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[Trade] Canucks trade Andrey Pedan, 4th-round pick to Penguins for Derrick Pouliot

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1 minute ago, combover said:

Great asset managment by......Pittsburg

pedan cleared waivers so we weren't losing anything

pouliot was on the outside and destine for waivers would he have been claimed most likely after all he's was the 8th pick

so instead of risking it Pitts trades for a guy that's NHL ready and has already cleared waivers and get a 4th round pick as well 

vancouver gives up it slim NHL D depth, even slimmer toughness and even thou a 4th round draft pick still important in a rebuild. Perhaps if the gm was worried about NHL ready prospects he'd should consider to start drafting some instead of long term project picks.







Colorado has first dibs and are in desperate need of D.

Pouliots favourite team growing up was Colorado. He even said before he was drafted it would be a dream come true to play there.

I think it's safe to say Colorado would have definitely snapped him up. 

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While I was a fan of Pedan this seems like the kind of trade that could swing heavily in our favour if pouliot even half lives up to his potential. I remember being excited about possibly aquiring him in the kesler trade when it was between anaheim and pittsburgh. Hopefully he hasn't regressed too much and TG can work his magic.

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1 hour ago, J.R. said:

And flames fans were happy to get rid of Baer and Granlund too. You really shouldn't base your opinion on what fans of any team think.


And yes a 4th rounder that we can EASILY recoup for even a potential top 4, offensive PMD is beyond a win. If Benning somehow magically drafted Pouliot with that 4th rounder this summer, we'd all be extremely stoked at his potential.

I wish I could triple like this post.

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8 minutes ago, ArkDepot said:

Colorado has first dibs and are in desperate need of D.

Pouliots favourite team growing up was Colorado. He even said before he was drafted it would be a dream come true to play there.

I think it's safe to say Colorado would have definitely snapped him up. 

Exactly. Pitts would have lost him for nothing instead they turned that into a NHL ready player that's already passed through waivers and a 4th round pick. This deal didn't cost them anything.

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3 minutes ago, cory40 said:

I wish I could triple like this post.

And we skipped 5 years of development.


Seriously, if we got a 5 years developed Pouliot for next year's 4th, CDC would be doing back flips. Underachieving thus far or not.

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2 hours ago, WiseOne said:

Folks are right, this is a low risk trade, but part of me can't help but think that if they wanted a defenceman with scoring ability for a reclamation project why not just keep working with Subban?

That's how bad Subban is defensively.......it's baffling that people don't seem to get that

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2 minutes ago, combover said:

Exactly. Pitts would have lost him for nothing instead they turned that into a NHL ready player that's already passed through waivers and a 4th round pick. This deal didn't cost them anything.

GM Sakic out GM'd?

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1 minute ago, combover said:

Exactly. Pitts would have lost him for nothing instead they turned that into a NHL ready player that's already passed through waivers and a 4th round pick. This deal didn't cost them anything.

It didn't cost the Canucks much, if anything, either.

Pedan wasn't going to make the team. And by the sound of it, he isn't the type of defenceman management and coaching staff have in mind for this team moving forward.

You can argue that we "lost" a player here, and you'd be right. Technically. But when you realize that player wasn't going to be on your club in the future anyway, it makes the whole thing moot.

As far as the 4th pick goes, that's easily recouped at the deadline with at least one veteran moving on -> Vanek, possibly even Edler and/or the Sedins. (although I believe the latter to be extremely unlikely) 

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5 hours ago, 'NucK™ said:

How are people happy about this? We could've just picked the guy up off waivers... 

Obviously they felt he might have been picked up by Vegas or Colorado.  Not much to give up anyhow.  At worst, it is a swap of 2 fringe NHL dmen, and a gamble on the 4th rounder.  Worth the risk.

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3 hours ago, WeneedLumme said:

There's a chance that you could get hit by a meteorite while crossing the street, too. So do you spend your whole life hiding in the basement because of that minuscule chance? Probabilities don't mean much to you, do they?

