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[Report] Canucks fire Willie Desjardins

-Vintage Canuck-

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4 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

The coach that played Megna, Chaput, and Larsen over promising young players? Yep that guy deserves a pass...


What was Willie going to do in year four that he didn't do in two out of his three years here? Sometimes change is necessary, even if it isn't all Willie's fault. Accept it and move on.



Perhaps the "promising young players" lacked size, stamina, compete, defensive awareness, all the things these players had and all the things Willie was smart enough to realise helped the other developing youngsters like Stetch, Hutton, Try, Bo, Sven etc from being overrun every night.


Some of us, who were more hockey intelligent were able to realise that, you obviously were left dazed and confused as per usual.

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Murph:  "Green might be a good fit at this point if you want a coach to grow with the team."


I agree and hope they promote the guy who a whole lot of our current young players have flourished under.


I think Green brings some continuity for these young players - that know him - that have played for him - that know what he expects - they know his systems - and they've grown and excelled under him.  He's prepared them well for the NHL game - which he himself knows (a 16yr NHL career) - and he's earned his own shot imo.


Green has taken two groups arguably far beyond their ceiling - the first group that went to the AHL finals - and this year's rag tag group that has no business being in the running for the playoffs.


Imo it all lines up very well for Green, who's contract is expiring.  I like the fact the Canucks gave Desjardins a shot in a transition phase - and I think there is very little to regret there.  Desjardins may not have pleased everyone, but there is no doubt he was good for some very key young players on this franchise.


I think Green deserves a similiar opportunity and there's no better time than the present.  If there were a Babcock out there, I might feel differently, but I'm just not interested in Hitchcock, Ruff, or Crawford, and I like Gallant, but not compelling enough to bypass Green.  I say give this homegrown guy the opportunity he's earned.

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19 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

No danger of that, have you looked at his record. 

The only thing Green has going for him is the fact Willie has done all the hard work.


By the way have you seen the recent Comets results? Way to get the most out of his players.

Willie won the Calder Cup in his second year.

Green and the Comets are 14-7-1 in their last 22 games.


Speaking out of complete ignorance. Green is getting the most out of a pretty average roster down there. Outside of Demko the Canucks don't have a lot in terms of top talent on the farm.

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2 hours ago, MJDDawg said:

Don't disagree.


But that shouldn't be the coach's role. Ideally, the GM should clean out the lot of them first.


The twins are still running the team as if they're star players. I'm sure they had a huge say in signing Erickson but just as Chiarelli traded Hall to set the table for the new captain and leaders of the team, JB must do the same for this team to move forward.

I couldn't agree more.  But I think we're too late on this one.  Edler is not going to get much attention for trading purposes, and the Sedins are at the end of the road, and paid 7 mil a year.  Should have been done last year or this TDL at the absolute latest. 


Going with the Edmonton comparison...

If this year's draft had a McDavid or a Matthews in it -- and we got the first pick! -- I wonder if we'd see an overhaul of management here, just like they did in Edmonton when they knew that McD was a lock?

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1 minute ago, alfstonker said:

Perhaps the "promising young players" lacked size, stamina, compete, defensive awareness, all the things these players had and all the things Willie was smart enough to realise helped the other developing youngsters like Stetch, Hutton, Try, Bo, Sven etc from being overrun every night.


Some of us, who were more hockey intelligent were able to realise that, you obviously were left dazed and confused as per usual.

These are the posts of yours I really dislike. You have no way of knowing your level of hockey knowledge vs anyone else on here.


Are you also suggesting you have more hockey knowledge than Benning and Linden? Because their comments strongly indicate they saw it differently than you do.

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2 minutes ago, oldnews said:

Murph:  "Green might be a good fit at this point if you want a coach to grow with the team."


I agree and hope they promote the guy who a whole lot of our current young players have flourished under.


I think Green brings some continuity for these young players - that know him - that have played for him - that know what he expects - they know his systems - and they've grown and excelled under him.  He's prepared them well for the NHL game - which he himself knows (a 16yr NHL career) - and he's earned his own shot imo.


Green has taken two groups arguably far beyond their ceiling - the first group that went to the AHL finals - and this year's rag tag group that has no business being in the running for the playoffs.


Imo it all lines up very well for Green, who's contract is expiring.  I like the fact the Canucks gave Desjardins a shot in a transition phase - and I think there is very little to regret there.  Desjardins may not have pleased everyone, but there is no doubt he was good for some very key young players on this franchise.


