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Is Global War Fast Approaching?


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2 minutes ago, Ronaldoescobar said:

Oh I definitely agree. No slight against any of the posts in the thread I just try not to worry so much or you slowly find fear becomes the master. 

The whole thing p*sses me off, frankly. Anyone under (perhaps 35?) has grown up in a world almost on par with Winston Smith's.


The masses are distracted by trivial BS, spied upon, & lied to by a MSM dressed up like cheap wh*res.


I don't think many realize the holy-shyte(!),swiss cheese bedrock our whole system rests upon. Almost 50 myself..& I feel pretty bad for any/everyone under 30. It's hard for them to clearly see/understand what we've squandered.

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I don't fear what I cannot control. If the powers that be want to start a nuclear war then what can a single insignificant person such as myself do to stop them? Nothing. I hope to go out in the first blast in that case because the idea of living in an apocalyptic world is more scarier than the war itself.

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17 minutes ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

The whole thing p*sses me off, frankly. Anyone under (perhaps 35?) has grown up in a world almost on par with Winston Smith's.


The masses are distracted by trivial BS, spied upon, & lied to by a MSM dressed up like cheap wh*res.


I don't think many realize the holy-shyte(!),swiss cheese bedrock our whole system rests upon. Almost 50 myself..& I feel pretty bad for any/everyone under 30. It's hard for them to clearly see/understand what we've squandered.

I think you are right. With respect to the bolded part though, I dont think is necessarily them lying to people (as there are standards they have to adhere to if they are registered as news outlets) as much as sensationalizing their side or one aspect of the story in an effort to make money as readers eat up that stuff up. Left or right, up or down, whichever way you lean, I think you really have to be smart and get information from many different sources to get the complete picture. I am with you though in that it is scary (i know it does kind of contradict my earlier post) to think of the really young people these days and what the world will be like for them in 20-50 years.  

Edited by Ronaldoescobar
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36 minutes ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

The whole thing p*sses me off, frankly. Anyone under (perhaps 35?) has grown up in a world almost on par with Winston Smith's.


The masses are distracted by trivial BS, spied upon, & lied to by a MSM dressed up like cheap wh*res.


I don't think many realize the holy-shyte(!),swiss cheese bedrock our whole system rests upon. Almost 50 myself..& I feel pretty bad for any/everyone under 30. It's hard for them to clearly see/understand what we've squandered.

I doubt many of the under 35 crowd (for certain millennials) will catch your allusion to Winston Smith.  They are too busy Quacking on their gadgets.  :o


just kidding youngin’s.  

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42 minutes ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

Quite frankly I'm hoping my generation will clean up the mess this idiot baby boomer generation created. 

If there is a war, we will Lose any conventional battles.  Our western men are more and more becoming fatter, lazier, and more useless than ever.  The baby boomer generation was the start of the decline, but we are still going down hill.  Any hand to hand combat, and are done for.  That’s why a world war will likely wipe us all out.  We Westerners just can’t fight straight up anymore, so we will resort to nuclear weapons.  Then, everyone is a goner. 

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1 hour ago, drummer4now said:

The world will go down once the baby boomers and anyone in between and after retire... 


A world runned by millennials is a scary prospect..


$&!#s going to hit the fan. 


But hey people will be able to

return their primitive ways..


Sounds like what every previous generation has said about the next. Yet somehow the world still turns.

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9 minutes ago, HerrDrFunk said:

Sounds like what every previous generation has said about the next. Yet somehow the world still turns.

And the world will continue to turn after humans are gone too, just like it did after dinosaurs became extinct.  

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18 hours ago, HerrDrFunk said:

Sounds like what every previous generation has said about the next. Yet somehow the world still turns.

But there’s many factors now that are different. People were educated not propagandaized to the point they are today. They weren’t distracted by mobile devices, social networks and sports to the degree that we are today. Men were men, they could fix things, build things, grow things, cut firewood and had some basic survival skills, things that have fallen by the wayside the last 30-50 years. 


 This is the laziest society(at least in “1st world countries”) has ever been in the history of the world and it’s troubleing should any major global conflict break out. I often wonder if society was to break down... ei; no power, no food in grocery stores, no gas at any pumps, no Walmart-like retail stores open,etc... how many people could/would survive? 

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1 hour ago, Standing_Tall#37 said:

But there’s many factors now that are different. People were educated not propagandaized to the point they are today. They weren’t distracted by mobile devices, social networks and sports to the degree that we are today. Men were men, they could fix things, build things, grow things, cut firewood and had some basic survival skills, things that have fallen by the wayside the last 30-50 years. 


 This is the laziest society(at least in “1st world countries”) has ever been in the history of the world and it’s troubleing should any major global conflict break out. I often wonder if society was to break down... ei; no power, no food in grocery stores, no gas at any pumps, no Walmart-like retail stores open,etc... how many people could/would survive? 

I've heard 72 hrs, in refernce to your last point. 3 days of no bread to the supermarkets, & the SHTF, as masses go ape.


People can't imagine Venezuela, cos' this NA'n lifestyle is all we've ever known. An EMP could go off, & things go to pot, before one can send the post they're typing.


As Aerosmith sang: Livin' on the edge.

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On 1/19/2018 at 6:37 AM, Nuxfanabroad said:

Well..we've made it to 2018(touch wood). Are things heating up in Syria? Today reading Turkey might invade the northern region, against the Kurds.



North Korea



What worries me most, is Washington elites supposedly soon to be exposed for serious scandals. Before these types go down, expect some corner of the world to go up in flames.


Crazy world always feels like it's on the edge.

If you buy into the media BS and all the fear mongering, sure.


In reality, not so much.


I laughed as Global went on about the impending Nuclear war for about 20 minutes. My GF works for EMBC. People have been calling and freaking out about how BC will inform them about the incoming missiles. I almost feel sorry for the weak minded people who live in fear over nothing.

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2 minutes ago, Grapefruits said:

If you buy into the media BS and all the fear mongering, sure.


In reality, not so much.


I laughed as Global went on about the impending Nuclear war for about 20 minutes. My GF works for EMBC. People have been calling and freaking out about how BC will inform them about the incoming missiles. I almost feel sorry for the weak minded people who live in fear over nothing.

Considering the result of a Nuke landing on a city is really quite bad, what point is an early warning anyway?  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Concerning news from Syria. Apparently Israelis sending jets & firing at targets within it's borders(Iranians, Lebanese, & others). One base had Russian troops stationed.


At least one Israeli F-16 was shot down. Countries like Syria & Lebanon announcing they'll fire at all their aircraft.


Does Deep State want a war?


The Distraction of Olympic Games:


2008 Summer Oly's (Georgia/Russia conflict)

2014 Sochi (Crimean/Ukraine/Russia)

Now with Korean games?..


Merely to provide something distracting for a dirty media to blather about? Hmm..these patterns, are pause for thought.

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On 1/19/2018 at 2:24 PM, Nuxfanabroad said:

The whole thing p*sses me off, frankly. Anyone under (perhaps 35?) has grown up in a world almost on par with Winston Smith's.


The masses are distracted by trivial BS, spied upon, & lied to by a MSM dressed up like cheap wh*res.


I don't think many realize the holy-shyte(!),swiss cheese bedrock our whole system rests upon. Almost 50 myself..& I feel pretty bad for any/everyone under 30. It's hard for them to clearly see/understand what we've squandered.

You sound like my grandfather talking about my parents generation 30 years ago....

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