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Trudeau more unpopular than popular for the first time since election: survey


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2 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

Sure, you shoud do that. Don't smoke too many bowls.


Hmm you do sound particularly insecure, what happened? Did CRA reject you? It's alright man I am sure you will find work somewhere, preferably in a place that won't having you work Sundays. :P

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I remember this being a bit of a minor "scandal" when it was announced a few months back, but maybe this article can provide some perspective:



Analysis: PM Trudeau is in Paris this Remembrance Day, just as he should be

Young, fresh-faced Canada sent 424,000 men overseas to fight in the First World War and nearly 61,000 of them were killed on foreign soil, far, far, far away from their homes in their 50-year-old country.

Those Canadians rest now in cemeteries all over Europe and their sacrifice helped forge a nation.

So it seems entirely appropriate that, on the 100th anniversary of the end of that great conflict, Canada’s prime minister, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of this year, should spend the day in France, where many of the greatest battles Canadians fought and died in were waged.

Not only that — though that reason alone would be sufficient for a Canadian prime minister to be overseas this year — but French President Emmanuel Macron has invited Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, British Prime Minister Teresa May, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, and U.S. President Donald Trump to join him and more than 70 other world leaders in Paris for a special 100th anniversary Armistice Day service Sunday, followed by a Peace Forum, where those leaders will discuss issues of international security.

Just as Prime Minister Robert Borden insisted Canada should join the family of nations at the Paris peace talks in 1919, so too should Canada join the community of nations in Paris this year.


Read the full article here: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/analysis-pm-trudeau-is-in-paris-this-remembrance-day-just-as-he-should-be/ar-BBPy1G9?li=AAggNb9

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17 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

I remember this being a bit of a minor "scandal" when it was announced a few months back, but maybe this article can provide some perspective:


Read the full article here: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/analysis-pm-trudeau-is-in-paris-this-remembrance-day-just-as-he-should-be/ar-BBPy1G9?li=AAggNb9

Trudeau is going to wear local garb to make them feel at ease.



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100 years after the first major global conflict with 40+ leaders from around the globe attending...yes he's going to be there.  we sent 660,000 Canadians and lost 10% of that entire force when our country only had 8 million people in it.


You're damned rights he's going and anyone who takes issue with that needs to examine wtf their issue is and why

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

100 years after the first major global conflict with 40+ leaders from around the globe attending...yes he's going to be there.  we sent 660,000 Canadians and lost 10% of that entire force when our country only had 8 million people in it.


You're damned rights he's going and anyone who takes issue with that needs to examine wtf their issue is and why

Yep. And I'm sure Sajjan will do just fine in Ottawa....

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15 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

Yep. And I'm sure Sajjan will do just fine in Ottawa....

I support any man woman or child of any stripe who goes and willingly pays respect to the brave canadians who died in any conflict free of bias, personal grievance or spite. 

Anything less is a slap to the face of those who fell.

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On 11/9/2018 at 5:04 PM, Warhippy said:

Ya know.


You really try hard to come off as impartial or as a centrist for not even living in the country but ya tend to fail in these instances.  Miserably.


You can't even own up to the fact that this specific recognition has been around since 94.  







So ya, a lil desperate

No desperation whatsoever.   The guy is a PC machine that is going to pander to every squeaky wheel imaginable.  My birth country is not benefiting in any way with him at the helm - unles of course you are a fan of pandering to issues versus addressing the key concerns of the country.  We see it differently.    I think how a leader of a country acts is a something burger (in case of Trudeau, a non-fat soy processed burger from beans that were grown to soft non-denominational music out of solar powered speakers made by ISIS returnees in their healing huts and transported by doves). 


I do give him kudos for being where he was today.    Honouring the Canadian vets in Europe where so many gave their lives for so many who don't appreciate it - well done.   Apparently the leader to the south (and where I am presently) didn't go outside because it was raining.   On this day, JT was a good leader.




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1 hour ago, Rob_Zepp said:

No desperation whatsoever.   The guy is a PC machine that is going to pander to every squeaky wheel imaginable.  My birth country is not benefiting in any way with him at the helm - unles of course you are a fan of pandering to issues versus addressing the key concerns of the country.  We see it differently.    I think how a leader of a country acts is a something burger (in case of Trudeau, a non-fat soy processed burger from beans that were grown to soft non-denominational music out of solar powered speakers made by ISIS returnees in their healing huts and transported by doves). 


I do give him kudos for being where he was today.    Honouring the Canadian vets in Europe where so many gave their lives for so many who don't appreciate it - well done.   Apparently the leader to the south (and where I am presently) didn't go outside because it was raining.   On this day, JT was a good leader.




We are benefiting though. Not having the current versions of the NDP or Cons leading is a benefit in and of itself. 

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14 hours ago, Rob_Zepp said:

My birth country is not benefiting in any way with him at the helm - unles of course you are a fan of pandering to issues versus addressing the key concerns of the country. 

thats actually not true, if you wanted to see the things that have, and have not, happened so far its pretty easy to find out: https://trudeaumetre.polimeter.org


Its not all "pandering" and virtue signalling, to say so is just lazy. 

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

thats actually not true, if you wanted to see the things that have, and have not, happened so far its pretty easy to find out: https://trudeaumetre.polimeter.org


Its not all "pandering" and virtue signalling, to say so is just lazy. 

He's the equivalent of an American telling you how things are in sweden

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9 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

He's the equivalent of an American telling you how things are in sweden

I've put a couple of those on my ignore list :lol:


I understand that some people are highly annoyed at Trudeau's virtue signals, but the fact is some of it has just been about basic equality and human rights. There's also been good things done on trade, dying with dignity, weed, etc. 


But I would agree with you that there hasn't been a country-changing policy since Harper, maybe even Chretien for that matter. 

Edited by Jimmy McGill
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3 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Our country.  You know, the one you don't live in anymore is actually doing quite well.


Aside from personal debt levels and a looming housing crisis brought about by a decade of artificially low interest rates


The only real issues we face are those manufactured by people to dense enough to realize almost nothing has changed since Trudeau took over from Harper in terms of major country shaping policy.


If you're angry that a PM is trying to make EVERYONE happy instead of just a select few based on gender politics then go melt somewhere else snowflake.


My country, my Canada.  The country i choose to live in and raise kids in is fine despite what people like you continue to say

No, I have seen in Europe what happens when vocal minorities and policies based upon ideology versus logic/science make a mess.   I would love to end up in Canada upon end of work and would like to think it hasn’t gotten to be a place people come to fear raising their kids due to lack of opportunities, divisive policies and widespread poverty due to lack of industry.   

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2 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:

thats actually not true, if you wanted to see the things that have, and have not, happened so far its pretty easy to find out: https://trudeaumetre.polimeter.org


Its not all "pandering" and virtue signalling, to say so is just lazy. 

Carbon tax is a pander.   Canada’s people are harmed greatly by that measure.   But one example.   

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