I think Green deserves a similiar opportunity and there's no better time than the present.  If there were a Babcock out there, I might feel differently, but I'm just not interested in Hitchcock, Ruff, or Crawford, and I like Gallant, but not compelling enough to bypass Green.  I say give this homegrown guy the opportunity he's earned.

Interesting.... if you're sold I might have to rethink this. 

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2 minutes ago, S'all Good Man said:

I don't get what you're upset about - he said 1/2 of the 460 days lost were 3 guys.. that just a fact. 


As much as I wanted Wilbrod gone, I think Linden showed a lot of class not taking a rip at him on the way out. 


And they did miss a healthy Guddy and Dorsett. Compare that to Larsen and Chaput. 

I'm not "so upset".

What he said was meant to excuse this year's losing. As if those players would have won the Canucks enough games to matter, was my point.

Linden is a gentleman, agreed.

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9 minutes ago, 4thLineGrinder said:


because he was playing the long game


just would have been nice to see what he could do with a legit roster is all, you said your self the our roster was total crap so i don't think we have the full picture of what his true potential is.  Could be he never coaches again, or maybe he goes to dallas to kick the crap out of us for years to come and has a stanley cup ring before we even make it back to the payoffs?

The "long game" ??

Whats that..? .. where we wait 4, 5, 6, years of hockey and get the same slow development, lacking vet motivation, and attention to a 200' game that we have been getting for the past 3 years? 

Ever enjoy the sunset knowing tomorrow is a new day?.. or do you stay asleep and watch the sun set again?


Someone younger with this group will do well,. My money is on Green.


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3 minutes ago, oldnews said:

Murph:  "Green might be a good fit at this point if you want a coach to grow with the team."


I agree and hope they promote the guy who a whole lot of our current young players have flourished under.


I think Green brings some continuity for these young players - that know him - that have played for him - that know what he expects - they know his systems - and they've grown and excelled under him.  He's prepared them well for the NHL game - which he himself knows (a 16yr NHL career) - and he's earned his own shot imo.


Green has taken two groups arguably far beyond their ceiling - the first group that went to the AHL finals - and this year's rag tag group that has no business being in the running for the playoffs.


Imo it all lines up very well for Green, who's contract is expiring.  I like the fact the Canucks gave Desjardins a shot in a transition phase - and I think there is very little to regret there.  Desjardins may not have pleased everyone, but there is no doubt he was good for some very key young players on this franchise.


I think Green deserves a similiar opportunity and there's no better time than the present.  If there were a Babcock out there, I might feel differently, but I'm just not interested in Hitchcock, Ruff, or Crawford, and I like Gallant, but not compelling enough to bypass Green.  I say give this homegrown guy the opportunity he's earned.

Just say no to another green nhl coach..........

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Just now, 189lb enforcers? said:

I'm not "so upset".

What he said was meant to excuse this year's losing. As if those players would have won the Canucks enough games to matter, was my point.

Linden is a gentleman, agreed.

hmm. I didn't hear it that way. He also said that he and Jim didn't give the twins enough help on offence, so I thought he did take the responsibility on himself too. 

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Just now, DeNiro said:

Green and the Comets are 14-7-1 in their last 22 games.


Speaking out of complete ignorance. Green is getting the most out of a pretty average roster down there. Outside of Demko the Canucks don't have a lot in terms of top talent on the farm.

Well go and look at what his roster was when Willie WON THE CALDER CUP IN ONLY HIS SECOND SEASON. 

All AHL coaches have to contend with call-ups.


I take it Utica are in the playoffs then?


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1 minute ago, grumpworsley said:

I am not sure our roster is crap. Our defensive system is crap. The out passes are not there and either the forwards are not supporting enough or the D is just really bad at supporting the puck when they have it.

And our injuries were crap which led to using even more AHLers

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3 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

Linden is and was a PR move. He was brought in to extinguish the post-Tortz tire fire. Orca did well on that move.

Its the General you fancy, not the Army. Much like Justin and the Liberals. ^_^

What has Linden done that deserves criticism?


He hired the best GM available at the time. That GM hired the rookie coach that didn't work out here.


Is Linden making trades? Drafting players? Signing players?


I don't know why anyone would be going off on Linden. Talk about reaching for a fall guy.

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