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[Report] Canucks fire Willie Desjardins

-Vintage Canuck-

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3 minutes ago, oldnews said:

Murph:  "Green might be a good fit at this point if you want a coach to grow with the team."


I agree and hope they promote the guy who a whole lot of our current young players have flourished under.


I think Green brings some continuity for these young players - that know him - that have played for him - that know what he expects - they know his systems - and they've grown and excelled under him.  He's prepared them well for the NHL game - which he himself knows (a 16yr NHL career) - and he's earned his own shot imo.


Green has taken two groups arguably far beyond their ceiling - the first group that went to the AHL finals - and this year's rag tag group that has no business being in the running for the playoffs.


Imo it all lines up very well for Green, who's contract is expiring.  I like the fact the Canucks gave Desjardins a shot in a transition phase - and I think there is very little to regret there.  Desjardins may not have pleased everyone, but there is no doubt he was good for some very key young players on this franchise.


I think Green deserves a similiar opportunity and there's no better time than the present.  If there were a Babcock out there, I might feel differently, but I'm just not interested in Hitchcock, Ruff, or Crawford, and I like Gallant, but not compelling enough to bypass Green.  I say give this homegrown guy the opportunity he's earned.

I hope that this isn't what happens. It's completely the wrong time to go with a loyalty only based hire. We need the best coach available period. If Green is as good as you suggest, someone will give him an opportunity. But the Canucks are not in a position to do so at this point. 


If they do it completely destroys any valid reason to fire Desjardins in the first place.

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5 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Anyone who is complaining that the roster is crap and that they're not rebuilding fast enough.


There's plenty of fans saying that if you're paying attention.

Well, I think they drug their ass in the rebuild, but still want to see an extended era of finishing bottom 5 to reload the core.

Nobody wants them the peak early and go on to be the next Colorado, do they?

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13 minutes ago, grumpworsley said:

First time President First time GM First time NHL coach ... A roster of rookie/young players....An unrealistic goal of making the playoffs vs the pressure on an inexperienced coach go win games as well as develop youth players. Something had to give and it Was not going to be Linden. So kind of predictable, I am not sure how going to TG will change anything.   


Do you watch hockey? What happened to Boston, Montreal, St. Louis and NYI after they changed coaches. Do you think a coach gets hired on a lifetime contract...He's had a good run of three years, but it didn't work out so time to move on.

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Honestly thought they'd give him the first 20 next year but it is what it is. At some point, we need to stick with a coach. The winning periods of our history prove that. Time to stop blaming the coach and focus on putting the puck in the net.


Whoever is hired will inherit a better team than Willie had - Bo, Baer, and Granlund have emerged, Stecher and Tryamkin will be more experienced, Boeser is here, we'll add missing pieces, and will looking more to the future. The new coach won't have the NTC gridlock and a roster filled with as many aging vets and completely inexperienced youth. And he'll be inheriting a culture of compete that WD put in place along with another Top 5 to add to Juolevi.


With a new coach, I want management to be crystal clear about the objectives and goals. No mixed messages. Can't help but feel management put WD in a no win situation between win now while rebuilding. I think his deployment issues were erratic because of how he viewed the development of young players in contrast to playing guys who were slightly further along. He was trying to win now because he had to at the same time as playing guys who were inexperienced. 


This is a deflectory move to scapegoat WD for not winning now and blame him for not playing youth. The two were in direct conflict with one another from the get go. That makes management look bad, imo.


Bring in a new coach, great, but make it clear exactly what we're doing here. Are we winning or still developing? If Linden is saying Willie is a competitor and wants to win ... they wanted that!!!


We hired Torts for who he was and what he brought as a coach. His approach was extreme and exposed our weaknesses, and this organization couldn't handle the consequences. And then we fire him after one season. We hired WD, gave him a team that went to the first round, and then started gutting the roster to inject youth, decreasing our chances to win while giving him a mandate to develop/play youth, and then turn around and blame him for not winning. Management knew we'd be here at this point. That's why they were calling for patience. Suddenly they're up in arms because we finished 29th. BS. 


Willie's slower development approach is obviously out of step with the radical shift in the league to play youth and the demands of fans. I don't think WD was wrong in the big picture of how he's been a winning coach. Development in the NHL is just being redefined from what he knows. People want to see young stars quicker and would rather lose with young exciting guys than more experienced 3rd liners.


I take more issue with management wanting things both ways and then blaming him for the consequences when chances were slim we'd be any better at this stage. 




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1 minute ago, DeNiro said:

What has Linden done that deserves criticism?


He hired the best GM available at the time. That GM hired the rookie coach that didn't work out here.


Is Linden making trades? Drafting players? Signing players?


I don't know why anyone would be going off on Linden. Talk about reaching for a fall guy.

My only real criticism of Linden is his refusal to call the rebuild a rebuild, and to have waited so long to get after it.

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2 hours ago, Hutton Wink said:

Makes a lot of sense, him going back to the system from whence he came.  Now he's got NHL experience to learn from, to hopefully take that next step.  Dallas could well have been one of those teams reported to have been snooping around at his availability.  Hey, shouldn't we get some future considerations?? <_<

Can not see Willie getting another head coaching job in the NHL after what happened this year in Vancouver......

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2 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

Well, I think they drug their ass in the rebuild, but still want to see an extended era of finishing bottom 5 to reload the core.

Nobody wants them the peak early and go on to be the next Colorado, do they?


so fire the coach so we can bring in someone who can be Really Really bad and we can loose for a few more years and make this franchise great again?

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2 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

Well go and look at what his roster was when Willie WON THE CALDER CUP IN ONLY HIS SECOND SEASON. 

All AHL coaches have to contend with call-ups.


I take it Utica are in the playoffs then?


Willie didn't have to deal with the call ups the Canucks have made this season, not even close.


Chaput, Megna, Biega, and Bachman were all supposed to be Utica's top players. Instead they became regulars on the Canucks.


Utica is right in the hunt despite a revolving door roster. Green is doing everything he can to keep that team competitive. Anyone who doesn't see that is clueless to the situation. 


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2 minutes ago, Westcoasting said:

Do you watch hockey? What happened to Boston, Montreal, St. Louis and NYI after they changed coaches. Do you think a coach gets hired on a lifetime contract...He's had a good run of three years, but it didn't work out so time to move on.

Dude I didn't say changing coaches will not make a difference, I said that I am not sure going to Travis Green will make a difference.

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4 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

What has Linden done that deserves criticism?


He hired the best GM available at the time. That GM hired the rookie coach that didn't work out here.


Is Linden making trades? Drafting players? Signing players?


I don't know why anyone would be going off on Linden. Talk about reaching for a fall guy.

Linden heads the hockey operations group and works closely with his GM when it comes to hockey decision. He's more involved than most Presidents.


He deserves almost as much criticism for the failures as Benning.


Also, this is not his fault, but Linden was a terrible hire. He was put into a very important position with no experience because of PR reasons. It was very shortsighted and ignorant for the owner to do this.

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Just now, 4thLineGrinder said:


so fire the coach so we can bring in someone who can be Really Really bad and we can loose for a few more years and make this franchise great again?

Just don't have Miller in net and let Edler and Stecher stay on as the perfect storm pairing and the stealth tank will be just fine.

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2 minutes ago, 189lb enforcers? said:

My only real criticism of Linden is his refusal to call the rebuild a rebuild, and to have waited so long to get after it.

so, semantics are the only real criticism.

in other words, surface impressions.

19 of 23 players are gone.  that's the underlying reality, whatever you want to call it.

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