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Team Offense - Team Defense (Poll/Discussion)


Team goals  

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Hi Everyone


Well, if I wanted pluses, I would tell everyone, everything is roses and that we will be a top ten team......hey it happened before!


But I have not seen the Sedins control the play any better than they did last year, and our young ones are still growing or haven't arrived yet......

We have some pretty good journeymen players, and our depth is better, but we lost Miller, and Tryamkin, which neither was replaced....

So does Broeser or Virtanen light it up?

Does Bo go to the next level?

Does Eriksson settle down and start scoring?

Will Tanev and Edler stay healthy?

Will Travis Green's team defense improve us overall?

Have the other teams improved more than we have?

Will anyone step up and reach higher than expected?


So what will it take? Will we surpass last years points? Score more goals? Prevent more goals?



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I would say that we'll get in the mid-70s in points, finishing somewhere in the bottom five; hopefully higher than last year. 4th or 5th from last would be nice.


I say our offense improves by about 15 goals (180-190) and our defense gets 5-10 goals worse (240+). I think there's a chance we get one player to 60 points, but it's unlikely. We might get someone to the high 50s. A lot depends on how good Boeser is as a rookie. We have a lot of potential 20+ goal scorers, but I'm betting we'll have about three, with one or two knocking on the door at 17-19 goals.

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3 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

1. How many points do we finish with?

80+ points.


With so many team improving this year, I am a little uncertain we can do that....but what I am more convinced about is that we will work hard,,,,that I can't wait to see!  Just work hard and I will be entertained!


2. How many goals do we score?

191 to 200.


It wouldn't be hard to see them score 10 to 20 more goals........something has to give!


3. How many goals are scored on us?

226 to 240.  


This is the great unknown for me, as we had so many defensemen injures last year and I believe Green will having them more invested in a solid 2 way game, in the end he may be no better than Willie, but I just can't believe that!


4. What is the highest player point total this year?



Yes and it won't be a Sedin :unsure:


5. How many 20+ goal scorers will we finish the season with?

Four or Five.


I sure hope so!


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Honestly the only thing optimistic for me this year is how many players could hit 20 goals. Horvat, Baer, Granlund, Eriksson, D Sedin, Gagner, Vanek? Boeser?


Unfortunately I don't think all of those will reach 20, and one has to assume we don't have many that will get that many more then 20.



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I think we are going to score more, but we will get scored on even more.. top of the league in fact  :lol:


No 80+ point players and 5+ 20 goal scorers because our young guys are studs.


There's good things that will happen this season, but we are still a basement dweller.

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So does Broeser or Virtanen light it up? Most likely 

Does Bo go to the next level? probably, would be nice to see

Does Eriksson settle down and start scoring? Hopefully 

Will Tanev and Edler stay healthy? I think one of them will go down with an injury at some point in the season.

Will Travis Green's team defense improve us overall? I think he might but bigger question will be around goaltending 

Will anyone step up and reach higher than expected? Granlund

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I feel like our playoff odds were a little to low. We don't have a god awful team, we just have a team that lacks high end talent. We will have 4 lines that can score and 3 good defence pairings. Goaltending will be the X Factor IMO. I hope we can surprise teams this year.

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9 hours ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

1. How many points do we finish with?

80+ points.


2. How many goals do we score?

191 to 200.


3. How many goals are scored on us?

226 to 240.


4. What is the highest player point total this year?



5. How many 20+ goal scorers will we finish the season with?

Four or Five.

1. 85+ poiints

2. 201-210

3. 201-210

4. 60+

5. six


Eternal optimist...

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With the rapid decline of the Sedins Horvat's line will see much more attention from other team's best defenders which could reduce point production for that line.


Once again the Canucks could be faced with no secondary scoring, well no bonafide secondary scoring. Truly they are hoping for scoring by committee, while there are a couple of young guys that might help, the amount of expectations might be too much.


At this time there are only two teams I see the Nucks maybe winning a season series, Vegas and Colorado, maybe.


I watched the first games of the season and there is a huge wow factor even for the team's that lost.

The Canucks will see the backups many times again this year helping with scoring stats but wins? The pitty point could also add to the point total but the Nucks got quite a few last year.


Virtanen does has two step speed but he should, IMO, be being groomed for middle 6 scoring and less for being out there for defence or hitting.


The team will be depending upon an improvement in the PP.


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