought he looked pretty good).  Everybody is talking about tearing the team apart all the time and wishing for more draft picks.  I would take Sbisa at this age for the next 5 years over some maybe 3rd round pick that you might get for him, and might play in 3-5 years, maybe. 


We tend to have lots of injuries on the back end.  Have a training camp, see who works, and keep some insurance.  Tryamkin, Stecher, Larsen, Pedan may need a little more time in Utica, that leaves us with


Edler  Tanev

Hutton  Gudbranson

Hamhuis Sbisa



This is a pretty strong, experienced group with some age and youth.  The other guys can and will shuttle up and down with injuries and we will see who should stay and trade a couple of guys at the deadline for some picks next year.

Tryamkin? Pedan? Larsen?

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4 minutes ago, Dixon Ward said:

I think that Sbisa is a better than average 5-6 dman in this league and is 26 so should be coming into his own (his injuries slowed him this year, but I thought he looked pretty good).  Everybody is talking about tearing the team apart all the time and wishing for more draft picks.  I would take Sbisa at this age for the next 5 years over some maybe 3rd round pick that you might get for him, and might play in 3-5 years, maybe. 


We tend to have lots of injuries on the back end.  Have a training camp, see who works, and keep some insurance.  Tryamkin, Stecher, Larsen, Pedan may need a little more time in Utica, that leaves us with


Edler  Tanev

Hutton  Gudbranson

Hamhuis Sbisa



This is a pretty strong, experienced group with some age and youth.  The other guys can and will shuttle up and down with injuries and we will see who should stay and trade a couple of guys at the deadline for some picks next year.

Tryamkin isn't playing in Utica. It's either NHL or KHL.

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Since that Vey story came out, Sbisa has once again assumed the mantle of Canucks' whipping boy.


I like both of them, and Sbisa looked like Duncan Keith when compared to Bartkowski or Weber.


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11 minutes ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

Tryamkin isn't playing in Utica. It's either NHL or KHL.

You will notice that I said "may need a little time" in Utica.  You speak with such authority, he is 21 and played a few games in garbage time with the team.  I think he looked great but they may decide, for his development, that he needs 20-30 games in Utica and then be the first call-up. We'll see. If he comes out of camp on the team I wouldn't be surprised either.


I am just saying that I like the mix of experience, size, and potential with the overall group and I think that there is room for Sbisa and maybe even Hamhuis.


I want to see competition in camp for jobs and right now I think we have a large group that could compete.

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38 minutes ago, J.R. said:

Tryamkin? Pedan? Larsen?

Sbisa is the odd man out here. Benning is talking about working with Hamhuis to get things going. This puts Sbisa on the outs. 


Edler has an NTC, and is looked at as the number one, so he has control.


Tanev killed it at the Worlds, so he's safe beyond words. 


Likewise, with Hutton. 


Gudbrandson is here as a foundational piece. Same with Tryamkin. 


Hamhuis offers history and the surefire proven ability to mentor the young players as proven by endorsements from Hutton and Tanev. 


The chances that Luca Sbisa will be in a Canucks uniform this fall is slim to none. 

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The only thing is do you keep Pedan or Sbisa?


I think the decision comes between both of them. Pedan is tougher and younger and cheaper. Sbisa plays a more mature safer game at this stage and doesn't take bad penalties as Pedan does right now trying to be over aggressive.


I want to see what Trymakin can do yes. Is Hamhuis worth keeping though if he blocks a guy like Phillip Larsen from getting into the lineup on the third pair with Tryamkin though.


Canucks need offensive d-men. Right now the only guy they have pencilled into the starting 6 on d is Hutton.


There is no point in signing Larsen if you are just doing it for depth. Same as Rodin gotta give these guys a chance with some skill players to see if they can put up some offense at the NHL level.


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2 minutes ago, Dixon Ward said:

I said that they might need some time in Utica after training camp, but that there is a lot of depth there to draw from for injuries.


What didn't you understand?

No, it's you who doesn't seem to understand waivers.

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