I'm pretty sure the odds of getting a good or even elite player in the 4th round or better has much better odds then getting hit by metorite.


Geaudreau, Datsyuk, Lundqvust, Brendan Gallagher, Zetterberg, Rinne, Benn, Mark Stone just to name a few and even Pavel Bure was a 6th round pick.


Of course chances to get an good or impact player in the 4th round or later is slim. But there's still a chance that pick could pan out to be one of those players. While Pouloit looks like he is going to be bust and, if not a bust, a depth defenseman.



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11 minutes ago, combover said:

Exactly. Pitts would have lost him for nothing instead they turned that into a NHL ready player that's already passed through waivers and a 4th round pick. This deal didn't cost them anything.

I don't think anybody is saying that the Pens didn't manage their assets well. I think what people have a problem with is this part.


24 minutes ago, combover said:

vancouver gives up it slim NHL D depth, even slimmer toughness and even thou a 4th round draft pick still important in a rebuild. Perhaps if the gm was worried about NHL ready prospects he'd should consider to start drafting some instead of long term project picks.

A 4th can be recouped, and likely will be considering how many free agents with no no-trade clauses we signed this offseason. As far as the players involved go, we moved someone with a low ceiling for a player with a higher ceiling. It sucks giving up the size/grit, but considering the potential rewards, it's a risk I'm more than willing to take. 


As for your comment on "long term projects", Baer and Granlund certainly look pretty good right now. 

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1 hour ago, kloubek said:

What exactly are you basing your valuation of Pouliot on?  BOTH these players were not finding success in the NHL.  Pedan was hoped to be a hard hitting, defensive player with a little bit of scoring ability.  Clearly we didn't see much in the way of scoring from him in the NHL but he did find somewhat reasonable success in that regard in Utica.  In fact, season before last he was scoring at a point-every-other-game.  He just (so far) was unable to put together a game suitable for the NHL.


Pouliot, on the other hand, was supposed to be a very good player... hence where he was drafted.  He was more consistent at putting up a point every other game for multiple seasons, but otherwise didn't make much of an impact at the NHL level either - especially last season.  And to top it off, he doesn't even play as physical of a game as Pedan does nor is he as big.

Since you imply I grossly underappreciate this trade (so much so that it was worthy of a facepalm and bolding), I ask you where your statistical proof is that Pouliot is far and away better than having Pedan and the 4th?  Or is it just your opinion, and you feel if people don't agree with your opinion that gives you reason to act condescending?



He was the CHL defenseman of the year, a two time AHL all-star and he's still only 23.  I think it's reasonable to assume he's a better player than Pedan right now and he's still got a good 3 years of development left.  It sounds like his problem, at the NHL level has been confidence.  Now he's with a coach he knows and a coach who knows him and his game inside out.  As JR said, it's certainly no guarantee he's going to put it together, but if he does, what a steal for JB

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1 hour ago, Goal:thecup said:

Couple/few thoughts:


1.  Pedan cannot provide any physical deterrance if he cannot break onto the lineup.


2.  Pouliot showed well, being held by a linesman during a scrum, taking a hay-maker on the back of the head from a third player, getting the number of the cheap shot artist, and finishing off his first opponent with one beauty to the button.

3.  His prior successes (Mem Cup, Stanley, All-Star, etc.), especially with TG at the helm, are considerable, and this change could be just what he needs to perform very well for us in a capacity that has been unfilled for far too long; (plus funny comment from reporter, "since you (JB) were being drafted by the Canucks"). 


4.  Benning's comments in that wee video thing (Twitter?  Forgive me, I am a dinosaur.) suggested to me that he was shopping Subban, when on the face of it, he was praising Subban.  I think training camp showed that Subban and Pedan were not going to be in his future plans, except as tradeable "assets".  This is an area of Jim Bennings mandate that may yet prove to be the most rewarding to the team:  the ability to evaluate and identify prospects that are not going to be on the team, and maximize the return when disposing of them.


Two thumbs up from me.

This.... alpha omega in this story.... 

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